Louis Augustus Stahl, 18581953 (aged 95 years)

Louis Augustus /Stahl/
Given names
Louis Augustus
Birth 1858

Birth of a brotherFrederick William Stahl
1860 (aged 2 years)

Birth of a brotherBanline Stahl
1862 (aged 4 years)

Birth of a brotherJohn Stahl
1864 (aged 6 years)

Birth of a sisterDorididea P Stahl
1867 (aged 9 years)

Birth of a brotherMatthew Henry Stahl
1870 (aged 12 years)

Birth of a sisterHenrietta Stahl
1873 (aged 15 years)

MarriageEllen GibbonsView this family
29 October 1883 (aged 25 years)

Birth of a daughterLily M Stahl
1886 (aged 28 years)

Birth of a daughterAlma Stahl
1888 (aged 30 years)

Birth of a sonJames Henry Stahl
1889 (aged 31 years)

Birth of a daughterRuby Stahl
1892 (aged 34 years)

Birth of a daughterIvy H Stahl
1894 (aged 36 years)

Death of a fatherJohn Stahl
1897 (aged 39 years)

Birth of a daughterNellie Stahl
1899 (aged 41 years)

Marriage of a childAlexander McMillanLily M StahlView this family
1906 (aged 48 years)

Marriage of a childJames Henry StahlVera Jane UphamView this family
14 April 1920 (aged 62 years)
Note: Wedding at Gulgong.

Wedding at Gulgong.

STAHL - UPHAM. A marriage of considerable local interest took place at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Wednesday afternoon last, when Vera Jane, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Upham, of Herbert-street Gulgong was joined in the holy bonds of matrimony with James Henry, only son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stahl, of Dunedoo. The young couple are well-known in Gulgong, and the extent of their popularity was clearly indicated in the very large crowd of friends and well-wishers who were present to witness the ceremony. The church's accommodation was overtaxed, while outside a large gathering had assembled to view the bridal party on entering and leaving the church. The bridegroom is a member of the local firm of Messrs. Stahl and Upham, and an alderman in the Gulgong Council, while the bride is also well-known. The church was prettily decorated by the friends of the young couple. A neat lattice contrivance was erected near the altar, an archway with a large wedding bell being suspended from the centre. The bride looked delightfully charming, and as she entered the church on the arm of her brother (Mr. Thomas Upham) many complimentary words were spoken to her by friends. Upon the entry of the bride Miss M. Douglas played the Wedding March, while the choir sang "The Voice That Breached O'er Eden." Shortly after the completion of the ceremony, and while the happy couple were signing the register, Miss Maud Campbell sang "My Dear Soul." While the bridal party was leaving the church, to be assailed by a shower of confetti and the congratulations of the crowd, the Wedding March was again rendered by Miss Douglas. The bride was handsomely dressed in a striking costume of white crepe-de-chene and georgette, richly adorned with ostrich feather tips commencing at the left shoulder and falling away to the right side. The crystal bead trimmings and silver leaves on bodice, and a very chic wreath and veil, and a gorgeous train of cream washing satin lined with shell-pink ninon, and a veil of hand-made white net (loaned by her sister-in-law, Mrs. T. Upham) helped to constitute one of the prettiest bridal gowns seen at a wedding. The bride also carried a beautiful bouquet of white cactus dahlias and white carnations, and other blooms in season, the gift of the bridegroom, who also presented the bride with a knife-blade diamond bar brooch. The train-bearer was little Doris Gudgeon, niece of the bride. The little one performed her duties in a capable fashion, and was daintily attired in white embroidered organdi muslin. Her present from the bridegroom was a gold brooch. Miss Lyle Upham, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and wore a dress of cream Brussels net with pale pink sash, and also wore a black hat. The knife-blade diamond bar brooch worn, and the shower bouquet of shell pink carnations and white cactus dahlias were gifts from the bridegroom, whose gift from the bride consisted of a set of military brushes. The bride was given away by her brother (Mr. Thomas Upham) while Mr. H. Upham, another brother, carried out the duties of best man. Amongst those present were many relational chief among them being: - Mrs. W. H. Upham (mother of the bride), black crepe-de-chene coat and skirt with hat to match; Mrs. L. Stahl (mother of the bridegroom) black palette, with hat to match; Mrs. T. J. Weedman, of Brisbane (sister of the bridegroom), champagne floral voile; Miss Nellie Stahl (sister of the bridegroom), white crepe-de-chene; Mrs. J. Wilson, of Dunedoo (aunt of the bride), navy tailored costume; Mrs. J. H. Gudgeon of Barney's Reef (sister) gabardine tailored costume; Miss Doris Upham (sister), cream costume; Mrs. T. Upham (sister-in-law), white crepe-de-chene. Immediately after the ceremony the reception took place at the Oddfellows' Hall, where 100 guests sat down to the beautifully decorated tables, laden with tasty foods and fruits. Rev. G. Nelson Bensley presided. The usual toasts were enthusiastically honored, and all the speakers tendered their sincerest congratulations to the happy couple, and wished them the best of happiness in their future lives. The toasts proposed and honored were: - "The Bride and Bridegroom," by Rev. G. Nelson Bensley: responded to by Mr. J. H. Stahl, who proposed the toast of "The Bridesmaid," responded to by Mr. H. Upham; "The Bride's Parents," by Mr. J. Clark, and responded to by Mr. Thomas Upham; "The Bridegroom's Parents," by Mr. J. Dulvey (Dunedoo) and responded to by Mr. T. J. Weedmail (Brisbane); "The Press," by Mr. S. J. L. Turner, responded to by the representative of the Gulgong "Advertiser." A magnificent array of presents was on view. The happy couple were the recipients of many cheques. Mr. and Mrs. Stahl afterwards left by mail train for Katoomba and Sydney, where the honeymoon is being spent. The bride's travelling dress was of navy crepe-de-chene, with silk grey trimmings and hat to match. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 15 April 1920, p. 11. Stahl Upham Wedding

