Albert A Holland, 1883

Albert A /Holland/
Given names
Albert A
Birth 1883 28 23

Death of a fatherGeorge Albert Holland
4 April 1899 (aged 16 years)

Note: Rylstone.

Rylstone. Perhaps I am late in adding my testimony to the worth of the late G. A Holland. Time alone can tell the loss the town has sustained, and no one can estimate the loss his family has unstained. Mudgee Guardian, Friday 21 April 1899, p. 17. George Holland Death

Note: Death of Mr. George Holland.

Death of Mr. George Holland. It is with the deepest regret and heartfelt sorrow that we have to chronicle the death of Mr. George Holland, of the Globe Hotel, Rylstone. In Mudgee, where the deceased was popularly known and respected, the news of the sad event received by wire on Wednesday afternoon, gave rise to universal expressions of regret and deep sympathy for the bereaved ones. Mr. Holland's youth was spent in Mudgee, where he served his apprenticeship at the saddlery and harness trade. Removing to Rylstone he followed his business for a number of years, until taking over the original Globe hotel, owned at the time by his father-in-law, the late Mr. T. Owen. Quite a transformation was effected by the new proprietor, the hotel premises being entirely changed, until it was converted into one of the snuggest, most attractive, and probably one of the best conducted properties of the kind in the West. Mr. Holland developed into a keen, active boniface, and it is remarkable in connection with his hotel career, he was never known to taste any intoxicating drink. He enjoyed the best of health, indeed, so careful and guarded was he in his habits of life that to have predicted for him a long and vigorous term would have been quite a reasonable conclusion for any medical man to have made up to within a few months ago, until the first stage of Bright's Disease commenced to assert itself. Later during the past two months alarming evidences of the most serious consequences were manifest. No expense was spared, the best of medical men and specialists in the city were engaged, but all in vain, until the sunset of a model life culminated in death on Wednesday at a private hospital. The community of Rylstone will miss George Holland; in all public movements he has been well to the front, active for the life of the place, in business diligent and trustworthy, and highly appreciated as a smart man of business. In social matter, in politics, and in the sporting world George Holland's part was creditable and honorable. By his energy he had placed himself and family in comfortable circumstances. The bereaved widow and son and daughter must find consolation in the knowledge that the husband and father lived a life that was untarnished, and that his welfare was their welfare. The remains were conveyed to Rylstone for interment, the funeral taking place on Thursday afternoon. Mudgee Guardian, Friday 7 April 1899, p. 14. George Holland Obituary

Burial of a fatherGeorge Albert Holland
after 4 April 1899 (aged 16 years)
Note: Headstone reads:

Headstone reads: Sacred to the memory of George Albert Holland Dearly beloved husband of Mary Ann Holland who departed this life 4th April 1899 Aged 45 years

Death of a motherMary Ann Owen
20 July 1903 (aged 20 years)

Note: Death of Mrs Holland.

Death of Mrs Holland. It is with sincere regret that we announce the death of Mrs. Mary Ann Holland, of the Globe Hotel, Rylstone, widow of Mr. George Holland, who died four and a half years ago. The deceased was aged 42, and was a daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Owen, who was at one time a member of the police force, and afterwards had a butcher's business at Rylstone. Mrs. Holland is survived by one daughter, Miss Ethel Holland, and by one son, Mr. A. Holland, who is Assistant Clerk of Petty Sessions at Bathurst. The late Mrs. Holland will be greatly missed, for throughout her life she was over trying to help those who needed help, and was held in affectionate esteem by all who knew her. The surviving members of the family have the sympathy of hosts of friends. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 23 July 1903, p. 11. Mary Ann Holland Obituary

Burial of a motherMary Ann Owen
after 20 July 1903 (aged 20 years)
Note: Headstone reads:

Headstone reads: Sacred to the memory of Mary Ann Holland Dearly beloved mother of Ethel & Albert Holland Who died 20th July 1903 Aged 43 years R.I.P.

MarriageIra D HumphriesView this family
30 October 1907 (aged 24 years)

Note: A Wedding.

A Wedding. Following is an account of the marriage of Mr. A. A. Holland, son of the late George Holland, of Rylstone, with Miss Iva Humphries, of Bathurst, which was celebrated last week: - At the Catholic Presbytery, Bathurst, on Wednesday last, A. A. Holland of the Justice Department, Maitland, was married to Iva Humphries, of Bathurst. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. A. Humphries. She wore a dress of white ninon-de-soie, with touches of pale blue, and a large white picture hat; she carried a pearl and turquoise necklace, gifts of the bridegroom. Miss Ethel Holland, only sister of the bridegroom, was chief bridesmaid, and wore pale pink crepe de chine, and large black hat, with pale pink roses; she carried a bouquet of pink flowers, and wore a gold heart-shaped pendent, gifts of the bridegroom. Misses Kitty and Inez Humphries, sisters of the bride, were in attendance, wearing pretty white muslin frocks, carrying baskets of roses, and wearing cable bangles, gifts of the bridegroom. Mr. Ernest Perry was best man. Rev. J. Hall. C.M., St Stanislaus' College, officiated. After the ceremony a large party of friends were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Humphries at the Masonic Hall. The bride was the recipient of many presents which were displayed in the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Holland left by the mail train for Sydney en route for Melbourne and Tasmania, the bride's travelling dress being fawn tweed and brown hat. Mudgee Guardian, Monday 4 November 1907, p. 2. Holland Humphries Wedding

Family with parents
Birth: about 1855 26 28
Death: 4 April 1899
Birth: about 1860
Death: 20 July 1903
Marriage Marriage1880
2 years
elder sister
3 years
Family with Ira D Humphries
Marriage Marriage30 October 1907

A Wedding. Following is an account of the marriage of Mr. A. A. Holland, son of the late George Holland, of Rylstone, with Miss Iva Humphries, of Bathurst, which was celebrated last week: - At the Catholic Presbytery, Bathurst, on Wednesday last, A. A. Holland of the Justice Department, Maitland, was married to Iva Humphries, of Bathurst. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. A. Humphries. She wore a dress of white ninon-de-soie, with touches of pale blue, and a large white picture hat; she carried a pearl and turquoise necklace, gifts of the bridegroom. Miss Ethel Holland, only sister of the bridegroom, was chief bridesmaid, and wore pale pink crepe de chine, and large black hat, with pale pink roses; she carried a bouquet of pink flowers, and wore a gold heart-shaped pendent, gifts of the bridegroom. Misses Kitty and Inez Humphries, sisters of the bride, were in attendance, wearing pretty white muslin frocks, carrying baskets of roses, and wearing cable bangles, gifts of the bridegroom. Mr. Ernest Perry was best man. Rev. J. Hall. C.M., St Stanislaus' College, officiated. After the ceremony a large party of friends were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Humphries at the Masonic Hall. The bride was the recipient of many presents which were displayed in the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Holland left by the mail train for Sydney en route for Melbourne and Tasmania, the bride's travelling dress being fawn tweed and brown hat. Mudgee Guardian, Monday 4 November 1907, p. 2. Holland Humphries Wedding