Mary A Lynch, 18691953 (aged 84 years)

Mary A /Lynch/
Given names
Mary A
Married name
Mary A /O'Brien/
Birth 1869 23

Birth of a brotherJames Joseph Lynch
1870 (aged 1 year)

Birth of a sisterRosanna Lynch
1872 (aged 3 years)

Birth of a brotherJohn Lynch
1874 (aged 5 years)

Birth of a sisterCatherine Lynch
1875 (aged 6 years)

Birth of a brotherGeorge Patrick Lynch
1877 (aged 8 years)

Birth of a sisterEmily Ellen Lynch
1880 (aged 11 years)

Birth of a sisterFlorence Margaret Lynch
1882 (aged 13 years)

Birth of a sisterTheresa E Lynch
1885 (aged 16 years)

Birth of a brotherFrancis A Lynch
1887 (aged 18 years)

Death of a maternal grandmotherMary Maloney
11 August 1904 (aged 35 years)

MarriageMorgan J O'BrienView this family
2 March 1908 (aged 39 years)
Note: O'Brien Lynch Wedding

O'Brien Lynch Wedding

Marriage of a Popular Couple.

On Monday next, at the R.C. Church, Botobolar, the marriage will be solemnised of Mr. Morgan O'Brien, son of Mr. John O'Brien, Stoney Creek, and Miss Polly Lynch, daughter of Mr. James Lynch, of Botobolar.

Note: O’brien Lynch wedding

O’brien Lynch wedding

At Hymen's Altar.

On Monday a pretty wedding took place at the R. C. Church, Botobolar, when Mr. Morgan O'Brien, eldest son of Mr. John O'Brien, Stoney Creek, and Miss Mary (Polly) Lynch, eldest daughter of Mr. James Lynch, Botobolar, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. Father O'Brien of Gulgong. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present, but even then there was a goodly number to witness the ceremony and partake of the wedding breakfast. The bride was given away by her father, and was attired in cream Sicilian, trimmed with all-over lace and cream insertion, and wore a white hat to match. She was attended by her sister, Miss Dolly Lynch, as bridesmaid. The latter wore cream Sicilian skirt and silk blouse, with a pretty hat to match. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a gold brooch and the bridesmaid was the recipient of a similar gift from the bridegroom. Mr. George Lynch, brother of the bride, was best man. After the ceremony at the Church the wedding breakfast took place at the residence of the bride's parents. The usual toasts were proposed and honored, afterwards the happy couple departed for their future home amidst showers of confetti, rice, and other missiles emblematic of good luck. A large number of useful wedding presents were received by the well-known and popular couple, who are both natives of the district. The "Guardian" joins with the many friends in wishing them all sorts of good luck and prosperity.

Death of a fatherJames Lynch
1908 (aged 39 years)



