William Henry Matthews,

William Henry /Matthews/
Given names
William Henry
Rylstone business opened 3 October 1867


(From our Correspondent)

With respect to Rylstone I am glad to be able to state that it offers more advantages, at present, to the population than it has for many years past, as we have several new establishments recently opened here. First, we have a general store established here within the current year by Mr. Matthews, of Penrith, which confers great benefits upon the neighbouring population, and as may be expected he is doing a very handsome business. There is now no longer any occasion for residents of this locality driving more than thirty miles to Mudgee, where they might get fair value for their money, as many had to do prior to Mr. Matthews' advent to Rylstone. (Empire, Thursday 3 October 1867, p. 5)

MarriageCharlotte WaltonView this family

Birth of a sonCharles A Matthews

Business about 1870
Note: This shop was originally built by Matthews and Staines who owned a store in Bathurst in the late 186…

This shop was originally built by Matthews and Staines who owned a store in Bathurst in the late 1860's. They sold groceries, manchester, haberdashery and furniture. They had an account with the AJS Bank in 1874. Samuel George Benson was their manager in 1872. In 1875 Mr Benson and partner Mr G M Hayward bought the business, later supplying the materials for the erection of the 'Show Room' for the Rylstone Horticultural Spring Show of 1893. (A History of Rylstone, p. 214)

Dunn Probate 29 July 1870

Note: Probate


In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. In the will of Andrew Dunn, the younger, late of Narrango, in the Colony of New South Wales, grazier, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that at the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, Elizabeth Dunn, of Narrango aforesaid, widow of the abovenamed deceased, and William Henry Matthews, of Hylstone, in the Colony aforesaid, storekeeper, the Executrix and Executor appointed by the will of the said deceased, intend to apply to this Honorable Court, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, for probate.- Dated this 29th day of July, A.D. 1870. McCARTHY, SON, & DONOVAN, Proctors for the Applicants, Pitt-street North, Sydney. 3341 6s. 6d. New South Wales Government Gazette, Friday 29 July 1870 (No.179), p. 1608. William Henry Matthews Dunn Probate

Birth of a sonAlbert Henry Matthews

Birth of a sonUnnamed Matthews

Insolvency 16 April 1872

First and Second Meetings 31 May 1872
Note: In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,031)

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,031) IN INSOLVENCY. In the Insolvent Estate of William Henry Matthews, of Rylstone, storekeeper. FIRST AND SECOND MEETINGS. WHEREAS the estate of the abovenamed insolvent was, on the 16th day of April, 1872, placed under sequestration, by order under my hand : I hereby appoint a First Meeting of the creditors of the said insolvent to be holden before me, or before the Registrar in Insolvency, at the Court Room, King-street, Sydney, on Wednesday, the 12th day of June next, to commence at the hour of 11 a.m. or as soon afterwards as the course of business will permit, for the proof of debts against the said estate: And I appoint a Second Meeting, to be holden before the Commissioner of Insolvent Estates for the District of Bathurst, at the Court House, Bathurst, on Friday, the 21st day of June next, to commence at 11 a.m., for the further proof of debts, and for the election of a Creditors' Assignee if required, and that the insolvent may account for his insolvency. - Dated at Sydney, the 29th day of May, a.d. 1872. GEORGE HIBBERT DEFFELL, Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates. ARTHUR HENRY, Registrar in Insolvency. Official Assignee - John Piper Mackenzie.

(New South Wales Government Gazette Friday 31 May 1872 [Issue No 152] p. 1426)

Insolvency 28 June 1872
Note: In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,031)

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,031)


In the Insolvent Estate of William Henry Matthews, of

Rylstone, storekeeper.


WHEREAS the estate of the abovenamed insolvent was, on the 16th day of April, 1872, placed under sequestration by order under my hand, and the First and Second Meetings of creditors have duly been held: I hereby appoint a Third Public Meeting of the creditors of the said William Henry Matthews to be holden before me, or before the Registrar in Insolvency, at the Court Room, King-street, Sydney, on Friday the 9th day of August next, to commence at 11 a.m. or as soon afterwards as the course of business will permit, for the proof of debts against the said estate, and to receive the Report of the Official Assignee as to the then condition of the same; also, for giving him directions as to its future management, and as to whether the Creditors will permit the said insolvent to retain for his own use his household furniture, wearing apparel, beds, bedding, and tools of trade, or any part thereof respectively. - Dated at Sydney, the 27th day of June, A.D. 1872.


Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates.


Registrar in Insolvency. Official Assignee - John Piper Mackenzie.

(Government Gazette Friday 28 June 1872 Issue No 182, p. 1687)

Proof of Debt 20 August 1872

Note: In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,031)

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,031) IN INSOLVENCY. In the Insolvent Estate of William Henry Matthews, of Rylstone, storekeeper. SPECIAL MEETING- FOR PROOF OF DEBT. I HEREBY appoint a Special Meeting in the above estate to be holden before me or before the Registrar in Insolvency, at the Court Room, King-street, Sydney, on Friday, the 30th day of August instant, to commence at 11 A.M. or as soon afterwards as the course of business will permit, for the proof of debts against the said estate. - Dated, at Sydney, the 17th day of August, a.d. 1872. GEORGE HIBBERT DEFFELL, Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates. ARTHUR HENRY, Registrar in Insolvency. Official Assignee - John Piper Mackenzie. (New South Wales Government Gazette Tuesday 20 August 1872 [Issue No 235], p. 2155).

Residence 1872
Note: William Matthews, storekeeper, Rylstone, 1872.
Death of a sonUnnamed Matthews

Birth of a daughterFanny Mary Matthews

Arrested 12 April 1876
Note: William Henry Matthews, charged with assaulting Senior-constable D'arcy by striking him with a tomah…

William Henry Matthews, charged with assaulting Senior-constable D'arcy by striking him with a tomahawk, has been arrested by Senior-constable D'arcy and Constable Laney, Rylstone Police. Committed for trial at Mudgee Circuit-Court. Bail allowed, - self £80, and two sureties in £40 each. (New South Wales Police Gazette, 12 April 1876, p. 112).

Trial 15 April 1876
Note: William Henry Matthews: offence assault; on whom committed Senior-constable D'Arcy; when and where t…

William Henry Matthews: offence assault; on whom committed Senior-constable D'Arcy; when and where tried Mudgee Circuit Court 15 April 1876; sentence fined £10, bound over to keep the Peace for 12 months, self in £80, and two sureties in £40 each. (New South Wales Government Gazette, 3 May 1876, p. 134).

Birth of a daughterMabel Kathleen Matthews

Birth of a sonJames Harold Matthews

Death of a daughterFanny Mary Matthews
8 February 1880

Burial of a daughterFanny Mary Matthews
after 8 February 1880
Birth of a daughterEthel Sarah Matthews

Birth of a sonJack D Matthews

Census 1891
Note: William Matthews living Mudgee Street, Rylstone, with three males and three females.
Marriage of a childCharles A MatthewsFrances BrownView this family

Marriage of a childArchibald BreezeMabel Kathleen MatthewsView this family

Residence 1900
Death of a daughterEthel Sarah Matthews
15 August 1902



An ' In Memoriam ' service was held in the Wesleyan Church by the Rev. A. D. Robertson over the late Ethel Matthews' death. It was delivered in the speaker's most impressive manner. There was a large congregation. (Mudgee Guardian and North Western Representative Thursday 28 August 1902, p. 7).

Burial of a daughterEthel Sarah Matthews
after 15 August 1902
Lease application 4 April 1903


(From our Correspondent)

In land matters settlement more or less is always moving onwards, but the class of occupation is just to suit the means and method of life of the applicant, which is of limited conditions generally. Indeed, it is only on the fringe of the old grants that a few acres can be found, and, when ferreted out, those are at once applied for by the old hands of the district or their sons, who seem to have strong feelings of attachment to their old fields and homes. The following applications have been made since I wrote last, Vis: - William Henry Matthews; 640 acres A.L., parish Capertee, county Roxburgh. (Maitland Daily Mercury Saturday 4 April 1903, p. 4)

Forfeit of Lease 9 March 1904

Note: 105181 Department of Lands,

105181 Department of Lands, Sydney, 9th March, 1904. FORFEITURE OF A SETTLEMENT LEASE. IT is hereby notified that the Settlement Lease specified hereunder is declared forfeited for non payment of rent, in accordance with the provisions of the Crown Lands Acts. The forfeiture to take effect at the expiration of thirty days from this date. JOHN KIDD. Land District of Rylstone. No. of Lease. 1047 No. of Papers. Ms. Ls. 1904-2,604 No. of Application. 9-20, Rylstone. Leasee. Matthews, William Henry. Portion, Parish, and County. Plan Catalogue No. Portion No. 17 parish of Capertee, county of Roxburgh. R. 2,655-1,49B Roll. Date of Notification and Number of Settlement Lease Area. 2nd November, 1898, No. 339. Area. Acres. 1,946 Annual Rent. £ 13 s. 7 d. 8 Date of Notification o! Execution of Settlement Lease. 28 Mar., 1900 (Government Gazette Wednesday 9 March 1904 [Issue No 141] p. 2124).

