Maria Evesson, 1937

Maria /Evesson/
Given names
Married name
Maria /Maloney/
MarriageMichael MaloneyView this family

Birth of a daughterSarah Maloney

Birth of a sonPatrick Maloney

Birth of a sonRobert Maloney

Birth of a sonJohn Maloney

Birth of a daughterFlorence Margaret Maloney

Birth of a sonWilliam John Maloney

Birth of a daughterEllen Beatrice Maloney

Birth of a daughterAlice Maude Maloney

Birth of a daughterDaisy Maloney

Birth of a sonJames Graham Maloney

Birth of a sonClarence M Maloney

Birth of a sonRichard Charles Maloney

Birth of a sonCecil Stanislaus Maloney

Marriage of a childAugustus George RheinbergerFlorence Margaret MaloneyView this family
17 October 1905
Note: Wedding at Gulgowra.

Wedding at Gulgowra. RHEINBERGER - MALONEY. A quiet but pretty wedding was celebrated on Tuesday morning, when, at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. Father O'Donnell, of Gulgong, celebrated the marriage tie between Mr. August George Rheinberger, son of Ald. P. J. Rheinberger, of ''Willow Vale,'' Eurunderee, and Miss Lilian Margaret Maloney, second eldest daughter of Mr. Michael Maloney, of ''Gulgowra,'' Lue. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in cream silk voile, trimmed with accordion-pleated silk and chiffon. She also wore the orthodox wreath and veil and carried a pretty shower bouquet. She was accompanied by one bridesmaid, her sister, Miss Lilian Maloney, who wore cream voile trimmed with lace, and a dainty picture hat to match. She also carried a shower bouquet. Mr. John Rheinberger, ber of the bride-groom, was best man. After the ceremony a number of guests assembled with the bridal party in a specially erected dining hall which was profusely decorated with evergreens and flowers, and in which an excellent wedding breakfast was prepared. The breakfast over, Rev. Father O'Donnell proposed the health of Mr. and Mrs. Rheinberger, and in doing so, praised the many admirable attributes of character possessed by the bride, who, with her husband, he wished the choicest of this world's blessings. The bridegroom having responded, Mr. T. H. McDonald, of Bristowe, proposed the health of the bride and bridegroom's parents, which Mr. P. J. Rheinberger acknowledged. Other toasts given were ''The bridesmaids,'' proposed by Mr. John Rheinberger, and responded to by Mr. D. McGrath, and ''The Press,'' proposed by Rev. Father O'Donnell, and replied to by Mr. P. S. Garling. The guests next found entertainment in the enjoyment of a couple of hours of harmony, after which the bridal party drove to Lue railway station, and there took train for Sydney, where they will spend the honeymoon. They were seen off by a number of friends, whose good wishes were expressed for a bright and happy future. The bride's travelling dress was of pale grey tweed trimmed with white cloth, her hat being of black chiffon. Mr. and Mrs. Rheinberger were made the recipients of a very nice lot of presents, among them being a beautiful tea service from Mr. ?. Rope, proprietor of the Wollar butter factory, of which the bridegroom is manager (Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, Thursday 19 October 1905, page 16).


GULGOWRA. A quiet yet pretty wedding was celebrated recently, when, at the residence of tho bride's parents, Rev. Father O'Donnell, of Gulgong, celebrated the marriage of Mr. August George Rheinberger, son of Alderman P. J. Rheinbergor, of 'Willow Vale,' . Eurunderee, and Miss Lilian Margaret Maloney, second eldest^1 daughter of Mr. Michael Maloney, of ' ' Gulgowra, ' ' Lue. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in cream silk voile, trimmed with accordeon-pleated silk and chiffon. She also wore the orthodox wreath and veil, and carried a pretty shower bouquet. She was accompanied by one bridesmaid, her sister, Miss Lilian Maloney, who wore cream voile trimmed with laco, and a dainty picture hat to, match. She also carried a shower bouquet. Mr. John Rheinberger, ber of 'the bridegroom, was best man. After the ceremony a number of guests assembled with the bridal party in. a specially erected dining-hall, which was profusely decorated with evergreens and flowers, and in which an excellent wedding breakfast was served. The guests next found entertainment in a couple of hours of harmony, after which the happy couple drove to Lue Railway Station, where they took train for Sydney, where they will spend the honeymoon. They were seen off by a number of friends. The bride's travelling dress was of pale grey tweed, trimmed with white cloth, her hat being of black chiffon. Mr. and Mrs. Rheinberger were the recipients of a very nice lot of presents. Endeavour to be patient in bearing with the defects and infirmities of others, of what sort soever they be; for that thyself also hast many failings which must be borne with by others. If thou canst not make thyself such an one as thou wouldst, how canst thou expect to have another in all things to thy liking? (Catholic Press, Thursday 2 November 1905, page 29).