Perhaps never in the history of this district was so much grief manifested as when the sad tidings of the untimely death of Mr. James Lynch, of Botobolar, was announced. All the circumstances surrounding his demise are particularly mournful, and to ponder over them, even for a brief space, is sufficient to unlock the flood-gates of tears even in the stoutest of hearts. Less than a week ago he was in the enjoyment of his wonted health and vivacity of spirits. Life for him was tinged with the most roseate of hues; he looked out daily on his broad demesnes, and he had reason to congratulate himself that his early energies, his thrift, and loyalty to his wife and family had brought the rewards which they so richly merited. As the evening of life approached he enjoyed the solacing comfort of knowing full well that, whatever Fate might betide, there was no possibility of poverty looking in at his door, nor was there the slightest fear that anything would arise to burst asunder the bonds of marital, parental, and filial love which bound him inseparably to his wife and family. With sadness gnawing at our hearts, we endeavour to picture him riding forth from his home, for the purpose of drafting sheep preparatory to shearing. As was his custom, he gave utterance to some jocular remark to his loved ones as he mounted his favourite steed, and rode forth on the mission which terminated so sadly. His loving wife and family had seen him depart on similar errands hundreds of times, and they therefore, returned to their daily avocations without any thought that his parting words would be the last coherent remarks uttered to them on this side of eternity. But Providence decreed that it should be so, and temporarily protest as they will, they must bow to the inexorable will of the Omniscient Creator. Nevertheless the hosts of friends of the late James Lynch will sympathise to the very fullest extent with the bereaved wife and family in this the severest affliction of their lives. All who knew poor James Lynch can in some measure realize the un-utterable woe of his family, as they gazed for days upon his pallid face and watched the slowly ebbing tide of life, what time they prayed that God would grant him just a few lucid moments to bid the long farewell to those whom he loved so well, and who reciprocated that love in its entirety. There were many others also who at intervals stood around the bedside of their departing friend, and craved for the privilege of uttering one word of sympathy or encouragement to him whose spirit they knew would soon have to cross the unknown ocean to the land of eternal life. But after days and nights of weary waiting, they turned to their homes and reconciled themselves to the fact that the voice of a true friend, perhaps a benefactor, and certainly one of Nature's gentlemen, was to be stilled forever. When the end did come, however, the district in which he lived was plunged into mourning and his erstwhile friends and relatives, to a man and woman, resolved that they would pay that last tribute of respect - attendance at his obsequies - to the memory of one in whom they could find no fault while he lived amongst them. And what a funeral it was! What a striking evidence of the esteem in which he was held! The mournful procession increased in length as it slowly and sadly wended its way from Bobobolar to the Mudgee cemetery. Representatives of every house in Botobolar, Cooyal, Stony Creek, and Bara, joined in the cortege, and the intimate friends of the deceased from Mudgee and along the line of route supplemented the numbers till by the time the hearse approached the cemetery the rear vehicles were over a mile distant. The funeral procession - about 140 vehicles - was the longest ever seen in this district, and was several hours on the route. During the time on that long and tiresome journey, people talked of nothing but the good qualities of the deceased and many expiated on the many acts of kindness they received at his hands. They loved to dwell on happy scenes of the past, in which his jovial personality had played an important part, and then by turns they lapsed into silent sadness and inwardly uttered a prayer for his eternal rest. At the graveside the scene was heartrending. Amongst the hundreds gathered round, as the Right Rev. Monsignor O'Donovan recited the burial service, there was scarcely a dry eye. Veterans who had known the deceased for 40 and 50 years, swallowed a lump in their throats as they attempted to make some reference to the loss which the district had sustained, and men in the prime of life to whom he had acted as father sobbed outright when mention was made of his kindness and generosity. The late Mr. Lynch was 63 years of age and was born on the Lachlan. Arriving in Botobolar with his parents at a very early age he became inured to the life of a pioneer youngster. Gradually, by dint of perseverance and energy, as manhood approached he began to add to the original homestead selection, and year by year, as life advanced, he added to the patrimonial estate till at the time of his death, when he had acquired one of the best landed properties in the district, embracing several thousand acres, all well fenced and stocked. His neighbours admired him for the industrious habits which had enabled him to accumulate this property, and he himself being essentially a son of the bush was never happier than when riding over his domains or engaged in those duties unseparable from a farmer and grazier's life. One of his most striking characteristics was his sympathy for the distress of others. His charity was unbounded and his good works will be spoken of by future generations and - best of all - in his private circles his bluff honesty, mingled with an amiability that came from the heart, secured for him the unflagging esteem of those who knew him longest and most intimately. He was wrapped up in every movement that had for it object the advancement of his district and especially did his kindly influence and encouragement contribute to the success of all those social functions which relieve the monotony of bush life. He took a prominent part in the establishment of the Cooyal Butter Factory, and was for a considerable time a director of the same, and he was also one of the prime movers for the formation of the Cooyal Literary and Debating Society. In every sense, therefore, his death is a popular loss. He is survived by a widow, two sons, and seven daughters. These are Messrs. James and George Lynch, of Botobolar, and Mesdames Ryan (Mount Brown, Corowa), F. Babbage, G. Mahon, and M. O'Brien (Cooyal), and Misses Dolly, Ettie, and Fanny Lynch. For those, it is needless to say, the profoundest sympathy is felt. It is safe to say that the death of James Lynch will be no nine days wonder, but for years to come many who have experienced his kindness will extol his virtues and dwell on some well remembered happy event which he was mainly instrumental in originating. James Lynch was certainly one of those of whom it might be said in the words of Gordon: "Question not, but live and labor till the goal is won, Helping every feeble neighbor, seeking help from none. Life is mostly froth and bubble, two things stand like stone, Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own."



A meeting of the committee of the Hospital Social was held on Saturday evening in Mahon's Hall, and it was decided to adjourn the coming social from the 4th November, until the 8th of December, in consequence of the death of Mr. James Lynch, who was a member of the committee. Profound regret is felt at the untimely and sad death of Mr. James Lynch. It is safe to say no man was ever more highly respected by the community with whom he resided, than was Mr. Lynch. He was the very soul of honor, and his kindness and consideration for others was proverbial. He was a tower of strength to every movement likely to help forward the district, and his home was a haven of refuge for every wayfarer, He was always happiest, when he was doing some kindly action for others, and in every sense his death is a district loss The greatest sympathy if felt for his widow and family. The former has lost a true husband, the latter will long mourn for an indulgent father, while the whole district recognises that a generous friend has merited the reward of eternal life.

