Ira D Humphries,

Ira D /Humphries/
Given names
Ira D
Married name
Ira D /Holland/
MarriageAlbert A HollandView this family
30 October 1907

Note: A Wedding.

A Wedding. Following is an account of the marriage of Mr. A. A. Holland, son of the late George Holland, of Rylstone, with Miss Iva Humphries, of Bathurst, which was celebrated last week: - At the Catholic Presbytery, Bathurst, on Wednesday last, A. A. Holland of the Justice Department, Maitland, was married to Iva Humphries, of Bathurst. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. A. Humphries. She wore a dress of white ninon-de-soie, with touches of pale blue, and a large white picture hat; she carried a pearl and turquoise necklace, gifts of the bridegroom. Miss Ethel Holland, only sister of the bridegroom, was chief bridesmaid, and wore pale pink crepe de chine, and large black hat, with pale pink roses; she carried a bouquet of pink flowers, and wore a gold heart-shaped pendent, gifts of the bridegroom. Misses Kitty and Inez Humphries, sisters of the bride, were in attendance, wearing pretty white muslin frocks, carrying baskets of roses, and wearing cable bangles, gifts of the bridegroom. Mr. Ernest Perry was best man. Rev. J. Hall. C.M., St Stanislaus' College, officiated. After the ceremony a large party of friends were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Humphries at the Masonic Hall. The bride was the recipient of many presents which were displayed in the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Holland left by the mail train for Sydney en route for Melbourne and Tasmania, the bride's travelling dress being fawn tweed and brown hat. Mudgee Guardian, Monday 4 November 1907, p. 2. Holland Humphries Wedding


A Wedding. Following is an account of the marriage of Mr. A. A. Holland, son of the late George Holland, of Rylstone, with Miss Iva Humphries, of Bathurst, which was celebrated last week: - At the Catholic Presbytery, Bathurst, on Wednesday last, A. A. Holland of the Justice Department, Maitland, was married to Iva Humphries, of Bathurst. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. A. Humphries. She wore a dress of white ninon-de-soie, with touches of pale blue, and a large white picture hat; she carried a pearl and turquoise necklace, gifts of the bridegroom. Miss Ethel Holland, only sister of the bridegroom, was chief bridesmaid, and wore pale pink crepe de chine, and large black hat, with pale pink roses; she carried a bouquet of pink flowers, and wore a gold heart-shaped pendent, gifts of the bridegroom. Misses Kitty and Inez Humphries, sisters of the bride, were in attendance, wearing pretty white muslin frocks, carrying baskets of roses, and wearing cable bangles, gifts of the bridegroom. Mr. Ernest Perry was best man. Rev. J. Hall. C.M., St Stanislaus' College, officiated. After the ceremony a large party of friends were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Humphries at the Masonic Hall. The bride was the recipient of many presents which were displayed in the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Holland left by the mail train for Sydney en route for Melbourne and Tasmania, the bride's travelling dress being fawn tweed and brown hat. Mudgee Guardian, Monday 4 November 1907, p. 2. Holland Humphries Wedding