Marriage of a childJames Harold MatthewsClara May CooperView this family

Application for a Certificate of Conformity 8 September 1909

Note: [Notice of Application for a Certificate of Conformity.]

[Notice of Application for a Certificate of Conformity.] In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. IN INSOLVENCY AND IN BANKRUPTCY. Re William Henry Matthews, of Rylstone. To the Official Assignee and Creditors. TAKE NOTICE that I, William Henry Matthews, intend to apply to the Court, Citizens' Chambers, Moore-street, Sydney, on Wednesday, the 6th day of October, 1909, at 1O a.m., or as soon afterwards as the course of business will admit, that a Certificate of Conformity be granted to me, under and according to the provisions of the Insolvency Acts. - Dated this 2nd day of September, 1909. W. H. MATTHEWS. (New South Wales Government Gazette Wednesday 8 September 1909 [Issue No 120], p. 5025).

Death of a wifeCharlotte Walton
7 May 1911


MATTHEWS – May 7, 1911, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs Breeze, Grass Valley, W.A., Charlotte Matthews, dearly loved mother of Harry Matthews, aged 61 years (late of Rylstone). (Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 10 May 1911, p. 16).

Note: Death at Grass Valley

Death at Grass Valley

Mrs Charlotte Matthews

The death occurred at Grass Valley on Sunday morning of Mrs Charlotte Matthews, which sad event took place at the residence of her daughter, Mrs Breeze. Mrs Matthews, who came to the State some years ago from New South Wales, had been an invalid for the last four years, and for a few days previous to her death had been attended by Dr White. The immediate cause of death was heart trouble.

The funeral took place yesterday in the Anglican portion of the Northam Cemetery, the Rev A L Marshall officiating. The chief mourners were Messrs J H Matthews (son) and Archie Breeze (son-in-law), while the pall-bearers were Messrs M O'Rouke, M Sherman, J O'Driscoll, and R Sermon. A large number of beautiful wreathes were placed on the coffin, and the mortuary arrangements were carried out by Mr J W Purslowe. The deceased lady leaves four sons and one daughter. (Goomaling-Dowerin Mail, Tuesday 9 May 1911, p. 2).

Insolvency 21 August 1912
Note: [Special Meeting for proof of Debt.]

[Special Meeting for proof of Debt.]

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,03.1)


In the insolvent estate of William Henry Matthews, of

Rylstone, storekeeper.

To the Official Assignee and Creditors.

TAKE NOTICE that a special meeting for proof of debt will be held at the Court, Citizens' Chambers, Moore street, Sydney on Wednesday, the 28th day of August instant, at 10 a.m., on or soon afterwards as the course of business will admit. - Dated this 13th day of August, 1912.


The Judge in Bankruptcy, F. H. SALUSBURY,

Registrar in Bankruptcy. Official Assignee - William; Harrington Palmer.

[1145] Free (Government Gazette Wednesday 21 August 1912 Issue No 123, p. 5339)

Residence 20 August 1915
Death of a sonJames Harold Matthews
9 February 1922

OBITUARY JAMES MATTHEWS Mr James Matthews (42), of Grass Valley, died in Fermoy Hospital yesterday morning. He met with an accident to his head recently at Grass Valley, and came into Fermoy Hospital, where he was detained for treatment. He was to have been operated upon on Wednesday, and an anaesthetic had been administered, but a very serious case demanding the attention of the doctors he was allowed to-sleep off the effects. Yesterday morning at a little after 6 o'clock deceased it is stated partook of a cup of tea and almost immediately afterwards expired. Mr. Mathews was a native of Rylstone, N.S.W., and leaves a wife and one child. The Funeral takes place this morning at 11 o'clock in the Anglican portion of the Northam cemetery. (Northam Courier, Friday 10 February 1922, p. 3).