Death of a motherCatherine Sheehan
12 July 1919 (aged 50 years)



The death occurred early on Sunday morning of Mrs. James Lynch, sen., a very old resident of Botobolar. Mrs. Lynch, who was upwards of seventy years of age, had been ailing for some time. The immediate cause of death was heart failure, supervening on a severe attack of influenza. The deceased, whose husband pre-deceased her by about six years, was before her marriage Miss Catherine Shane, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Shane, two of the oldest settlers at Botobolar. She married at Botobolar, and lived there all her life, being greatly respected and much esteemed by a large circle of friends. She leaves the following family: Sons, Councillor James Lynch (Meroo Shire) and Mr. George Lynch, both of Botobolar; daughters Mesdames Morgan O'Brien (Stony Creek), Fred Eaton (Penrith), West Rhodes (Cudgegong) and Owen Ryan (Manly) and Miss Fanny Lynch, who lived with her mother at Botobolar. The deceased is also survived by Messrs. Patrick and Michael Shane (Botobolar), brothers, and Mesdames Tom Lynch (Mudgee), Christie Lynch (Bolobolar) Vincent Wall (Botobolar) and Miss Bridget Shane (Mudgee) sisters. The funeral took place at 3 o'clock to-day. The interment was made in the Catholic portion of the Mudgee General Cemetery, the Very Rev. Father Flanagan officiating at the grave-side. Mr. J. C. Swords had charge of the funeral arrangements.

Death of a sisterTheresa E Lynch
1 October 1931 (aged 62 years)




Mudgee and district folk received a painful shock this morning, when news came through of the death of Mrs. Rhodes, wife of Mr. W. Rhodes, a school teacher in the Forbes district. Deceased, who was a member of the well-known Lynch family, was a woman of robust physique, and a lease could have been taken of her life. The possessor of a sunny disposition, she went through life with a smile, and it is not surprising that she was a general favorite. The best part of her most useful life was spent in this district, and on all sides she was held in the highest esteem. The bereaved husband is also well and favorably known in Mudgee, being a member of one of Limestone's most respected families. In addition to the sorrowing husband and family there are many near relatives left to mourn, among the number being Messrs. G. and J. Lynch (Cooyal and Botobolar), and Mrs. Morgan O'Brien (Mudgee), brothers and sisters respectively. Several of the relatives hurried to Forbes when the sad news was received, and will be present at the funeral. To the ones who have been so sadly stricken the Guardian extends its deepest sympathy.

Death of a sisterFlorence Margaret Lynch
9 November 1944 (aged 75 years)
Note: Death


RYAN. - November 9, 1944, at Parramatta District Hospital, Florence Margaret Ryan, of Public School, Dural, late of Condamine Street, Balgowlah, dearly loved wife of P. J. Ryan and loving mother of Evelyn (Mrs. R. Fairbank), Guf Owen, Gregory (deceased), and Florence (deceased). Requiescat in pace. For funeral see Saturday's "Herald."

Burial of a sisterFlorence Margaret Lynch
11 November 1944 (aged 75 years)
Note: Funeral


RYAN - Requiem Mass for the repose of the Soul of the late Mrs. Florence Margaret Ryan, of Public School, Dural (late of Condamine Street, Balgowlah) will be celebrated at St. Patrick's Church, Parramatta, This (Saturday) Morning at 7 o'clock. The Funeral will leave the church at 10 o'clock for Northern Suburbs Cemetery. W. N. Bull Pty. Ltd., A.F.D.A. Telephone LA2878

Death 17 October 1953 (aged 84 years)

Family with parents
Marriage Marriage1868
2 years
Birth: 1869 23
Death: 17 October 1953
2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
Birth: 1882 36
Death: 9 November 1944Parramatta District Hospital, Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
4 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
Family with Morgan J O'Brien
Death: 8 April 1957
Birth: 1869 23
Death: 17 October 1953
Marriage Marriage2 March 1908R.C. Church, Botobolar, New South Wales, Australia

O'Brien Lynch Wedding

Marriage of a Popular Couple.

On Monday next, at the R.C. Church, Botobolar, the marriage will be solemnised of Mr. Morgan O'Brien, son of Mr. John O'Brien, Stoney Creek, and Miss Polly Lynch, daughter of Mr. James Lynch, of Botobolar.


O’brien Lynch wedding

At Hymen's Altar.

On Monday a pretty wedding took place at the R. C. Church, Botobolar, when Mr. Morgan O'Brien, eldest son of Mr. John O'Brien, Stoney Creek, and Miss Mary (Polly) Lynch, eldest daughter of Mr. James Lynch, Botobolar, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. Father O'Brien of Gulgong. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present, but even then there was a goodly number to witness the ceremony and partake of the wedding breakfast. The bride was given away by her father, and was attired in cream Sicilian, trimmed with all-over lace and cream insertion, and wore a white hat to match. She was attended by her sister, Miss Dolly Lynch, as bridesmaid. The latter wore cream Sicilian skirt and silk blouse, with a pretty hat to match. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a gold brooch and the bridesmaid was the recipient of a similar gift from the bridegroom. Mr. George Lynch, brother of the bride, was best man. After the ceremony at the Church the wedding breakfast took place at the residence of the bride's parents. The usual toasts were proposed and honored, afterwards the happy couple departed for their future home amidst showers of confetti, rice, and other missiles emblematic of good luck. A large number of useful wedding presents were received by the well-known and popular couple, who are both natives of the district. The "Guardian" joins with the many friends in wishing them all sorts of good luck and prosperity.