Ernest James Gudgeon + Ena Meryl Cuthel

No children
Birth: 1910 32 33
Death: 1990

Facts and events

Engagement 22 September 1932



The engagement is announced of Miss E. Cuthel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cuthel, of Goodiman, to Mr. E. J. Gudgeon, son of Mrs. Gudgeon, of Gulgong, and the late Mr Wade Gudgeon. Congratulations.

Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 22 September 1932, p. 12. Gudgeon Cuthel Engagement

Marriage 1 April 1933


On Saturday, April 1st. Miss Una Cuthel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cuthel, is to be married to Mr. E. J. Gudgeon, son of Mrs. Gudgeon and the late Mr. Wade Gudgeon.

Mudgee Guardian, Monday 27 March 1933, p. 8. Gudgeon Cuthel Wedding



Gudgeon - Cuthel St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Gulgong, was the scene of an interesting wedding on Saturday afternoon last, the contracting parties being Miss Enid Cuthel, of Goodiman, and Mr. Ernest John Gudgeon, son of Mrs. Gudgeon and the late Mr. Wade Gudgeon, of Gulgong. The Rev. B. Galloway officiated. The bride was given away by her father. Mrs. E. Cuthel (sister-in-law of the bride) and Miss Ethel Gudgeon (sister of the bridegroom) acted as bridesmaids, and Mr. C. Gudgeon (brother of the bridegroom) as best man. Mr. L. Watt was groomsman. The reception was held at the Town Hall. The Rev. Mr. Galloway presided, and after the toast of the King had been honored, proposed "The Bride and Bridegroom.'' "As soon as a single man hasn't a worry in the world," he said humorously, "he gets married." The fact, he added, that we crack jokes about weddings and marriage ceremonies was significant. In the midst of them one found a lot about the facts of life. The wedding ceremony was one of the greatest institutions that blessed mankind. Those present were wishing for the bride and bridegroom all prosperity and future happiness. The toast was supported by Mr. J. A. Dean and the bridegroom suitably responded. "This is," he laughingly stated, "the best wedding I've been to in 25 years." "The Bridesmaids" were proposed by the bridegroom, Mr. C. Gudgeon responding. In proposing "The Parents of the Bride and Bridegroom," Mr. A. E. Campbell said that all the people knew the parents as well as he did, and that they had lived an honorable life. He hoped the bride and bridegroom would live the same kind of a life and that the parents would live long enough to see them do so. Mr. R. Cuthel (father of the bride) responded. Other toasts were that of "The Press," proposed by Mr. L. Watt and responded to by Mr. T. Amies ("Gulgong Advertiser" and "Mudgee Guardian"), and "The Chairman," proposed by Mr. L. Watt and responded to by the Rev. Mr. Galloway. The happy couple left by car for Manly to spend the honeymoon.

Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 6 April 1933, p. 13. Gudgeon Cuthel Wedding

Last change 3 October 202200:44:08