Morgan J O'Brien + Mary A Lynch

No children

Facts and events

Marriage 2 March 1908
Note: O'Brien Lynch Wedding

O'Brien Lynch Wedding

Marriage of a Popular Couple.

On Monday next, at the R.C. Church, Botobolar, the marriage will be solemnised of Mr. Morgan O'Brien, son of Mr. John O'Brien, Stoney Creek, and Miss Polly Lynch, daughter of Mr. James Lynch, of Botobolar.

Note: O’brien Lynch wedding

O’brien Lynch wedding

At Hymen's Altar.

On Monday a pretty wedding took place at the R. C. Church, Botobolar, when Mr. Morgan O'Brien, eldest son of Mr. John O'Brien, Stoney Creek, and Miss Mary (Polly) Lynch, eldest daughter of Mr. James Lynch, Botobolar, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. Father O'Brien of Gulgong. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present, but even then there was a goodly number to witness the ceremony and partake of the wedding breakfast. The bride was given away by her father, and was attired in cream Sicilian, trimmed with all-over lace and cream insertion, and wore a white hat to match. She was attended by her sister, Miss Dolly Lynch, as bridesmaid. The latter wore cream Sicilian skirt and silk blouse, with a pretty hat to match. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a gold brooch and the bridesmaid was the recipient of a similar gift from the bridegroom. Mr. George Lynch, brother of the bride, was best man. After the ceremony at the Church the wedding breakfast took place at the residence of the bride's parents. The usual toasts were proposed and honored, afterwards the happy couple departed for their future home amidst showers of confetti, rice, and other missiles emblematic of good luck. A large number of useful wedding presents were received by the well-known and popular couple, who are both natives of the district. The "Guardian" joins with the many friends in wishing them all sorts of good luck and prosperity.

Last change 10 May 202422:43:02