Ellen Kearney, 18711925 (aged 54 years)

Ellen /Kearney/
Given names
Married name
Ellen /McKenna/
Birth about 1871

MarriageWilliam Herbert McKennaView this family
1896 (aged 25 years)

Birth of a sonAmanda L McKenna
1897 (aged 26 years)

Birth of a sonWilliam J H McKenna
1899 (aged 28 years)

Birth of a sonNeil Louis McKenna
1903 (aged 32 years)

Death of a sonAmanda L McKenna
1904 (aged 33 years)

Death of a sonWilliam J H McKenna
1904 (aged 33 years)

Birth of a sonBede Edwin McKenna
28 June 1908 (aged 37 years)

Birth of a daughterEllen M McKenna
1910 (aged 39 years)

Death 23 January 1925 (aged 54 years)

Note: Late Mrs W. McKenna

Late Mrs W. McKenna RYLSTONE LOSES AN EXEMPLARY CITIZEN. At no time in the history of Rylstone has bereavement come so tragically as during the past week, when death claimed Mrs. W. H. McKenna. On Friday evening, about 7 p.m., whilst in her home, the deceased lady was attacked with a paralytic stroke, and although everything possible was done she passed away before midnight. As the news spread from end to end of the district, the deepest feelings of regret and sympathy for the bereaved husband and family were expressed. No person will be more missed from the daily associations of Rylstone, and the reasons why are many. For quite 30 years ago the late Mrs. McKenna enjoyed great popularity in the town and district by reason of her bright disposition and noble character. She was a model mother and wife, kind, devoted and the personification of goodness. No deserving case failed to appeal to her. In sickness and in trouble she was 'a ministering angel to everybody, irrespective of class or creed. To her aged mother (Mrs. Kerney) who survives, the deceased was devoted to the end. Prior to the funeral, which was held on Sunday afternoon, service was held in St. Malachi's R.C. Church by the Rev. Father Corbett. The cortege was one of the largest that has ever moved from Rylstone. All sections of citizens paid a last tribute to one whose useful and admirable life was closed at 54 years. Many beautiful floral tributes were placed an the coffin. The chief mourners at the graveside were Mr. W. H. McKenna (husband), Miss Nellie (daughter) Neil, Bede (sons), Mrs. H. Babidge (sister), Mr. L. Kerney, Katoomba (ber). Mr. and Mrs. McKenna, Mudgee (ber and sister in law) (Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, Thursday 29 January 1925, page 10).

Family with William Herbert McKenna
Birth: 1872
Death: 5 March 1942St Vincents Hospital, Darlinghurst, New South Wales, Australia
Marriage Marriage1896
2 years
3 years
10 years
Bede Edwin McKenna 1939
Birth: 28 June 1908 36 37
Death: 27 July 1970
-5 years
8 years

Late Mrs W. McKenna RYLSTONE LOSES AN EXEMPLARY CITIZEN. At no time in the history of Rylstone has bereavement come so tragically as during the past week, when death claimed Mrs. W. H. McKenna. On Friday evening, about 7 p.m., whilst in her home, the deceased lady was attacked with a paralytic stroke, and although everything possible was done she passed away before midnight. As the news spread from end to end of the district, the deepest feelings of regret and sympathy for the bereaved husband and family were expressed. No person will be more missed from the daily associations of Rylstone, and the reasons why are many. For quite 30 years ago the late Mrs. McKenna enjoyed great popularity in the town and district by reason of her bright disposition and noble character. She was a model mother and wife, kind, devoted and the personification of goodness. No deserving case failed to appeal to her. In sickness and in trouble she was 'a ministering angel to everybody, irrespective of class or creed. To her aged mother (Mrs. Kerney) who survives, the deceased was devoted to the end. Prior to the funeral, which was held on Sunday afternoon, service was held in St. Malachi's R.C. Church by the Rev. Father Corbett. The cortege was one of the largest that has ever moved from Rylstone. All sections of citizens paid a last tribute to one whose useful and admirable life was closed at 54 years. Many beautiful floral tributes were placed an the coffin. The chief mourners at the graveside were Mr. W. H. McKenna (husband), Miss Nellie (daughter) Neil, Bede (sons), Mrs. H. Babidge (sister), Mr. L. Kerney, Katoomba (ber). Mr. and Mrs. McKenna, Mudgee (ber and sister in law) (Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, Thursday 29 January 1925, page 10).