NORTHAM.-A well known and highly esteemed resident of Grass Valley, in the person of Mr. James Matthews, died at Fermoy Hospital, Northam, on Thursday morning, February 9, as the result of an accident that befell him on the preceding Friday. On the day mentioned, Mr. Matthews was attacked with severe coughing whilst at dinner, and he walked on to the verandah hoping to be relieved. There he collapsed, and, in falling to the ground. struck the side of his head on some obstacle, which inflicted a nasty wound. Although, at the time the deceased made light of the accident, it necessitated his being taken into hospital a few days later. The late Mr Matthews was 42 years of age, and was a native of New South Wales. When the Boer war broke out, he came to Western Australia and joined the Bushmen's Contingent as a farrier. After the war he returned to this State, and entered the employ of Messrs. H. and H. Withnell at Northam. After being in partnership with Mr. J. H. Addicoat, he purchased Mr. Powell's business at Grass Valley, which he conducted up to the time of his death. (West Australian, Wednesday 22 February 1922, p. 9).

Burial of a sonJames Harold Matthews
after 9 February 1922
Note: Husband of Clara. Aged 43 years.
Death of a sonCharles A Matthews
3 July 1924



The death has also occurred of Mr. Charles Edward Matthews, headmaster of the Dapto Public School, after an illness from heart trouble. He had been stationed at Dapto for about 2 years, and during that period proved himself a good citizen, taking an active interest in the progress association, the School of Arts, and the Memorial Committee. At the funeral last Saturday the school children marched, and the Masonic lodge, of which deceased was a member, was well represented. He was 55 years of age, and leaves a wife and family of five - four girls and a boy. (South Coast Times and Wollongong Argus, Friday 11 July 1924, p. 17)

Burial of a sonCharles A Matthews
after 3 July 1924
Note: Row L, Plot 52, aged 55 years
Death of a sonAlbert Henry Matthews

Research task
SRNew South Wales Insolvency Index MATTHEWS William Henry Rylstone Storekeeper 16/04/1872 11031
13 May 2016

Family with parents
Family with Charlotte Walton
Marriage Marriage1868
2 years
Birth: 1869 19
Death: 3 July 1924
2 years
2 years
4 years
Birth: 1874 24
Death: 8 February 1880
3 years
Birth: 1876 26
Death: 19 April 1952North Perth, Western Australia, Australia
4 years
Birth: 1879 29
Death: 9 February 1922Fermoy Hospital, Northam, Western Australia, Australia
3 years
Birth: 1881 31
Death: 15 August 1902
3 years
Rylstone business opened


(From our Correspondent)

With respect to Rylstone I am glad to be able to state that it offers more advantages, at present, to the population than it has for many years past, as we have several new establishments recently opened here. First, we have a general store established here within the current year by Mr. Matthews, of Penrith, which confers great benefits upon the neighbouring population, and as may be expected he is doing a very handsome business. There is now no longer any occasion for residents of this locality driving more than thirty miles to Mudgee, where they might get fair value for their money, as many had to do prior to Mr. Matthews' advent to Rylstone. (Empire, Thursday 3 October 1867, p. 5)


This shop was originally built by Matthews and Staines who owned a store in Bathurst in the late 1860's. They sold groceries, manchester, haberdashery and furniture. They had an account with the AJS Bank in 1874. Samuel George Benson was their manager in 1872. In 1875 Mr Benson and partner Mr G M Hayward bought the business, later supplying the materials for the erection of the 'Show Room' for the Rylstone Horticultural Spring Show of 1893. (A History of Rylstone, p. 214)

Dunn Probate


In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. In the will of Andrew Dunn, the younger, late of Narrango, in the Colony of New South Wales, grazier, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that at the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, Elizabeth Dunn, of Narrango aforesaid, widow of the abovenamed deceased, and William Henry Matthews, of Hylstone, in the Colony aforesaid, storekeeper, the Executrix and Executor appointed by the will of the said deceased, intend to apply to this Honorable Court, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, for probate.- Dated this 29th day of July, A.D. 1870. McCARTHY, SON, & DONOVAN, Proctors for the Applicants, Pitt-street North, Sydney. 3341 6s. 6d. New South Wales Government Gazette, Friday 29 July 1870 (No.179), p. 1608. William Henry Matthews Dunn Probate

