William John Drew, 1874

William John /Drew/
Given names
William John
Birth 1874

Birth of a sisterAgnes Jane Drew
1876 (aged 2 years)

Birth of a sisterRosina E Drew
1878 (aged 4 years)

Birth of a sisterBeatrice Maud Drew
1883 (aged 9 years)

Birth of a sisterBertha Florence Drew
1885 (aged 11 years)

MarriageElizabeth RochesterView this family
1898 (aged 24 years)

Birth of a daughterIrene V E Drew
1899 (aged 25 years)

Birth of a sonCyril G J Drew
1901 (aged 27 years)

Obituary 11 February 1915 (aged 41 years)



The sad news has come to hand announcing the death of Mr. John Drew, son of Mr. James Drew, of Mudgee, which took place at Wellington (N.Z.). The deceased was a native of Wallerawang. For a time he worked at Messrs. Cohen, Sons, and Schipp's boot factory in Mudgee, also for a period with the Mudgee Roller Milling Company under Mr. A. C. Gaskin, by whom he was regarded as an excellent workman. He married in Mudgee a daughter of the late Mr. George Rochester, of Flirtation Hill. Some twelve years ago he left for New Zealand, and was employed by the Municipal Council of Wellington. He met with a very severe accident about nine months ago. It appears he was under a dray, when the horses bolted, the result being that one of his ears was torn off, and a severe wound inflicted on the back of his head. From these injuries he did not recover, but lingered on. He was only in his 41st year. He leaves a wife and four children, two of whom were born in Mudgee and two in New Zealand, in a comfortable home in the capital of the Dominion. Mrs. Drew and the deceased's father and mother and family in Mudgee will have the deep sympathy of the public in their sad affliction.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), Thursday 11 February 1915, p. 19.

Death of a sisterBeatrice Maud Drew
1918 (aged 44 years)

Note: Death of Miss Beatrice Drew.

Death of Miss Beatrice Drew.


???? ing in the Prince Alfred Hospital. The lady, who was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Drew, Mudgee, was a teacher in the Mudgee Primary School, and was in Sydney for the Xmas vacation, staying with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Logan, of Strathfield. The news was a great shock to Miss Drew's relatives, who had understood that she was in perfect health. A post mortem will be held this afternoon, the body will be brought to Mudgee tomorrow, and the funeral will leave St. John's of England tomorrow afternoon, to which the body will be moved from the railway station. Mr. J. C. Swords will conduct the funeral. The deceased, who was 34 years of age, was a Mudgee native, was beloved by her relatives, and esteemed by all who knew her. Her sorrowing sisters are Mesdames Dave Croan (Mudgee), T. Gallimore (Mudgee), E. ? (Mudgee), C. Thurgood (Cooyal) and D. Borighuns (New York). The receipt of the news has been received with universal regret.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), Monday 14 January 1918, p. 3.

Note: Death of Miss Beatrice Drew.

Death of Miss Beatrice Drew.

FOLLOWING ON OPERATION. Further information relative to the death of Miss Beatrice Drew, of Mudgee Public School teaching Staff, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Drew, of Mudgee, reported on Monday, is to the effect that the deceased was on a visit to friends at Kurri Kurri, where she had previously been stationed on the educational staff. There she was taken ill, and was treated by Dr. Forman, a local practitioner. His treatment failing to effect any relief, Miss Drew then went to Sydney, and arranged to enter Prince Alfred Hospital to undergo a slight operation. This was performed on Friday last, and no after troubles was anticipated until the ensuing Sunday, when the patient's condition became critical - peritonitis had supervened - and despite all the skill of the medical and nursing staff the unfortunate lady passed away early on Monday morning. Miss Drew's end came so swiftly and unexpectedly that there was no opportunity of apprising her family of the gravity of her condition before the end, but they have at least the consolation of knowing that she had the attention of very dear friends with whom she had resided during her college career, since when a very strong bond of friendship had existed between the deceased and a daughter of the family, as they had been classmates and College companions during their training terms. Miss Drew's body was brought to Mudgee on Tuesday morning and taken to St. John's Church of England, where it remained until 3 o'clock, when, after a short service, the funeral procession left the church. Rev. Canon Dunstan officiated at the graveside, the interment being made in the Church of England cemetery. The mortuary arrangements were carried out by Mr. J. C. Swords.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), Thursday 17 January 1918, p. 22.

