Hubert Lionel Butler, 18941969 (aged 75 years)

Hubert Lionel /Butler/
Given names
Hubert Lionel
Birth 1894 38

Sheep Stolen
Sheep Stolen
25 November 1920 (aged 26 years)
Note: Horses and Cattle.

Horses and Cattle. Cassilis.- Reported supposed stolen between the month of November, 1919, and the 25th ultimo, from Spion Kop, near Cassilis, the property of Hubert Lionel Butler, - 21 merino ewes and wethers, 4 and 6 tooth, ear-mark square out of front and Y out of back of registered ear, tar branded JB on back; shorn in November, 1919. Total value, £26 5s. Identifiable. New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime, Wednesday 17 November 1920 (No.46), p. 646.

Insurance Salesman
about 1930 (aged 36 years)

Note: As a neighbour on one occasion Lionel Butler who was at the time an insurance agent, was helping to…

As a neighbour on one occasion Lionel Butler who was at the time an insurance agent, was helping to brand cattle when a wild cow attacked my father, knocking him down, when my mother asked Lionel what he did he said he jumped up and down shouting, “Take out a life insurance policy Stan” (Roberts, Belle, and M. B Robinson. Beyond the Ranges. Mudgee, N.S.W.: B. Roberts, 1982, p. 31).

Birth of a daughterPaula Butler
about 1933 (aged 39 years)

Birth of a sonRobert Ormonde Butler
about 1937 (aged 43 years)

Mail Man
about 1940 (aged 46 years)

Note: Back in the 1940s, during the last World War when petrol was in very short supply, Mr G Carr and his…

Back in the 1940s, during the last World War when petrol was in very short supply, Mr G Carr and his sons of Murragamba had a charcoal kiln and made charcoal for the charcoal gas burner used on the Mudgee-Cassilis mail-car driven by Mr Lionel Butler, who had the Mudgee-Cassilis mail contract for some twenty-odd years (Roberts, Belle. Chimney in the Forest. Mudgee, N.S.W.: Mudgee Guardian Print., 1975, p.8).

Birth of a daughterMaureen Butler
about 1940 (aged 46 years)

Death of a wifeIvy Elsie Capon
4 June 1941 (aged 47 years)

Note: Mrs. I. E. Butler

Mrs. I. E. Butler THE death occurred so Friday last of Ivy Elsie Butler. wife of Mr. Lionel Butler, mail contractor, of Gladstone Street, at the age of 44 years. Deceased had been ill for a long time, and had been In hospital for some weeks. She leaves a husband and seven children, and to these our deepest sympathies is extended. The funeral took place on Saturday to the Church of England portion of the Mudgee Cemetery, the Rev. A. G. Powell officiating. Arrangements were in the hands of Mr. H. Barton. Mudgee Guardian, Monday 9 June 1941, p. 2. Ivy Butler Obituary


GULGONG PERSONAL Mrs. Ivy E. Butler (wife of Mr. Lionel Butler, Mudgee-Cassilis mail contractor, died in Mudgee last Friday evening, aged 44 years. She is a sister of Mr. J. Capon, who many years ago, was an officer of the former Australian Bank of Commerce, Gulgong branch. Deceased's father was a school-teacher at Turill many years ago. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 12 June 1941, p. 12. Ivy Butler Death

Burial of a wifeIvy Elsie Capon
7 June 1941 (aged 47 years)
Note: Headstone reads:

Headstone reads: In loving memory of my dear wife & our mother Ivy E Butler Died 4th June 1941 Aged 44 years

Death of a fatherFrancis Butler
12 July 1943 (aged 49 years)
Note: Rugby Union

Rugby Union MR. F. BUTLER DEAD Mr Francis Butler an old time Rugby Union player died in his 87th year at Cremorne yesterday. He was captain of the first intercolonial team to visit Victoria in 1877 and was also captain of the Waratahs which later became the Wallaroos. Mr Butler was also interested in yachting (Sydney Morning Herald, Tuesday 13 July 1943, page 7).

Death of a motherAngelina Bell
25 July 1950 (aged 56 years)
Note: DEATHS: BUTLER. Angelina.- July 25, 1950, at North Sydney, wife of the late Francis Butler. Privatel…

DEATHS: BUTLER. Angelina.- July 25, 1950, at North Sydney, wife of the late Francis Butler. Privately Interred (Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday 27 July 1950, page 20).

EngagementJane BarrView this family
1 February 1951 (aged 57 years)


CASSILIS PERSONAL The engagement is announced of Miss J. Barr to Mr. Lionel Butler. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 1 February 1951, p. 14. Engagement Hubert Butler and Jane Barr

MarriageJane BarrView this family
1951 (aged 57 years)

Death 10 December 1969 (aged 75 years)
Note: Death Notice

Death Notice Hubert Butler The death occurred on December 10 of Mr. Hubert Lionel Butler, aged 76. He died at his residence in Gladstone Street, and is survived by his wife Jane and family Sheila, Dawn, Paula, Fay, Maureen, Francis and Robert. His funeral left St. John's Church of England on Friday for interment in the Church of England portion of the Mudgee cemetery. Mudgee Guardian, Wednesday 17 December 1969, p. 13. Obituary Hubert Lionel Butler