Marriage of a childErnest Chapman CarterEllen Beatrice MaloneyView this family

Note: Wedding Bells.

Wedding Bells. CARTER - MALONEY On the 31st August, at the residence of the bride's parents, Gulgowra, Lue, the marriage took place of Mr. George Chapman Carter and Miss Helena Maloney. The contracting parties are respectively members of two of the best known families of the district, the bride-groom being the third son of ex-Superintendent Geo. Carter, of Red Hill, Upper Botobolar, and late of Bourke, and the bride, the fourth daughter of Mr. M. Maloney, of Gulgowra. We wish the happy couple long lives during which they may tread the paths of love and duty, proving victors in the battles of life, working righteous labors, retrieving grievous wrongs and achieving glorious aims (Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, Monday 7 September 1908, page 2).

Marriage of a childAlexander G D McDonaldAlice Maude MaloneyView this family

Note: Marriage. McDONALD - MALONEY - At the R C. Church, Lue, by the Rev Father Corbett, on the 27th D…

Marriage. McDONALD - MALONEY - At the R C. Church, Lue, by the Rev Father Corbett, on the 27th Dec , Alec George Draper, eldest son of A. McDonald, headmaster Public School, Newnes, to Maud Alice, fifth daughter of M. Maloney, Gulgowra, Lue (Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, Monday 5 January 1914, page 3).

Marriage of a childEdwin MuirDaisy MaloneyView this family
26 January 1915
Note: Marriage on January 26th, 1915, at Holy Trinity Church, Granville, by Rev. Father Grace, Edwin Muir,…

Marriage on January 26th, 1915, at Holy Trinity Church, Granville, by Rev. Father Grace, Edwin Muir, of Queanbeyan, and second son of Mrs. E. Muir, Kerri Muir, Scotland, to Daisy, youngest daughter of M. Maloney, of Gulgowra, Lue (Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, Thursday 4 February 1915, page 22).

Death of a husbandMichael Maloney
1 July 1918
Note: Death of Mr. M. Maloney.

Death of Mr. M. Maloney. A VERY OLD MUDGEE DISTRICT NATIVE. The death took place at 90 Victoria-street, Potts Point, on Monday last of Mr. M. Maloney, a very highly respected and esteemed resident of Lue, aged 75 years. Mr. Maloney was born near Rylstone, and when only a boy went with his parents to reside at "Gulgowra," where he had resided ever since until his death, which took place as stated on Monday last at 90 Victoria-street, Potts Point, whither he had gone with his wife to spend a holiday. Up to within a few days of his death Mr. Maloney enjoyed the best of health until pneumonia set in a week previous to his death. Standing over 6ft., and being proportionately built, Mr. Maloney was a fine specimen of Australian born manhood, and being of a pleasant, kind, and charitable disposition enjoyed the esteem of a very large circle of friends, and had not an enemy in the world. Fifty-three years ago Mr. Maloney married Miss Evesson, of Sydney. They reared a large and highly respected family, namely, Patrick, John and Richard ("Gulgowra," Lue), Robert (Cooyal), James (Bylong), and Cecil (on active service), Mrs. M. Duggan (Budgee), Mrs. F. G. Rheinberger (Mudgee), Mrs. E. Carter (Bylong), Mrs. A. McDonald (Clyde River), Mrs. G. Muir (Smithfield), and Miss Lilly Maloney (Lue), all of whom are living - Clarence died in infancy. For many years Mr. Maloney was engaged in the rearing of cattle on his "Gulgowra" property, but some years ago he decided to change from cattle breeding to sheep raising, which change he accomplished with success, and by continually adding land to his original property became the possessor of a fine landed estate, highly improved and well stocked. Mr. Maloney was one of the oldest natives of the Mudgee district. By Wednesday morning's train deceased's remains were brought to Mudgee and taken to St. Mary's Church, where it rested until 11 o'clock, when after the first part of the burial service had been read by the Rev. Father P. M. O'Reilly (of Gulgong), the funeral cortege, which was very large, moved off to the Roman Catholic Cemetery. There the second portion of the service was also read by the Rev. Father O'Reilly. The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Wood, Coffil and Co., Sydney, and J. C. Swords, Mudgee (Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, Thursday 4 July 1918, page 21).

