Mary Ann Whelan, 18591940 (aged 81 years)

Mary Ann /Whelan/
Given names
Mary Ann
Married name
Mary Ann /Auld/
Birth 1859

Birth of a brotherWilliam E Whelan
1861 (aged 2 years)

Birth of a brotherPatrick R Whelan
1863 (aged 4 years)

Death of a brotherWilliam E Whelan
1868 (aged 9 years)

MarriageJohn William AuldView this family
1879 (aged 20 years)

Birth of a sonJohn William Auld
1879 (aged 20 years)

Birth of a sonHugh Auld
1881 (aged 22 years)

Birth of a sonHugh Auld
1882 (aged 23 years)

Birth of a sonPatrick Joseph Auld
1884 (aged 25 years)

Birth of a daughterEllen C M Auld
1886 (aged 27 years)

Birth of a sonPercival Thomas Auld
1890 (aged 31 years)

Birth of a sonErnest B Auld
1893 (aged 34 years)

Birth of a sonEugene Auld
1896 (aged 37 years)

Birth of a sonRobert Auld
1898 (aged 39 years)

Birth of a sonLancelot A Auld
1901 (aged 42 years)

Death of a sonLancelot A Auld
1911 (aged 52 years)

Marriage of a childPercival Thomas AuldIvy Millicent Hannah GlassView this family
June 1918 (aged 59 years)

Note: Wedding.


AULD-GLASS. A quiet but pretty wedding was (as already reported in the "Guardian") celebrated at St. John's Church of England on Saturday afternoon last, when the Rev. Canon Dunstan joined in holy wedlock Ivy Millicent Hannah, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Glass, of West End, Mudgee, and Percival Thomas Auld, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. John Auld, of "Woodville,'' Leadville. As the bride entered the church on the arm of her father, who subsequently gave her away. Mr. Harmer played ''The Voice that Breathed O'er Eden." The bride was charmingly gowned in white crepe de chene, made semi-tunic, prettily embossed with silk sprays and inlet with pailette silk sash and tassels. She also wore the customary wreath, mob cap, and veil (kindly lent by a lady friend), and carried a shower bouquet of white flowers and ferns. The bride was attended by Miss Pansy Jamieson, of Lithgow (cousin of the bride), who wore a cream costume, black hat trimmed with shell pink, and a gold circle brooch with her late brother's (Sergeant W. Jamieson) regimental colors, and carried a bouquet of white flowers, gifts of the bridegroom. There were also two small brides-maids. Misses Margery and Hazel Byron (nieces of the bride), who were dressed alike in cream white tulle mob caps trimmed with pink daisies, and carried baskets of pink flowers with white streamers, and wore gold kewpie brooches, gifts of the bridegroom. Mr. Albert Auld, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The wedding party left the church to the strains of the Wedding March, and were driven by motor to the photographers, thence to the residence of the bride's parents where a sumptuous breakfast was partaken of by relatives and near friends at which the Rev. Canon Dunstan presided. After the usual toasts were honored, the happy couple left by the evening's train. The bride travelled in a grey silk costume with hat to match. A pleasant feature of the event was the fact that another brother, Constable E. Auld, and Mrs. Auld of Sydney, who were married the previous Saturday were present. The wedding cake was made by the bride's sister, Mrs. Duggan, and was greatly admired. The wedding presents were pretty and costly, and included many cheques.

Death of a daughterEllen C M Auld
July 1924 (aged 65 years)

Note: Death


Mrs. Ellen Hong, wife of Mr. Charles Hong, of Tambar Springs, died at her home at the age of ? years. She leaves a husband and 6 children, whose ages range from 15 to 3 years. The remains were interred in the R.C. cemetery Tambar Springs.

Death of a husbandJohn William Auld
22 May 1932 (aged 73 years)

Note: MR. J. W. AULD


A very old and respected resident of the Gulgong district died yesterday in the person of Mr. J. W. Auld, 73, who breathed his last at his home at Cainbil Creek. The funeral will take place at Gulgong.

Death 4 January 1940 (aged 81 years)
Note: Obituary


Mrs. Mary Auld

After a long and useful life of 80 years, Mrs. Mary Auld, a pioneer of the Cainbil Creek district, passed away last week. Deceased was born at Meroo, Mudgee, where her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Whalan, lived for many years. Sixty years ago she and her late husband (who died some eight years ago) went to live at "Woodville," Cainbil Creek, and there they won the universal respect and esteem of a wide circle of friends. Seven sons are left to mourn, including:- John (Birriwa), Patrick and Robert ("Bert") ("Woodville," Cainbil Creek), Percy (Mudgee), Sergeant Hugh (Marrickville), Sergeant Ernest (Leichhardt) and Sergeant Eugene (Rylstone). The remains were interred in the R.C. portion of the Gulgong cemetery, the Rev. Father Crowe officiating at the graveside.