First and Second Meetings

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,031) IN INSOLVENCY. In the Insolvent Estate of William Henry Matthews, of Rylstone, storekeeper. FIRST AND SECOND MEETINGS. WHEREAS the estate of the abovenamed insolvent was, on the 16th day of April, 1872, placed under sequestration, by order under my hand : I hereby appoint a First Meeting of the creditors of the said insolvent to be holden before me, or before the Registrar in Insolvency, at the Court Room, King-street, Sydney, on Wednesday, the 12th day of June next, to commence at the hour of 11 a.m. or as soon afterwards as the course of business will permit, for the proof of debts against the said estate: And I appoint a Second Meeting, to be holden before the Commissioner of Insolvent Estates for the District of Bathurst, at the Court House, Bathurst, on Friday, the 21st day of June next, to commence at 11 a.m., for the further proof of debts, and for the election of a Creditors' Assignee if required, and that the insolvent may account for his insolvency. - Dated at Sydney, the 29th day of May, a.d. 1872. GEORGE HIBBERT DEFFELL, Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates. ARTHUR HENRY, Registrar in Insolvency. Official Assignee - John Piper Mackenzie.

(New South Wales Government Gazette Friday 31 May 1872 [Issue No 152] p. 1426)


In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,031)


In the Insolvent Estate of William Henry Matthews, of

Rylstone, storekeeper.


WHEREAS the estate of the abovenamed insolvent was, on the 16th day of April, 1872, placed under sequestration by order under my hand, and the First and Second Meetings of creditors have duly been held: I hereby appoint a Third Public Meeting of the creditors of the said William Henry Matthews to be holden before me, or before the Registrar in Insolvency, at the Court Room, King-street, Sydney, on Friday the 9th day of August next, to commence at 11 a.m. or as soon afterwards as the course of business will permit, for the proof of debts against the said estate, and to receive the Report of the Official Assignee as to the then condition of the same; also, for giving him directions as to its future management, and as to whether the Creditors will permit the said insolvent to retain for his own use his household furniture, wearing apparel, beds, bedding, and tools of trade, or any part thereof respectively. - Dated at Sydney, the 27th day of June, A.D. 1872.


Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates.


Registrar in Insolvency. Official Assignee - John Piper Mackenzie.

(Government Gazette Friday 28 June 1872 Issue No 182, p. 1687)

Proof of Debt

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,031) IN INSOLVENCY. In the Insolvent Estate of William Henry Matthews, of Rylstone, storekeeper. SPECIAL MEETING- FOR PROOF OF DEBT. I HEREBY appoint a Special Meeting in the above estate to be holden before me or before the Registrar in Insolvency, at the Court Room, King-street, Sydney, on Friday, the 30th day of August instant, to commence at 11 A.M. or as soon afterwards as the course of business will permit, for the proof of debts against the said estate. - Dated, at Sydney, the 17th day of August, a.d. 1872. GEORGE HIBBERT DEFFELL, Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates. ARTHUR HENRY, Registrar in Insolvency. Official Assignee - John Piper Mackenzie. (New South Wales Government Gazette Tuesday 20 August 1872 [Issue No 235], p. 2155).


William Matthews, storekeeper, Rylstone, 1872.


William Henry Matthews, charged with assaulting Senior-constable D'arcy by striking him with a tomahawk, has been arrested by Senior-constable D'arcy and Constable Laney, Rylstone Police. Committed for trial at Mudgee Circuit-Court. Bail allowed, - self £80, and two sureties in £40 each. (New South Wales Police Gazette, 12 April 1876, p. 112).


William Henry Matthews: offence assault; on whom committed Senior-constable D'Arcy; when and where tried Mudgee Circuit Court 15 April 1876; sentence fined £10, bound over to keep the Peace for 12 months, self in £80, and two sureties in £40 each. (New South Wales Government Gazette, 3 May 1876, p. 134).


William Matthews living Mudgee Street, Rylstone, with three males and three females.

Lease application


(From our Correspondent)

In land matters settlement more or less is always moving onwards, but the class of occupation is just to suit the means and method of life of the applicant, which is of limited conditions generally. Indeed, it is only on the fringe of the old grants that a few acres can be found, and, when ferreted out, those are at once applied for by the old hands of the district or their sons, who seem to have strong feelings of attachment to their old fields and homes. The following applications have been made since I wrote last, Vis: - William Henry Matthews; 640 acres A.L., parish Capertee, county Roxburgh. (Maitland Daily Mercury Saturday 4 April 1903, p. 4)