Marriage of a childJohn Richard DulveyNellie StahlView this family
16 September 1920 (aged 62 years)


DULVEY - STAHL. At the Union Church, Dunedoo, September 16, the marriage of Mr. John Richard Dulvey, youngest son of Mr. Dulvey, of H.M. Customs, and Miss Nellie Stahl, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stahl, of Dunedoo, was celebrated in the presence of a large and most representative gathering. The marriage was celebrated by the Rev. W. Hotston, Anglican Rector of Coolah. The church was artistically decorated with flowers, ferns, and evergreens, and all the floral beauties that nature so lavishly bestows on the district. As the bride catered the church, on the arm of her father, Mrs. C. H. Gardner played the Wedding March and the choir sang "The Voice that Breathed O'er Eden." The bride looked bewitching in a beautiful ivory crepe de chene and georgette accordeon pleated skirt, pearls and embossing relieved with sprigs of orange blossoms. The long court train had a lining of frilled pink charmeuse, and was held in place with opal tassels. She carried a bouquet of white arum lilies, stocks, and asparagus ferns. She also wore a wreath and veil with hand-worked marguerites. Miss Gertie Dulvey (sister of the bridegroom) was bridesmaid. She wore ivory georgette and crepe de chene, with silver and oriental trimmings. She wore a manor tulle hat with violet trimmings. The train-bearer was Miss Enid McMillan (niece of the bride), who was daintily gowned in ivory Jap silk with overdress of bretonne net. She also wore a mob cap with trimmings to match. Mr. H. Stahl (brother of the bride) was best man, and Mr. J. L. Mason was groomsman. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a Nellie Stewart bangle, and to the bridesmaids diamond brooches set in platinum. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was a gold wristlet watch. Altogether it was a very pretty wedding, and if good wishes and sincere expressions are an index to future happiness the young couple should drift along to the end of a perfect day. The reception was held at "Rubyville," the residence of the bride's parents, where about a hundred guests sat down to a sumptuous repast. The tables were beautifully decorated with flowers and evergreens, while the sides of the large marquee were adorned with Allied flags and the colors of the A.I.F. battalions. The Rev W. Hotston presided. The chairman, in proposing the toast of "The Bride and Bridegroom," said he felt certain, knowing the many fine qualities of both bride and groom, that we for them would be filled with perpetual rays of sunshine, happiness, and love. The toast was enthusiastically honored, and the bridegroom eloquently responded. Other toasts were: "The Bridesmaids" (by the bridegroom, responded to by Mr. H. Stahl); "The Parents of the Bride and Bridegroom" (by Mr. Rowsell, responded to by Mr. H. Stahl) : "Absent Friends" (by Mr. P. McCabe); "The Press" (by Mr. A. Christie, responded to by Mr. J. L. Mason). "The Health of the Chairman" was proposed by Mr. M. McGowan, who bore testimony to the fine personality of the Rev. W. Hotston - broad minded, generous, and fearless, with a long outback experience in the wild and woolly west, where conditions are strange but true. The toast was most cordially drunk. In the absence of the Rev. W. Hotston, who had been called away, Mr. C. Rowsell responded. Included amongst the guests were the whole of the staff of Messrs. Loneragan (Dunedoo) Company. The wedding presents, numerous and handsome, included many cheques. Many telegrams congratulating the happy young couple were received during the day. Mr. and Mrs. Dulvey left by car for Mudgee, there to catch the train for Sydney, Casino, and Brisbane, where the honeymoon will be spent. We join with the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dulvey in wishing them much happiness. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 28 October 1920, p. 25. Dulvey Stahl Wedding

