John Croskery Currie, 19051958 (aged 53 years)

John Croskery /Currie/
Given names
John Croskery
Birth 1905 31 23

Birth of a brotherWilliam Colin Currie
1907 (aged 2 years)

Birth of a brotherKenneth Currie
1908 (aged 3 years)

Death of a brotherKenneth Currie
1908 (aged 3 years)

Birth of a sisterMinnie Currie
1909 (aged 4 years)

Death of a sisterMinnie Currie
1909 (aged 4 years)

Birth of a sisterMargaret A Currie
1910 (aged 5 years)

Birth of a sisterIsabel Ina Currie
7 May 1912 (aged 7 years)

Birth of a sisterKathleen J Currie
1913 (aged 8 years)

Birth of a brotherUnnamed Male Currie
1915 (aged 10 years)

Death of a brotherUnnamed Male Currie
1915 (aged 10 years)

Birth of a brotherInfant Currie
1916 (aged 11 years)

Death of a brotherInfant Currie
1916 (aged 11 years)

Birth of a brotherStanley Martin Currie
4 March 1917 (aged 12 years)

Death of a sisterMuriel Currie
1922 (aged 17 years)

Birth of a brotherArthur James Currie
about 1922 (aged 17 years)

Death of a maternal grandfatherWilliam McQuiggin
25 October 1924 (aged 19 years)

Note: Death of Rylstone Resident

Death of Rylstone Resident MR. WILLIAM McQUIGGIN. The death of Mr. William McQuiggin occurred at his residence, Rylstone, on Saturday. Deceased had contracted pneumonia, and despite all that medical care and skilful nursing could do he never rallied, his age of 76 being against him. The family were all at home, and though hope at times brightened their feeling, the patient never seemed to sustain any improvement he made, and he passed away to the great beyond in the bosom of his family. Mr. McQuiggan was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McQuiggin, who first settled in this country at Picton, leaving their son for the time being with relatives in Ireland. Deceased, who was a native of County Down, Ireland, came to Australia a few years later and worked at various places. At the end of six years he returned to Ireland and claimed the sweet heart he had left behind. He returned to this country, and 40 years lived at Rylstone. He first settled at Pinnacle Swamp. Like most of our early pioneers he came seeking his fortune in the new land. He was contented with his first choice and commenced to lay the foundation of his independence at his property called 'Darley Oak.' Here he found the long years of toil and anxiety. He stuck to the helm with the determination characteristic of the pioneer spirit, and won through. With his wife helping and the family be coming useful the turn of fortune came, and once the high tide of prosperity had been reached he never looked back. The result of his triumph enabled him in the latter portion of his life to retire to a town residence, and hand the farm over to his sons. The late William McQuiggin was a fine citizen a man who attended his own business and left the other chap alone. He was charitable in the best sense, and was ever ready to do a good turn. In addition to a widow he leaves a family of three sons and four daughters to mourn his loss. They are, George Arthur, Rockville, Rylstone; Stanley James, Craig more, Rylstone; Edwin John, Su preme Court, Sydney; Mrs. R. J. Patterson, North Bridge, Sydney; Mrs. Martin Curry, Athlone, Ryl stone; Miss Jean, public school teacher Roseville; Miss Mabel, Rylstone. The funeral rook place on Sun-day, and the large assemblage was a very marked tribute to the memory to the deceased, and respect in which the family is held. Many beautiful wreaths were placed on the grave. The Rev. Riley, Presbyterian, conducted the funeral service, and in an eloquent address to the memory of the de-ceased citizen, he eulogized his worth as a father, a townsman and churchman.

MR. G. A. McQUIGGIN Mr. George Arthur McQuiggin, of 'Rockville,' Rylstone, passed away on Tuesday of last week, aged 70 years and burial took place to the Presbyterian portion of the Rylstone General Cemetery the following day, the services being conducted by Rev. Wray, of Katoomba, and Mr. McLeod, of Kandos. The late Mr. McQuiggin is survived by his wife and son, to whom sincere sympathy is extended in their loss (Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, Thursday 28 January 1954, page 19).), Rylstone; Stanley James, Craigmore, Rylstone; Edwin John, Supreme Court, Sydney; Mrs. R. J. Patterson, North Bridge, Sydney; Mrs. Martin Curry, Athlone, Rylstone; Miss Jean, public school teacher Roseville; Miss Mabel, Rylstone. The funeral rook place on Sunday, and the large assemblage was a very marked tribute to the memory to the deceased, and respect in which the family is held. Many beautiful wreaths were placed on the grave. The Rev. Riley, Presbyterian, conducted the funeral service, and in an eloquent address to the memory of the deceased citizen, he eulogized his worth as a father, a townsman and churchman (Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, Thursday 30 October 1924, page 8).