Forfeit of Lease

105181 Department of Lands, Sydney, 9th March, 1904. FORFEITURE OF A SETTLEMENT LEASE. IT is hereby notified that the Settlement Lease specified hereunder is declared forfeited for non payment of rent, in accordance with the provisions of the Crown Lands Acts. The forfeiture to take effect at the expiration of thirty days from this date. JOHN KIDD. Land District of Rylstone. No. of Lease. 1047 No. of Papers. Ms. Ls. 1904-2,604 No. of Application. 9-20, Rylstone. Leasee. Matthews, William Henry. Portion, Parish, and County. Plan Catalogue No. Portion No. 17 parish of Capertee, county of Roxburgh. R. 2,655-1,49B Roll. Date of Notification and Number of Settlement Lease Area. 2nd November, 1898, No. 339. Area. Acres. 1,946 Annual Rent. £ 13 s. 7 d. 8 Date of Notification o! Execution of Settlement Lease. 28 Mar., 1900 (Government Gazette Wednesday 9 March 1904 [Issue No 141] p. 2124).

Application for a Certificate of Conformity

[Notice of Application for a Certificate of Conformity.] In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. IN INSOLVENCY AND IN BANKRUPTCY. Re William Henry Matthews, of Rylstone. To the Official Assignee and Creditors. TAKE NOTICE that I, William Henry Matthews, intend to apply to the Court, Citizens' Chambers, Moore-street, Sydney, on Wednesday, the 6th day of October, 1909, at 1O a.m., or as soon afterwards as the course of business will admit, that a Certificate of Conformity be granted to me, under and according to the provisions of the Insolvency Acts. - Dated this 2nd day of September, 1909. W. H. MATTHEWS. (New South Wales Government Gazette Wednesday 8 September 1909 [Issue No 120], p. 5025).


[Special Meeting for proof of Debt.]

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,03.1)


In the insolvent estate of William Henry Matthews, of

Rylstone, storekeeper.

To the Official Assignee and Creditors.

TAKE NOTICE that a special meeting for proof of debt will be held at the Court, Citizens' Chambers, Moore street, Sydney on Wednesday, the 28th day of August instant, at 10 a.m., on or soon afterwards as the course of business will admit. - Dated this 13th day of August, 1912.


The Judge in Bankruptcy, F. H. SALUSBURY,

Registrar in Bankruptcy. Official Assignee - William; Harrington Palmer.

[1145] Free (Government Gazette Wednesday 21 August 1912 Issue No 123, p. 5339)



(From our Correspondent)

With respect to Rylstone I am glad to be able to state that it offers more advantages, at present, to the population than it has for many years past, as we have several new establishments recently opened here. First, we have a general store established here within the current year by Mr. Matthews, of Penrith, which confers great benefits upon the neighbouring population, and as may be expected he is doing a very handsome business. There is now no longer any occasion for residents of this locality driving more than thirty miles to Mudgee, where they might get fair value for their money, as many had to do prior to Mr. Matthews' advent to Rylstone. (Empire, Thursday 3 October 1867, p. 5)

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,031) IN INSOLVENCY. In the Insolvent Estate of William Henry Matthews, of Rylstone, storekeeper. FIRST AND SECOND MEETINGS. WHEREAS the estate of the abovenamed insolvent was, on the 16th day of April, 1872, placed under sequestration, by order under my hand : I hereby appoint a First Meeting of the creditors of the said insolvent to be holden before me, or before the Registrar in Insolvency, at the Court Room, King-street, Sydney, on Wednesday, the 12th day of June next, to commence at the hour of 11 a.m. or as soon afterwards as the course of business will permit, for the proof of debts against the said estate: And I appoint a Second Meeting, to be holden before the Commissioner of Insolvent Estates for the District of Bathurst, at the Court House, Bathurst, on Friday, the 21st day of June next, to commence at 11 a.m., for the further proof of debts, and for the election of a Creditors' Assignee if required, and that the insolvent may account for his insolvency. - Dated at Sydney, the 29th day of May, a.d. 1872. GEORGE HIBBERT DEFFELL, Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates. ARTHUR HENRY, Registrar in Insolvency. Official Assignee - John Piper Mackenzie.

(New South Wales Government Gazette Friday 31 May 1872 [Issue No 152] p. 1426)

Insolvency In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,031)


In the Insolvent Estate of William Henry Matthews, of

Rylstone, storekeeper.