Note: Late Michael Maloney

Late Michael Maloney AN OLD MUDGEEITE. SOME INTERESTING RECOLLECTIONS. A correspondent writes : -
It was only a few issues ago that you gave an interesting' account of ?the life of an old pioneer, who had Crossed the Great Divide, namely, the late John Wall, of Upper Botobolar. Now another, Michael Maloney, of Gulgowra. Lue, has answered the last great call. There are very few men living to-day who remember Mudgee and district as he did. His recollection went back to the time when, as a boy, he heard the dingoes from the hills at the back of Mudgee howling in the dense box scrub where the old A.J.S. Bank now stands, opposite Robertson Park, and not far from the 'Guardian' office. He played around the fires that consumed the stumps in Market-street. He attended the races at Menah Flat, those historic struggles which 'Old Ned' refers to in the days When Our Beards Were Black; he was a fearless bush rider, and had many a chase after the wild cattle on the steep mountains behind Havilah station. In connection with those daring rides he mentioned the name of John Finucane as being a superb horseman, who, if he is alive, would, according to the late Mr. Maloney, be one of the old, if not the oldest, natives of Mudgee. The late Monsignor ©'Donovan (of whom the writer has. kindly recollections, when a small boy looking in Nicholson's confectionery window, he pinched my ear. and said 'Would you like some?' and you can guess the answer, who was then a young priest from Ireland, and himself a fine horseman - tried to follow Mr. Maloney at a kangaroo hunt. He gave up in disgust, and said, 'That fellow will break his neck yet.' The late Mr. Maloney was active up to- the time of his last sudden and fatal illness. His youngest son, Cecil, is at the front, and eight other close relations have answered the call of Empire, three of whom have made the last great sacrifice in the cause of freedom. He was a man loved by all who had the privilege of his acquaintance, and with the help of his good wife, who survives him, he acquired a lovely home at Gulgowra, where twelve respected sons and daughters were reared. Now, after an active life, he is taking' his last long rest with the old pioneers of Mudgee and district, in that hallowed spot not far from the scenes of his youth. Peace to the dead (Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, Thursday 18 July 1918, page 6).

Burial of a husbandMichael Maloney
3 July 1918
Marriage of a childCecil Stanislaus MaloneyGladys Eliza AldridgeView this family

Death 19 July 1937


DEATH THE death occurred to-day of Mrs M. Maloney, of Gulgowra, Lue, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed residents of the district. A Requiem Mass will be held at St. Mary's Church, Mudgee, at 9 a.m. tomorrow, and the funeral will take place at 2 o'clock (Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, Monday 19 July 1937, page 1).

Probate August 1937 (0 after death)

Note: IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES--Probate Jurisdiction-In the Will and Codicil of MARIA MALON…

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES--Probate Jurisdiction-In the Will and Codicil of MARIA MALONEY late of Gulgowra Lue In the State of New South Wales Widow deceased-Application will be made after fourteen days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament doted the twenty fourth day of November one thousand nine hundred and thirty two (and a Codicil thereto dated the twenty third day of May one thousand nine hundred and thirty four) of the abovenamed deceased may be fronted to RICHARD CHARLES MALONEY and PATRICK MALONEY the Executors named In the said Will and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address All creditors in the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned ERIC R DANIEL, Proctor for Executors Market Street Mudgee By his Agents CLAYTON UTZ and COMPANY 136 (Sydney Morning Herald, Tuesday 3 August 1937, page 2).

Family with Michael Maloney
Marriage Marriage1866
2 years
3 years
3 years
3 years
4 years
3 years
3 years
4 years
3 years
3 years
5 years
1 year
Birth: 1891
Death: 3 June 1969Mudgee District Hospital, Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia
4 years

DEATH THE death occurred to-day of Mrs M. Maloney, of Gulgowra, Lue, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed residents of the district. A Requiem Mass will be held at St. Mary's Church, Mudgee, at 9 a.m. tomorrow, and the funeral will take place at 2 o'clock (Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, Monday 19 July 1937, page 1).


IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES--Probate Jurisdiction-In the Will and Codicil of MARIA MALONEY late of Gulgowra Lue In the State of New South Wales Widow deceased-Application will be made after fourteen days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament doted the twenty fourth day of November one thousand nine hundred and thirty two (and a Codicil thereto dated the twenty third day of May one thousand nine hundred and thirty four) of the abovenamed deceased may be fronted to RICHARD CHARLES MALONEY and PATRICK MALONEY the Executors named In the said Will and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address All creditors in the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned ERIC R DANIEL, Proctor for Executors Market Street Mudgee By his Agents CLAYTON UTZ and COMPANY 136 (Sydney Morning Herald, Tuesday 3 August 1937, page 2).