Death of a motherMargaret Altenbrandt
1 August 1922 (aged 64 years) Age: 88


OBITUARY. Mrs. Margaret Stahl died at the residence of her daughter (Mrs. T. Hawkins), West End, at the age of 88 years, on Tuesday afternoon. The remains were interred in the Methodist portion of the General Cemetery, the Rev. Bostock Jones reading the burial service. Mr. J. C. Swords had charge of the funeral arrangements. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 3 August 1922, p. 17. Obituary Margaret Stahl

Note: Death of a Pioneer Mother

Death of a Pioneer Mother THE LATE MRS. J. STAHL. The death last week, of Mrs. John Stahl, of West Mudgee, removes from the community one of the oldest representatives of families which are getting fewer and fewer as years pass on. The late Mrs. Stahl belonged distinctly to the pioneer band of residents conspicuously associated with Mudgee's centenary history. She came to Mudgee, a fresh young woman, in the prime of life. The record of her life proves she was a fine wife and mother; indeed, an exemplary woman as shown by the clear training she bestowed on her large family of sons and daughters. No family of the old brigade who peopled Mudgee was more respected than that of the late Mr and Mrs. John Stahl. Her husband had been, up to the period of his death, some twenty years ago, a kind of figure-head in western district associations. He was a frequent traveller with his coach and four-in-hand. John Stahl was an intimate figure on all the old cattle stations amongst their owners as far out as Walgett. He was one of those genial, friendly men. The late Mrs. Stahl was not a traveller. Her home was her castle, and she loved it. The large family circle claimed her existence. And big families were the rule those days. Mrs. Stahl and her husband were happy and prosperous in their life and citizenship. And when the end of such a mother came, as it did last week, the good old lady could have had no qualms of conscience when the hour of dissolution came. Her children and their children have a good example to follow. She will be mourned by a large circle of loved ones. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 10 August 1922, p. 14. Obituary Margaret Stahl


THE LATE MRS. STAHL. Mrs. John Stahl, whose death was reported in last issue, was born in Hanover in 1834. She came to Australia in 1851, and has resided in Mudgee for the past 71 vears, leaving Mudgee only to visit her children at different intervals. Her children are: - Mrs. J. W. Hawkins (Mudgee), the late Mrs. A. Walker (Lidcombe), Mrs. H. Runge (Granville), Mr. L. Stahl (Dunedoo), Mr. H. Stahl (Granville), and Mr. F. Stahl (Mudgee). Her grandchildren number 40, her great-grandchildren 34, and one great-great-grandchild. Mudgee Guardian, Monday 14 August 1922, p. 6. Obituary Margaret Stahl

Golden wedding 2 November 1933 (aged 75 years)



Mr. and Mrs. L. Stahl TO live to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day falls to the lot of but a small percentage of people, but when the parties have reached that milestone in their lives and are still in possession of robust health it is all the more remarkable. Last Sunday was the golden wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stahl, of Dunedoo, and friends and relatives gathered in force to wish them many more happy years of married life. There was quite a gathtering at their home in Cobbora street, and the occasion was marked by great rejoicing. Even now, at an age when the armchair is popularly supposed to be the main attraction, Mr. and Mrs. Stahl can play a round of golf with the best of 'em, and not only play the royal game, but win in open company, too. "Lou" is an old Mudgee boy, and he and his wife have been in the district all their lives. Those present included Mr. J. H. Stahl, of Gulgong (son), and Mrs. Stahl. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 2 November 1933, p. 8. Golden Wedding Louis and Ellen Stahl

Death of a brotherFrederick William Stahl
20 December 1937 (aged 79 years)


