Charles H H Smith + Alma Gudgeon

Facts and events

Marriage 18 December 1912

SMITH - GUDGEON. A very pretty wedding was solemnised in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Gulgong, on Wednesday, Dec. 18, when Alma, youngest daughter of Mr. C. W. Gudgeon, of "Fenella," Craboon, and Charles H., eldest son of Mr. W. C. Smith, of Mudgee, were joined in holy wedlock. The Rev. R. C. Sands was the officiating clergyman. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a dress of satin charmeuse, overdress of ninon, relieved with pearls. She also wore the orthodox wreath and veil, and carried a Victorian posey. Miss D. Smith, sister of the bride-groom, was the bridesmaid, and wore a very pretty frock of shell pink pailette, white lace overdress, and mob cap of white lace, and carried a Victorian posey. Mr. W. Gudgeon, brother of the bride, was best man. As the bride entered the church the choir sang "The Voice That Breathed O'r Eden." The "Wedding March" was played as the newly-married couple left the church. Subsequent to the ceremony the guests, numbering about thirty, repaired to Mr. R. Thame's Post Office Hotel, where a sumptuous repast, which did credit to host and hostess, was sat down to by the merry party, and the usual toasts honored. Mr. and Mrs. Smith left by the afternoon's train, en route for Sydney and the South Coast, where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride received many useful and costly presents. Mudgee Guardian, Monday 30 December 1912, p. 2. Smith Gudgeon Wedding

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