Death of a maternal grandmotherMargaret
12 February 1929 (aged 24 years)

OBITUARY MRS. MARGARET McQUIGGIN. After a long and painful illness Mrs Margaret McQuiggin passed away at her residence, "Kinallan" Mudgee Street Rylstone. The late Mrs. McQuiggin was born at Craigie-Crevie, County Down, Ireland, in 1852, and came to this country as a bride and with her husband, the late William McQuiggin, they made their home at Craigmore, Rylstone, about 1879. Her sweet nature and hospitable ways made her beloved by all who knew her and though far from her own kith and kin she never lacked for friends. A staunch Presbyterian she loved the old Kirk of her forefathers, yet was ever ready to assist all creeds. She is survived by three sons and four daughters. Captain S. J. McQuiggin, of Craigmore, Rylstone, Mr. E. J. McQuiggin, solicitor of Sydney, both of whom served with distinction in the Great War, Mr. G. A. McQuiggin, of Rockville, and Mrs. Martin Currie, of "Athlone," Camboon, Rylstone, Mrs R. J. Patterson, of "Grose Vale," Richmond. Miss A. J. McQuiggin, of Rylstone public school, and Miss M. E. McQuiggin, of "Kinallan," Mudgee-street, Rylstone. The late William McQuiggin predeceased his wife by four years (Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, Thursday 21 February 1929, page 27).

Note: DEATH: McQUIGGIN.-February 12, 1929. at her residence, Rylstone, Margaret McQuiggin, beloved mother…

DEATH: McQUIGGIN.-February 12, 1929. at her residence, Rylstone, Margaret McQuiggin, beloved mother of Mary, George. Jennie, Mabel, Ina, Stan, and Jack, aged 76 years. At rest (Sydney Morning Herald, Friday 15 February 1929, page 12).

MarriageEmily Freida ThompsonView this family
1930 (aged 25 years)

Death of a wifeEmily Freida Thompson
16 October 1946 (aged 41 years)

Death of a motherMary Isabella McQuiggin
27 March 1948 (aged 43 years)

Burial of a motherMary Isabella McQuiggin
after 27 March 1948 (aged 43 years)
Note: Headstone reads:

Headstone reads: In loving memory of my loving wife & our dear mother Mary I Currie Died 27 Mar 1948 Aged 66 years

Death 22 May 1958 (aged 53 years)

DEATHS CURRIE, John Croskery. May 22, 1958, at Balgowlah, of Rylstone, loved husband of Joan, and loved father of Gwendoline (Mrs. G. E. Heywood), John, Warren (deceased), and Lynette, aged 52 years. Sydney Morning Herald, Friday May 23, 1958. Death John Croskery Currie

Note: Mainly About People

Mainly About People Mudgee District Personalities The death occurred in a private hospital at Balgowlah last night of Mr. John Croskery Currie, aged 53 of Cox Street, Rylstone. Deceased is survived by a widow, one son and two daughters, to whom deepest sympathy is extended in their sad loss. Full particulars will appear in a later issue. Of this paper. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 22 May 1958 p. 13. Death John Croskery Currie

Note: Rylstone-Kandos News

Rylstone-Kandos News Obituary Mr. J. C. Currie The Rylstone district lost yet another well known resident in the passing on Thursday last of Mr. J. C. Currie, in Sydney after a brief illness. The late Mr. Currie, who was 52 years of age, was the eldest son of Mr. Martin Currie, of “Kia Mena,” and the late Mrs. M. Currie.he was very highly esteemed throughout the whole Western District. Deceased conducted an auctioneering business in Rylstone for a number of years, then later bought properties in the Rylstone, Mudgee and Bourke districts. Deepest sympathy is extended to the bereaved wife, two daughters, Gwen (Mrs. Hayward, Mudgee) and Lynette (Rylstone), and son John (Bourke), also to his father, Mr. Martin Currie, four sisters Margaret (Mrs. Thompson, Gulgong), Isabel (Mrs. M. Jackson, Rylstone), Jean (Mrs. D. Cross, Balgowlah), and Minnie (Mrs. R. Marchant, Dubbo), and three bers, William, Stanley and Arthur (all of Rylstone). The remains were brought to Rylstone for burial in the Presbyterian portion of the local cemetery following services conducted at church and graveside by Rev. W. H. Ives, of Mudgee. The little church was packed, and people stood outside while the funeral service was being held. The cortege to the cemetery was over two miles in length. Mr. J. B. Simpkins, of Kandos, had charge of the arrangements. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 29 May 1958 p. 12. Obituary John Croskery Currie