Obituary 18 January 1940 (14 days after death)



Death of Mrs. Auld

THERE passed away at her residence, "Woodville," Cainbil Creek, on Thursday morning, January 4th, Mrs. Mary Ann Auld, at the ripe old age of 80 years. Mrs. Auld was one of our grand old pioneers who helped to blaze the track in the bush lands of this great country of ours. She was known near and wide for her goodness and generosity. No one ever passed her door unaided. She was always one of the first to be at the bedside of the ill, and in the early days in the bush, when the only transport was by horseback or springcart she would be there at the shortest notice. How much the people of to-day owe to those wonderful pioneers words cannot tell. The hardships they went through can only be left to the imagination. This grand old lady was born at Upper Meroo, being the daughter of the late Robert and Catherine Whalen, who kept an hotel in the early days at Spicer's Creek. She married John William Auld, son of the late David Auld and Lochart Auld, of Cainbil Creek. There were eight sons and one daughter, of which seven sons are living, viz., John W. Auld ("Birkalla," Gulgong), Senior-Sergt. Hugh Auld (Sydney), Pat J. Auld (Woodville), Sergt. Eugene Auld (Rylstone), Percy Auld (Mudgee), Senior-Sergt. Ernie Auld (Sydney), and Bert Auld (Woodville). There are 36 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The sons are a splendid type of men and are a credit to their parents. How proud the dear old mother was when she had her sons all around her and how she would speak of the old days when she would huddle them all into the old springcart to go to the district picnic or the country horse race meeting, which events have almost faded out in the country. As well as rearing her own family, she also reared her brother's two sons, Bob and Tom Whalen, whose father and mother died when they were very young. Tom was killed in action in the great war. In later years, deceased was cared for by her daughter-in-law Mrs. Bert Auld and she gave her every care and comfort in her last years. The late Mrs. Auld was a devout member of the Catholic Church, and was attended in her last hours by Father Maher, who administered the last sacraments. The remains were laid to rest beside the grave of her son, Lance, in the Catholic portion of the Gulgong cemetery. The Rev. Father Foley recited the prayers at the graveside; also at St. John's Church. R. S. Bayliss had charge of the funeral arrangements. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family.

Probate 12 March 1940 (2 months after death)

Note: Details

Number NRS-13660-18-3984-Series 4_247241
Title Mary Ann Bridget Auld - Date of Death 04/01/1940, Granted on 12/03/1940
Access Direction 359 - Early access
Access Direction duration TBD
Location Western Sydney Records Centre
ECommerce Category E

Family with parents
Marriage Marriage1858
2 years
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
Family with John William Auld
Marriage Marriage1879
1 year
Birth: 1879 20
Death: 6 September 1946Lithgow District Hospital, Lithgow, New South Wales, Australia
3 years
2 years
3 years
3 years
5 years
4 years
4 years
3 years
4 years


Mrs. Mary Auld

After a long and useful life of 80 years, Mrs. Mary Auld, a pioneer of the Cainbil Creek district, passed away last week. Deceased was born at Meroo, Mudgee, where her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Whalan, lived for many years. Sixty years ago she and her late husband (who died some eight years ago) went to live at "Woodville," Cainbil Creek, and there they won the universal respect and esteem of a wide circle of friends. Seven sons are left to mourn, including:- John (Birriwa), Patrick and Robert ("Bert") ("Woodville," Cainbil Creek), Percy (Mudgee), Sergeant Hugh (Marrickville), Sergeant Ernest (Leichhardt) and Sergeant Eugene (Rylstone). The remains were interred in the R.C. portion of the Gulgong cemetery, the Rev. Father Crowe officiating at the graveside.



Death of Mrs. Auld

THERE passed away at her residence, "Woodville," Cainbil Creek, on Thursday morning, January 4th, Mrs. Mary Ann Auld, at the ripe old age of 80 years. Mrs. Auld was one of our grand old pioneers who helped to blaze the track in the bush lands of this great country of ours. She was known near and wide for her goodness and generosity. No one ever passed her door unaided. She was always one of the first to be at the bedside of the ill, and in the early days in the bush, when the only transport was by horseback or springcart she would be there at the shortest notice. How much the people of to-day owe to those wonderful pioneers words cannot tell. The hardships they went through can only be left to the imagination. This grand old lady was born at Upper Meroo, being the daughter of the late Robert and Catherine Whalen, who kept an hotel in the early days at Spicer's Creek. She married John William Auld, son of the late David Auld and Lochart Auld, of Cainbil Creek. There were eight sons and one daughter, of which seven sons are living, viz., John W. Auld ("Birkalla," Gulgong), Senior-Sergt. Hugh Auld (Sydney), Pat J. Auld (Woodville), Sergt. Eugene Auld (Rylstone), Percy Auld (Mudgee), Senior-Sergt. Ernie Auld (Sydney), and Bert Auld (Woodville). There are 36 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The sons are a splendid type of men and are a credit to their parents. How proud the dear old mother was when she had her sons all around her and how she would speak of the old days when she would huddle them all into the old springcart to go to the district picnic or the country horse race meeting, which events have almost faded out in the country. As well as rearing her own family, she also reared her brother's two sons, Bob and Tom Whalen, whose father and mother died when they were very young. Tom was killed in action in the great war. In later years, deceased was cared for by her daughter-in-law Mrs. Bert Auld and she gave her every care and comfort in her last years. The late Mrs. Auld was a devout member of the Catholic Church, and was attended in her last hours by Father Maher, who administered the last sacraments. The remains were laid to rest beside the grave of her son, Lance, in the Catholic portion of the Gulgong cemetery. The Rev. Father Foley recited the prayers at the graveside; also at St. John's Church. R. S. Bayliss had charge of the funeral arrangements. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family.


Number NRS-13660-18-3984-Series 4_247241
Title Mary Ann Bridget Auld - Date of Death 04/01/1940, Granted on 12/03/1940
Access Direction 359 - Early access
Access Direction duration TBD
Location Western Sydney Records Centre
ECommerce Category E