Death of a fatherJames Drew
6 August 1922 (aged 48 years)

Note: Local News

Local News

James Drew, of Douro-street, died yesterday morning at the age of 76 years. He is an old resident of Mudgee and leaves a widow and family of five daughters. These are: Mrs. Thurgood (Coolah), Mrs. Box (Mudgee), Mrs. D. Croan (Mudgee), Mrs. Gallimore (Mudgee), Mrs. Barrgniaux (U.S.A.). His remains were interred this afternoon in the Mudgee cemetery. The coffin was first removed to the Church of England where a short service was held, and the funeral afterwards moved to the sacred burial ground. The Rev. J. Parr conducted the service at the Church and graveside, and Mr. J. C. Swords carried out the mortuary arrangements.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), Monday 7 August 1922, p. 10.



The late Mr. James Drew, whose death occurred last week, was one of the last of the old men of the roads, and will long be remembered as one of the most obliging and kindly dispositioned, of a body of fine men who served the roadside settlers all the years when teamsters flocked along the highway between Wallerawang and Mudgee. In that connection many fine men will be referred to by one of our contributors in a later article. Many interesting reminiscences are associated with "Jim" an his fraternity of comrades of the roads, the old timers who put up with much hardship and privations year in and year out daring those old years when so many fine men were numbered as trustworthy "cobbers" at all the stages.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), Monday 14 August 1922, p. 6.

Death of a motherEllen Omara
6 July 1925 (aged 51 years)



Mrs. Ellen Drew, relict of the late James Drew, died at the residence of her daughter (Mrs. E. Bax) today, aged 76 years. Deceased had resided in Mudgee practically all her life, and, although of a retiring disposition, made very many friends, who will sincerely regret to hear of her death. She is survived by the following daughters, all of whom are well and favorably known in Mudgee: - Mesdames T. Gallimore (Kogarah), C. Thurgood (Bathurst), D. Croan (Mudgee), H. Borigniaux (New York), and E. Bax (Mudgee). A brother (Mr. J. Maher) resides at Kogarah. To these sorrowing ones we extend our heartfelt sympathy. The funeral will take place at half past 3 o'clock tomorrow, (Tuesday) afternoon to the Church of England portion of the general cemetery. Mr. J. C. Swords has charge of the arrangements.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), Monday 6 July 1925, p. 7.

Death of a sisterAnnie Drew
18 December 1947 (aged 73 years)

Note: Mrs. A. Croan

Mrs. A. Croan

Deep regret was expressed in Mudgee on Thursday last when it became known that Mrs. Annie Croan, wife of Mr. J. D. Croan had passed away. Deceased, who was 75 years of age, was a member of the old Drew family, which settled in the district in the early days. For practically a life-time she lived among the people of Mudgee, and earned their respect and friendship. She was ever ready to lend a helping hand to those in distress, and her death brought sorrow to many homes in town and district. She is survived by a husband and the following sons and daughters: Geoffrey, James, Swift, Mesdames C. Underwood (Thornleigh), Mrs. J. Gardiner (Newtown), Mrs. B. Leach (Hurstville), Mrs. W. Lahey (Lahey's Ck.). To these and other sorrowing ones sincere sympathy is extended. The funeral, which was attended by many old friends of the family, took place to the Church of England portion of the Mudgee cemetery on Saturday afternoon, the Rev. Canon Powell performing the last sad rites. The arrangements were in the hands of Messrs. J. C. Swords & Son.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), Monday 22 December 1947, p. 3. Annie Croan Obituary

Death of a sisterAgnes Jane Drew
1949 (aged 75 years)

Death of a sisterBertha Florence Drew
1957 (aged 83 years)

Family with parents
Marriage Marriage1871
2 years
elder sister
3 years
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
6 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
Birth: 1885
Death: 1957
Family with Elizabeth Rochester
Marriage Marriage1898
2 years
3 years


The sad news has come to hand announcing the death of Mr. John Drew, son of Mr. James Drew, of Mudgee, which took place at Wellington (N.Z.). The deceased was a native of Wallerawang. For a time he worked at Messrs. Cohen, Sons, and Schipp's boot factory in Mudgee, also for a period with the Mudgee Roller Milling Company under Mr. A. C. Gaskin, by whom he was regarded as an excellent workman. He married in Mudgee a daughter of the late Mr. George Rochester, of Flirtation Hill. Some twelve years ago he left for New Zealand, and was employed by the Municipal Council of Wellington. He met with a very severe accident about nine months ago. It appears he was under a dray, when the horses bolted, the result being that one of his ears was torn off, and a severe wound inflicted on the back of his head. From these injuries he did not recover, but lingered on. He was only in his 41st year. He leaves a wife and four children, two of whom were born in Mudgee and two in New Zealand, in a comfortable home in the capital of the Dominion. Mrs. Drew and the deceased's father and mother and family in Mudgee will have the deep sympathy of the public in their sad affliction.

Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), Thursday 11 February 1915, p. 19.