Burial 24 May 1958 (2 days after death)

FUNERAL NOTICE The relatives and friends of the late John Croskery Currie, of Cox Street, Rylstone, are kindly invited to attend his funeral to leave the Presbyterian Church, Rylstone, after a service to commence at 2 p.m. Saturday, 24th instant, for the Presbyterian Cemetery, Rylstone. John P. Simpkins, Funeral Director, Kandos. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 22 May 1958 p. 13. Funeral John Croskery Currie

Family with parents
Birth: about 1874
Death: 27 November 1970Rylstone District Hospital, Rylstone, New South Wales, Australia
elder brother
2 years
Birth: 1905 31 23
Death: 22 May 1958Balgowlah, New South Wales, Australia
3 years
younger brother
Birth: 1907 33 25
Death: 1961Mudgee District Hospital, Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
Birth: 7 May 1912 38 30
Death: 6 December 2003
20 months
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
younger brother
Birth: 4 March 1917 43 35
Death: 11 June 1975Athlone, Camboon, New South Wales, Australia
younger brother
Family with Private
Birth: 1905 31 23
Death: 22 May 1958Balgowlah, New South Wales, Australia
Family with Emily Freida Thompson
Birth: 1905 31 23
Death: 22 May 1958Balgowlah, New South Wales, Australia
Marriage Marriage1930

DEATHS CURRIE, John Croskery. May 22, 1958, at Balgowlah, of Rylstone, loved husband of Joan, and loved father of Gwendoline (Mrs. G. E. Heywood), John, Warren (deceased), and Lynette, aged 52 years. Sydney Morning Herald, Friday May 23, 1958. Death John Croskery Currie


Mainly About People Mudgee District Personalities The death occurred in a private hospital at Balgowlah last night of Mr. John Croskery Currie, aged 53 of Cox Street, Rylstone. Deceased is survived by a widow, one son and two daughters, to whom deepest sympathy is extended in their sad loss. Full particulars will appear in a later issue. Of this paper. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 22 May 1958 p. 13. Death John Croskery Currie


Rylstone-Kandos News Obituary Mr. J. C. Currie The Rylstone district lost yet another well known resident in the passing on Thursday last of Mr. J. C. Currie, in Sydney after a brief illness. The late Mr. Currie, who was 52 years of age, was the eldest son of Mr. Martin Currie, of “Kia Mena,” and the late Mrs. M. Currie.he was very highly esteemed throughout the whole Western District. Deceased conducted an auctioneering business in Rylstone for a number of years, then later bought properties in the Rylstone, Mudgee and Bourke districts. Deepest sympathy is extended to the bereaved wife, two daughters, Gwen (Mrs. Hayward, Mudgee) and Lynette (Rylstone), and son John (Bourke), also to his father, Mr. Martin Currie, four sisters Margaret (Mrs. Thompson, Gulgong), Isabel (Mrs. M. Jackson, Rylstone), Jean (Mrs. D. Cross, Balgowlah), and Minnie (Mrs. R. Marchant, Dubbo), and three bers, William, Stanley and Arthur (all of Rylstone). The remains were brought to Rylstone for burial in the Presbyterian portion of the local cemetery following services conducted at church and graveside by Rev. W. H. Ives, of Mudgee. The little church was packed, and people stood outside while the funeral service was being held. The cortege to the cemetery was over two miles in length. Mr. J. B. Simpkins, of Kandos, had charge of the arrangements. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 29 May 1958 p. 12. Obituary John Croskery Currie


FUNERAL NOTICE The relatives and friends of the late John Croskery Currie, of Cox Street, Rylstone, are kindly invited to attend his funeral to leave the Presbyterian Church, Rylstone, after a service to commence at 2 p.m. Saturday, 24th instant, for the Presbyterian Cemetery, Rylstone. John P. Simpkins, Funeral Director, Kandos. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 22 May 1958 p. 13. Funeral John Croskery Currie