Frederick Francis Flood, 18911965 (aged 74 years)

Frederick Francis /Flood/
Given names
Frederick Francis
Birth 1891 35

Birth of a sisterEthel Emily L Flood
1893 (aged 2 years)

Birth of a sisterAmy Amelia Flood
1896 (aged 5 years)

Birth of a sisterGenevieve Theresa Flood
1899 (aged 8 years)

Death of a brotherPhillip E G Flood
1919 (aged 28 years)

Death of a fatherPhillip Flood
1928 (aged 37 years)

Death of a motherPhilomena Cummings
1935 (aged 44 years)

Death of a sisterEleanor Anastasia Flood
1938 (aged 47 years)

Death of a brotherJohn Seymour Flood
1945 (aged 54 years)

Death 1965 (aged 74 years)

Probate 22 October 1965 (0 after death)

Note: Probate notice

Probate notice

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales Probate Jurisdiction.

In the Will of Frederick Francis Flood, late of Dunedoo, in the State of New South Wales, Age Pensioner (formerly laborer) deceased. Application will be made after fourteen days from the publication hereof, that probate of the last Will dated 4th August, 1953 of the abovenamed deceased, may be granted to Aubrey Clifford Davis, the sole executor named in the said Will, and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All Creditors in the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned. O. G. Murphy, Solicitor for the Executor, 56 Bolaro Street, Dunedoo, and at Binnia Street, Coolah.

Family with parents
Marriage Marriage1883
2 years
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
3 years
3 years
younger sister
4 years
younger sister
4 years
younger sister
Birth: 1899 43
Death: 16 February 1972

Probate notice

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales Probate Jurisdiction.

In the Will of Frederick Francis Flood, late of Dunedoo, in the State of New South Wales, Age Pensioner (formerly laborer) deceased. Application will be made after fourteen days from the publication hereof, that probate of the last Will dated 4th August, 1953 of the abovenamed deceased, may be granted to Aubrey Clifford Davis, the sole executor named in the said Will, and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All Creditors in the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned. O. G. Murphy, Solicitor for the Executor, 56 Bolaro Street, Dunedoo, and at Binnia Street, Coolah.