Robert Daniel Doherty, 1873

Robert Daniel /Doherty/
Given names
Robert Daniel
Birth 1873 29

Birth of a sisterSusan E Doherty
1875 (aged 2 years)

Birth of a brotherHugh Doherty
1878 (aged 5 years)

Birth of a sisterAnnie Margaret A Doherty
1880 (aged 7 years)

Birth of a brotherJohn Doherty
1882 (aged 9 years)

Birth of a sisterCatherine H Doherty
1886 (aged 13 years)

Birth of a sisterClara Agnes Doherty
1888 (aged 15 years)

Birth of a sisterGrace Doherty
1890 (aged 17 years)

Birth of a brotherHubert N Doherty
1892 (aged 19 years)

Death of a fatherDaniel Doherty
17 December 1906 (aged 33 years) Age: 67


DEATH OF MR. D. DOHERTY. With great regret we have to record the death of Mr. Daniel Doherty, of Lambing Hill, near Goolma. Deceased was amongst the sturdy old pioneers of the district, throughout which he was held in high esteem. Writing of the sad event the Gulgong Advertiser says: - It is with exceeding regret that we record the death of Mr. Daniel Doherty, of Goolma, who passed away on Monday last at the ripe age of 67 years. For some time past, deceased had been ailing and under medical care in Gulgong, and his death did not come altogether as a surprise, though the sorrow was none the less, keen among the very large circle of his friends and acquaintances. Deceased always stood in high general esteem and respect for his conspicuous uprightness and straightforwardness. In the words of a near friend, he was a good, honest, upright and outspoken man. He leaves behind a family of six daughters and four sons to mourn his loss, all of whom are resident in the district. His eldest daughter is the wife of Mr. John Smith of Goolma. Mr. Doherty's long residence of fifty years in this district enabled him to see its many changes and vicissitudes; he saw it when the population was thin and scattered, and the bushranger made coach travelling an exciting and dangerous pastime; he saw the scene transformed with the discovery of the alluvial deposits in Gulgong in the seventies, and when the busy stir and turmoil of a feverish and gold stricken population provided a memorable sight. The remains were buried on Tuesday afternoon; the funeral procession was one of the largest ever held in Gulgong, the residents of Goolma, Lambing Hill, and other distant places being present in large numbers to pay the last tribute of respect. The service at the grave was conducted by the Rev. E. P. O'Donnell, assisted by Rev. Gilmartin, G.M., and the preacher spoke in moving terms of the many good qualities of the deceased. Wellington Times, Monday 24 December 1906, p. 3. Daniel Doherty Obituary

Death of a motherHannah Shearman
25 October 1928 (aged 55 years)


DEATH OF MRS. DOHERTY Mrs. Hannah Doherty, relict of the late Daniel Doherty, died at Goolma on Thursday evening last, at the advanced age of 81 years. Deceased, with her husband, settled in the district a great many years ago, and enjoyed the highest esteem of all classes of the community. She was a fine old character, and her memory will be cherished by those who were fortunate enough to be numbered among her friends. She is survived by the following: sons and daughters: - Hubert and Hugh Goolma, Mesdames T. Whale Goolma, J. Smith Dubbo, A. Britten Bankstown, Misses Kitty and Susie Sydney and Grace Goolma. To the bereaved ones universal sympathy is extended. The funeral, which was largely attended, took place to the R.C. portion, of the Gulgong cemetery on Friday afternoon. Mudgee Guardian, Monday 29 October 1928, p. 9. Hannah Doherty Obituary

Note: Men and Women

Men and Women On Thursday last Mrs. Hannah Doherty, relict of the late Mr. Daniel Doherty, passed away at Goolma at the age of 81 years. Deceased was a fine type and was universally respected. The funeral was held on Friday, the Rev. Father Brosnan officiating at the graveside. She is survived by the following sons and daughters: Hubert and Hugh (Goolma), Mesdames T. Whale (Goolma), J. Smith (Dubbo), A. Britten (Bankstown), Misses Kitty and Susie (Sydney) and Grace (Goolma). Wellington Times, Thursday 1 November 1928, p. 11. Hannah Doherty Obituary

Death of a brotherHugh Doherty
1934 (aged 61 years)


DEATHS Mr. Hugh Doherty A MILITARY funeral was accorded Mr. Hugh Doherty, who has been a very highly respected resident of Goolma all his life, in Gulgong on Tuesday afternoon. The late Mr Doherty, who was 55 years of age, had been a patient in the Gulgong District Hospital for some weeks, having been ailing for about two years. Born at Goolma he attended the Lambing Hill school and then went on the land. A son of the late Mr Daniel Doherty, he was one of the most highly esteemed residents of the district and evidence of his popularity was the large cortege to the graveside, where the Rev. Father Crowe officiated. Before the war, deceased was one of the leading cricketers of the Goolma district and was a fast bowler. His war service, during which he was badly wounded, having been shot through the shoulder and other parts of the body, left him anything but his former self. He nearly captured the Governors when the whole countryside was endeavoring to get on their tracks. He was eight weeks away on the search. A widow and the following family are left to mourn their loss: Cliff, Gerald, Margaret and Daniel, all of whom attend the Goolma school. Cliff recently passed the Q.C examination. The following are his brothers and sisters: Messrs R. D. Doherty, John Doherty, Hubert Doherty, Mesdames A. Britten (Sydney), J. Smith (Dubbo), T. H. Whale and Misses S. Doherty (Sydney), K. Doherty (Sydney), and Grace Doherty. At the graveside Pte. W. Allan sounded the Last Post. The arrangements were carried out by Mr. R. S. Bayliss. Our sympathy is extended. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 6 December 1934, p. 13. Hugh Doherty Obituary

Death of a sisterAnnie Margaret A Doherty
1973 (aged 100 years)

Death of a sisterAnnie Margaret A Doherty
1973 (aged 100 years)

Death of a sisterClara Agnes Doherty
1974 (aged 101 years)

Family with parents
Marriage Marriage1871
1 year
elder sister
3 years
3 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
Birth: 1878 34
Death: 1934
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
5 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother