Patrick Thomas Sullivan + Alice Maria Schiemer

No children
Birth: 1913 47 39
Death: 18 December 2003

Facts and events

Marriage 30 October 1939


Sullivan - Schiemer ON Monday, 30th October, a wedding of unusual interest to Purlewaugh and Hannah's Bridge district residents was solemnised, followed by special Nuptial Mass in St. Peter's Catholic Church, Leadville, by Rev. Dr. Curran, P.P., of Dunedoo, the contracting parties being Alice Maria, youngest daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. J. Schiemer, of Hannah's Bridge, and Patrick Thomas, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sullivan, of "Eurona," Purlewaugh. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her brother, Mr. Val Schiemer, was gowned in a frock of ivory bridal satin, and wore a wreath and veil (kindly lent by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Val Schiemer). She carried a bouquet of white roses and carnations, and was attended as bridesmaid by her cousin, Miss Margery Whitton, of Gunnedah, who was attired in a frock of embroidered Swiss muslin and carried a bouquet of roses. Mr. Ron. Sullivan, brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man. The bride entered the church to the strains of the Bridal March, played by Mrs. T. J. Wesley. After the ceremony, the guests adjourned to the Leadville hall, and were received by the bride's mother, assisted by the bridegroom's parents. At the breakfast the Rev. Dr. Curran presided, and the usual toasts were honored. A number of songs were also nicely rendered by Father Curran and Mrs. A. V. Wesley. The presents were many and beautiful, whilst quite a number of congratulatory telegrams were received. After the breakfast, the happy couple left on a tour of the mountains for their honeymoon, the bride being frocked in a blue brocaded romaine, with matching bolero and white accessories. The bride's six brothers formed the nucleus of the famous Hannah's Bridge football team, whose reputation a few years ago was so well known. She herself was a conspicuous member of the Hannah's Bridge Hockey club. The bridegroom is a popular farmer and prominent player in Purlewaugh's now strong cricket team, which has dominated the district competitions for some years past. Their future home will be at "Bingo," Purlewaugh.

Last change 5 February 202322:11:57