DEATH Mr. F. W. Stahl The death occurred this morning of Mr. Frederick William Stahl, a highly-esteemed identity of Mudgee, aged 77 years. Deceased had resided in the district practically all his life, and was very widely known. His wife predeceased him 18 months ago. He is survived by one son, Frederick, who resides at Kandos, and the deepest sympathy will be extended to him. The funeral will take place at 10.30 a.m. tomorrow (Tuesday) to the R.C. portion of the Mudgee cemetery, Mr. H. Barton being in charge of the arrangements. Mudgee Guardian, Monday 20 December 1937, p. 2. Obituary Frederick Stahl

Burial of a brotherFrederick William Stahl
21 December 1937 (aged 79 years)
60th Wedding 11 November 1943 (aged 85 years)

Note: Dunedoo News

Dunedoo News

SIXTY YEARS MARRIED Mr. and Mrs. L. Stahl Celebrating their diamond wedding after having been married for sixty years, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stahl, of Cobbora St., Dunedoo, were entertained at a party at their home by members of their family on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Stahl, who are very popular, received a host of congratulations from residents of Dunedoo on the occasion, besides a sheaf of telegrams from absent relatives and friends. Amongst those who were present at the party were Mrs. J. R Dulvey, from Wollongong, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stahl, from Gulgong, Miss Ena McMillan, Mrs. E. R. Croft, Miss June Stahl and Grantley Stahl. Also pesent for the occasion were Mr. Stahl's two sisters, Mrs. H. Runge, from Granville, and Mrs. Hawkins from Bexley. A beautiful cake was made and iced by Mrs. E. R. Croft for the occasion, and was cut by Mrs. Stahl. We join in congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Stahl, and hope that they will have many more happy anniversaries. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 11 November 1943, p. 18. Diamond Wedding Louis and Ellen Stahl

65th Wedding 4 November 1948 (aged 90 years)

Note: Royal Congratulations to Dunedoo Couple

Royal Congratulations to Dunedoo Couple

On Monday last Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Augustus Stahl, of Dunedoo, were the recipients of a Royal Telegram. It read: "The King and Queen send you hearty congratulations and good wishes on your sixty-fifth wedding anniversary." Mr. and Mrs. Stahl were married on 29th. October, 1883, at the Church of England, Gulgong. Congratulations were received also from the Governor-General, the Rt. Hon. W. R. McKell, and wife, the Governor of N.S.W., Gen. Northcott, and the Bishop of Bathurst, the Rt. Rev. A. L. Wylde. These were supplemented by scores of telegrams and letters from friends. Mr. Stahl was born in Mudgee, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stahl. His wife was formerly Miss Ellen Gibbons, daughter of Mr. James Henry Gibbons, of Forbes. She came to Gulgong at the age of four. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stahl, at the ages of 90 and 81 respectively, are quite active and are unruffled by the event. The couple have four children living, viz., James H., who is in business in Gulgong, Ruby (Mrs. F. J. Weedman, Brisbane) , Ivy Ellen (Mrs. A. L. Dowell, Mosman), Nellie (Mrs. John Dulvey, Wollongong). A grand-daughter is married to Mr. Roy Croft, of Dunedoo. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 4 November 1948, p. 14. Louis Stahl Wedding Anniversary

Hip 4 June 1953 (on the date of death)



Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Weedman, whose home is in Brisbane, have been at Dunedoo as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Croft. Mr. Weedman has now returned home, but his wife is continuing her stay. It is with regret that the many friends of Mr. Lou Stahl heard of his recent accident. This fine old gentleman, who is 95, sustained a fall, fracturing his hip, and is being cared for in the Dunedoo Hospital. Mr. J. Dulvey, of Wollongong is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Jock King. Another guest of Mr. and Mrs. King is Mrs. L. Stahl. To be near Mr. Stahl since his accident last week, has come Mrs. A. L. Dowell, of Chatswood. She is staying with Mr. and Mrs. R. Croft. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 4 June 1953, p. 16. Louis Stahl Hip

Death 4 June 1953 (aged 95 years)
Note: Death


STAHL, Louis Augustus. - June 4, at Dunedoo War Memorial Hospital, beloved husband of Ellen and father of J. H. Stahl (Gulgong), Ruby (Mrs. T. J. Weedman, Brisbane), Ivy (Mrs. A. L. Dowell, Chatswood), Nellie (Mrs. J. R. Dulvey, Woollongong) grandfather of Ena (Mrs. H. J. King, Dunedoo), and Pat (Mrs. Roy Croft Dunedoo), aged 95 years. Sydney Morning Herald, Saturday 6 June 1953, p. 42. Louis Stahl Death