WHEREAS the estate of the abovenamed insolvent was, on the 16th day of April, 1872, placed under sequestration by order under my hand, and the First and Second Meetings of creditors have duly been held: I hereby appoint a Third Public Meeting ofthe creditors of the said William Henry Matthews to be holden before me, or before the Registrar in Insolvency, at the Court Room, King-street, Sydney, on Friday the 9th day of August next, to commence at XI a.m. or as soon afterwards as thecourse of business will permit, for the proof of debts against the said estate, and to receive the Report of the Official Assignee as to the then condition of the same; also, for giving him directions as to its future management, and as towhether the Creditors will permit the said insolvent to retain for his own use his household furniture, wearing apparel, beds, bedding, and tools of trade, or any part thereof respectively. - Dated at Sydney, the 27th day of June, A.D. 1872.


Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates.


Registrar in Insolvency. Official Assignee - John Piper Mackenzie.

(Government Gazette Friday 28 June 1872 Issue No 182, p. 1687)

Proof of Debt In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,031) IN INSOLVENCY. In the Insolvent Estate of William Henry Matthews, of Rylstone, storekeeper. SPECIAL MEETING- FOR PROOF OF DEBT. I HEREBY appoint a Special Meeting in the above estate to be holden before me or before the Registrar in Insolvency, at the Court Room, King-street, Sydney, on Friday, the 30th day of August instant, to commence at 11 A.M. or as soon afterwards as the course of business will permit, for the proof of debts against the said estate. - Dated, at Sydney, the 17th day of August, a.d. 1872. GEORGE HIBBERT DEFFELL, Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates. ARTHUR HENRY, Registrar in Insolvency. Official Assignee - John Piper Mackenzie. (New South Wales Government Gazette Tuesday 20 August 1872 [Issue No 235], p. 2155).

Arrested William Henry Matthews, charged with assaulting Senior-constable D'arcy by striking hum with a tomahawk, has been arrested by Senior-constable D'arcy and Constable Laney, Rylstone Police. Committed for trial at Mudgee Circuit-Court. Bail allowed, - self £80, and two sureties in £40 each. (New South Wales Police Gazette, 12 April 1876, p. 112).

Trial William Henry Matthews: offence assault; on whom committed Senior-constable D'Arcy; when and where tried Mudgee Circuit Court 15 April 1876; sentence fined £10, bound over to keep the Peace for 12 months, self in £80, and two sureties in £40 each. (New South Wales Government Gazette, 3 May 1876, p. 134).

Census William Matthews living Mudgee Street, Rylstone, with three males and three females.

Lease application DISTRICT NEWS

(From our Correspondent)

In land matters settlement more or less is always moving onwards, but the class of occupation is just to suit the means and method of life of the applicant, which is of limited conditions generally. Indeed, it is only on the fringe of the old grants that a few acres can be found, and, when ferreted out, those are at once applied for by the old hands of the district or their sons, who seem to have strong feelings of attachment to their old fields and homes. The following applications have been made since I wrote last, Vis: - William Henry Matthews; 640 acres A.L., parish Capertee, county Roxburgh. (Maitland Daily Mercury Saturday 4 April 1903, p. 4)

Application for a Certificate of Conformity [Notice of Application for a Certificate of Conformity.] In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. IN INSOLVENCY AND IN BANKRUPTCY. Re William Henry Matthews, of Rylstone. To the Official Assignee and Creditors. TAKE NOTICE that I, William Henry Matthews, intend to apply to the Court, Citizens' Chambers, Moore-street, Sydney, on Wednesday, the 6th day of October, 1909, at 1O a.m., or as soon afterwards as the course of business will admit, that a Certificate of Conformity be granted to me, under and according to the provisions of the Insolvency Acts. - Dated this 2nd day of September, 1909. W. H. MATTHEWS. (New South Wales Government Gazette Wednesday 8 September 1909 [Issue No 120], p. 5025).

Insolvency [Special Meeting for proof of Debt.]

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (11,03.1)


In the insolvent estate of William Henry Matthews, of

Rylstone, storekeeper.

To the Official Assignee and Creditors.

TAKE NOTICE that a special meeting for proof of debt will be held at the Court, Citizens' Chambers, Moore street, Sydney on Wednesday, the 28th day of August instant, at 10 a.m., on or soon afterwards as the course of business will admit. - Dated this 13th day of August, 1912.


The Judge in Bankruptcy, F. H. SALUSBURY,

Registrar in Bankruptcy. Official Assignee - William; Harrington Palmer.

[1145] Free (Government Gazette Wednesday 21 August 1912 Issue No 123, p. 5339)