Harold Leslie Cassell + Daisy Violet Freeburn

Facts and events

Marriage 5 May 1920
Note: Wedding.


CASSELL - BRAKENRIGG The wedding was solemnised at St. John's Church of England, Mudgee, yesterday afternoon, by the Rev. Canon Dunstan, of Leslie Cassell, of Rylstone, and Daisy Brackenrigg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brackenrigg, of Rylstone. Mr George Linder acted as best man, and Miss H. Brackenrigg as bridesmaid. After the ceremony the happy party adjourned to the Victoria Hotel, where the wedding breakfast was held, and the usual toasts proposed and honored. The happy couple's future home will be at Rylstone.

Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 6 May 1920, p. 16. Cassell Freeburn Wedding

Divorce 27 October 1930



In the Sydney Divorce Court last week Harold Leslie Cassell sought divorce from Daisy Violet Cassel (formerly Freeburn), on the ground of desertion. The parties were married at Mudgee in May, 1920, according to the rites of the Church of England. A decree nisi was granted, returnable in six months.

Mudgee Guardian, Monday 27 October 1930, p. 3. Cassell Freeburn Divorce

Last change 2 November 202200:13:22