Note: Gulgong Personal

Gulgong Personal

The sympathy of the residents of Gulgong district is extended to Mr. J. H. Stahl, whose father, Mr. Lou Stahl, aged 95 years (known as the grand old man of Dunedoo), passed away in Dunedoo War Memorial Hospital last Thursday. Deceased sustained a fall recently, fracturing his hip. He is survived by his wife (to whom he was married in Gulgong 69 years ago), a son, Mr. J. H. Stahl (Gulgong), three daughters, Mesdames A. L. Dowell (Chatswood), J. Dulvey (Wollongong), and T. J. Weedman (Brisbane, Q). At the funeral at Dunedoo last Friday, Gulgong Bowling Club (of which Mr. J. H. Stahl is president) was represented by Messrs. E. J. Gudgeon and E. A. Marsh. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 11 June 1953, p. 17. Louis Stahl Death



MR. L. A. STAHL The death occurred at the Dunedoo War Memorial Hospital on June 2 of Mr. Louis Augustus Stahl, at the age of 95 years. The late Mr. Stahl, who was a very well known figure throughout the district, was born at Mudgee and lived all his life in this area. During his early days he followed the occupation of a brick maker, and many public buildings in Mudgee and Gulgong are the result of his labours. In his middle life he was a well known teamster, and travelled the area from Wallerawang to Coonamble in the early settlement days. All his life, he was a keen follower of sport, and up till last season was a constant gate attendant for the Dunedoo Football Club. At Gulgong in 1883, the late Mr. Stahl married Miss Ellen Gibbons, who survives him, along with their, son, Mr. J. H. Stahl (Gulgong) and daughters, Mrs. T. J. Weedman (Brisbane), Mrs. A. L. Dowell (Chatswood) and Mrs. J. R. Dulvey (Wollongong.) Mesdames Jock King and Roy Croft, of Dunedoo, are two grandchildren. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 11 June 1953, p. 20. Obituary Louis Augustus Stahl

Family with parents
Marriage Marriage
Birth: 1858
Death: 4 June 1953Dunedoo War Memorial Hospital, Dunedoo, New South Wales, Australia
3 years
younger brother
Birth: 1860
Death: 20 December 1937
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
Family with Ellen Gibbons
Birth: 1858
Death: 4 June 1953Dunedoo War Memorial Hospital, Dunedoo, New South Wales, Australia
Death: 13 July 1955Dunedoo Hospital, Dunedoo, New South Wales, Australia
Marriage Marriage29 October 1883
3 years
3 years
5 years
Birth: 1892 34
Death: 2 March 1988
3 years
6 years
Birth: 1899 41
-9 years
Birth: 1889 31
Golden wedding


Mr. and Mrs. L. Stahl TO live to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day falls to the lot of but a small percentage of people, but when the parties have reached that milestone in their lives and are still in possession of robust health it is all the more remarkable. Last Sunday was the golden wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stahl, of Dunedoo, and friends and relatives gathered in force to wish them many more happy years of married life. There was quite a gathtering at their home in Cobbora street, and the occasion was marked by great rejoicing. Even now, at an age when the armchair is popularly supposed to be the main attraction, Mr. and Mrs. Stahl can play a round of golf with the best of 'em, and not only play the royal game, but win in open company, too. "Lou" is an old Mudgee boy, and he and his wife have been in the district all their lives. Those present included Mr. J. H. Stahl, of Gulgong (son), and Mrs. Stahl. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 2 November 1933, p. 8. Golden Wedding Louis and Ellen Stahl

60th Wedding

Dunedoo News

SIXTY YEARS MARRIED Mr. and Mrs. L. Stahl Celebrating their diamond wedding after having been married for sixty years, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stahl, of Cobbora St., Dunedoo, were entertained at a party at their home by members of their family on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Stahl, who are very popular, received a host of congratulations from residents of Dunedoo on the occasion, besides a sheaf of telegrams from absent relatives and friends. Amongst those who were present at the party were Mrs. J. R Dulvey, from Wollongong, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stahl, from Gulgong, Miss Ena McMillan, Mrs. E. R. Croft, Miss June Stahl and Grantley Stahl. Also pesent for the occasion were Mr. Stahl's two sisters, Mrs. H. Runge, from Granville, and Mrs. Hawkins from Bexley. A beautiful cake was made and iced by Mrs. E. R. Croft for the occasion, and was cut by Mrs. Stahl. We join in congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Stahl, and hope that they will have many more happy anniversaries. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 11 November 1943, p. 18. Diamond Wedding Louis and Ellen Stahl

65th Wedding

Royal Congratulations to Dunedoo Couple

On Monday last Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Augustus Stahl, of Dunedoo, were the recipients of a Royal Telegram. It read: "The King and Queen send you hearty congratulations and good wishes on your sixty-fifth wedding anniversary." Mr. and Mrs. Stahl were married on 29th. October, 1883, at the Church of England, Gulgong. Congratulations were received also from the Governor-General, the Rt. Hon. W. R. McKell, and wife, the Governor of N.S.W., Gen. Northcott, and the Bishop of Bathurst, the Rt. Rev. A. L. Wylde. These were supplemented by scores of telegrams and letters from friends. Mr. Stahl was born in Mudgee, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stahl. His wife was formerly Miss Ellen Gibbons, daughter of Mr. James Henry Gibbons, of Forbes. She came to Gulgong at the age of four. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stahl, at the ages of 90 and 81 respectively, are quite active and are unruffled by the event. The couple have four children living, viz., James H., who is in business in Gulgong, Ruby (Mrs. F. J. Weedman, Brisbane) , Ivy Ellen (Mrs. A. L. Dowell, Mosman), Nellie (Mrs. John Dulvey, Wollongong). A grand-daughter is married to Mr. Roy Croft, of Dunedoo. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 4 November 1948, p. 14. Louis Stahl Wedding Anniversary



Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Weedman, whose home is in Brisbane, have been at Dunedoo as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Croft. Mr. Weedman has now returned home, but his wife is continuing her stay. It is with regret that the many friends of Mr. Lou Stahl heard of his recent accident. This fine old gentleman, who is 95, sustained a fall, fracturing his hip, and is being cared for in the Dunedoo Hospital. Mr. J. Dulvey, of Wollongong is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Jock King. Another guest of Mr. and Mrs. King is Mrs. L. Stahl. To be near Mr. Stahl since his accident last week, has come Mrs. A. L. Dowell, of Chatswood. She is staying with Mr. and Mrs. R. Croft. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 4 June 1953, p. 16. Louis Stahl Hip



STAHL, Louis Augustus. - June 4, at Dunedoo War Memorial Hospital, beloved husband of Ellen and father of J. H. Stahl (Gulgong), Ruby (Mrs. T. J. Weedman, Brisbane), Ivy (Mrs. A. L. Dowell, Chatswood), Nellie (Mrs. J. R. Dulvey, Woollongong) grandfather of Ena (Mrs. H. J. King, Dunedoo), and Pat (Mrs. Roy Croft Dunedoo), aged 95 years. Sydney Morning Herald, Saturday 6 June 1953, p. 42. Louis Stahl Death


Gulgong Personal

The sympathy of the residents of Gulgong district is extended to Mr. J. H. Stahl, whose father, Mr. Lou Stahl, aged 95 years (known as the grand old man of Dunedoo), passed away in Dunedoo War Memorial Hospital last Thursday. Deceased sustained a fall recently, fracturing his hip. He is survived by his wife (to whom he was married in Gulgong 69 years ago), a son, Mr. J. H. Stahl (Gulgong), three daughters, Mesdames A. L. Dowell (Chatswood), J. Dulvey (Wollongong), and T. J. Weedman (Brisbane, Q). At the funeral at Dunedoo last Friday, Gulgong Bowling Club (of which Mr. J. H. Stahl is president) was represented by Messrs. E. J. Gudgeon and E. A. Marsh. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 11 June 1953, p. 17. Louis Stahl Death



MR. L. A. STAHL The death occurred at the Dunedoo War Memorial Hospital on June 2 of Mr. Louis Augustus Stahl, at the age of 95 years. The late Mr. Stahl, who was a very well known figure throughout the district, was born at Mudgee and lived all his life in this area. During his early days he followed the occupation of a brick maker, and many public buildings in Mudgee and Gulgong are the result of his labours. In his middle life he was a well known teamster, and travelled the area from Wallerawang to Coonamble in the early settlement days. All his life, he was a keen follower of sport, and up till last season was a constant gate attendant for the Dunedoo Football Club. At Gulgong in 1883, the late Mr. Stahl married Miss Ellen Gibbons, who survives him, along with their, son, Mr. J. H. Stahl (Gulgong) and daughters, Mrs. T. J. Weedman (Brisbane), Mrs. A. L. Dowell (Chatswood) and Mrs. J. R. Dulvey (Wollongong.) Mesdames Jock King and Roy Croft, of Dunedoo, are two grandchildren. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 11 June 1953, p. 20. Obituary Louis Augustus Stahl