Note: Ulan News

Ulan News Obituary The funeral took place in Mudgee last Friday of Mr. Hubert Lionel Butler, 76, who was very well known locally. The late Mr. Butler, before his retirement, conducted the Mudgee-Cassilis mail service for many years. He also owned a grazing property in the Turill area. Twice married, Mr. Butler's first wife, Miss Ivy Capon, was Post-Mistress at the Turill P.O. many years ago. She predeceased him in the early 1940s, leaving a family of seven children. Years later Mr. Butler married again and sincere sympathy is extended to his wife Jane and his family. Mudgee Guardian, Monday 22 December 1969, p. 8. Obituary Hubert Lionel Butler

Burial 10 December 1969 (on the date of death)
Note: Headstone reads;

Headstone reads; In loving memory of And our father Hubert L Butler Died 10th Dec 1969 Aged 76 years [With Ivy E Butler and Elizabeth Jane Butler]

Probate 25 February 1970 (2 months after death)

Note: Probate Notice

Probate Notice In The Supreme Court of New South Wales Probate Jurisdiction. In the Will of Hubert Lionel Butler, late of Mudgee in the State of New South Wales, Retired Mail Contractor, deceased. Application will be made after fourteen days from the publication hereof that probate of the last Will and Testament dated 29th April, 1969 of the above-named deceased may be granted to Francis William Butler and Robert Ormond Butler, the Executors named in the said Will and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All creditors in the Estate of the said deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned, Spring Hill, Hannaford & Craig, Solicitors, 79 Market Street, Mudgee. By their City Agents, Marshall, Marks, Dezarnaulds & Jones, Solicitors, 67 Castlereagh Street, Sydney. Mudgee Guardian, Wednesday 25 February 1970, p. 8. Probate Notice Hubert Lionel Butler

Family with parents
Francis Butler 1887
Birth: 1856
Death: 12 July 1943Cremorne, New South Wales, Australia
Death: 25 July 1950North Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Marriage Marriage1881
14 years
Birth: 1894 38
Death: 10 December 1969Gladstone Street, Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia
Family with Ivy Elsie Capon
Birth: 1894 38
Death: 10 December 1969Gladstone Street, Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia
Birth: 1896 38 33
Death: 4 June 1941
Birth: about 1933 39 37
Death: 3 July 2009McKay House, Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia
Birth: about 1940 46 44
Death: 31 March 1970
Birth: about 1937 43 41
Death: 9 August 2011
Family with Jane Barr
Burial: 22 May 1981Mudgee General Cemetery, Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia
Birth: 1894 38
Death: 10 December 1969Gladstone Street, Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia
Marriage Marriage1951
Sheep Stolen

Horses and Cattle. Cassilis.- Reported supposed stolen between the month of November, 1919, and the 25th ultimo, from Spion Kop, near Cassilis, the property of Hubert Lionel Butler, - 21 merino ewes and wethers, 4 and 6 tooth, ear-mark square out of front and Y out of back of registered ear, tar branded JB on back; shorn in November, 1919. Total value, £26 5s. Identifiable. New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime, Wednesday 17 November 1920 (No.46), p. 646.


As a neighbour on one occasion Lionel Butler who was at the time an insurance agent, was helping to brand cattle when a wild cow attacked my father, knocking him down, when my mother asked Lionel what he did he said he jumped up and down shouting, “Take out a life insurance policy Stan” (Roberts, Belle, and M. B Robinson. Beyond the Ranges. Mudgee, N.S.W.: B. Roberts, 1982, p. 31).


Back in the 1940s, during the last World War when petrol was in very short supply, Mr G Carr and his sons of Murragamba had a charcoal kiln and made charcoal for the charcoal gas burner used on the Mudgee-Cassilis mail-car driven by Mr Lionel Butler, who had the Mudgee-Cassilis mail contract for some twenty-odd years (Roberts, Belle. Chimney in the Forest. Mudgee, N.S.W.: Mudgee Guardian Print., 1975, p.8).


CASSILIS PERSONAL The engagement is announced of Miss J. Barr to Mr. Lionel Butler. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 1 February 1951, p. 14. Engagement Hubert Butler and Jane Barr


Death Notice Hubert Butler The death occurred on December 10 of Mr. Hubert Lionel Butler, aged 76. He died at his residence in Gladstone Street, and is survived by his wife Jane and family Sheila, Dawn, Paula, Fay, Maureen, Francis and Robert. His funeral left St. John's Church of England on Friday for interment in the Church of England portion of the Mudgee cemetery. Mudgee Guardian, Wednesday 17 December 1969, p. 13. Obituary Hubert Lionel Butler


Ulan News Obituary The funeral took place in Mudgee last Friday of Mr. Hubert Lionel Butler, 76, who was very well known locally. The late Mr. Butler, before his retirement, conducted the Mudgee-Cassilis mail service for many years. He also owned a grazing property in the Turill area. Twice married, Mr. Butler's first wife, Miss Ivy Capon, was Post-Mistress at the Turill P.O. many years ago. She predeceased him in the early 1940s, leaving a family of seven children. Years later Mr. Butler married again and sincere sympathy is extended to his wife Jane and his family. Mudgee Guardian, Monday 22 December 1969, p. 8. Obituary Hubert Lionel Butler


Headstone reads; In loving memory of And our father Hubert L Butler Died 10th Dec 1969 Aged 76 years [With Ivy E Butler and Elizabeth Jane Butler]


Probate Notice In The Supreme Court of New South Wales Probate Jurisdiction. In the Will of Hubert Lionel Butler, late of Mudgee in the State of New South Wales, Retired Mail Contractor, deceased. Application will be made after fourteen days from the publication hereof that probate of the last Will and Testament dated 29th April, 1969 of the above-named deceased may be granted to Francis William Butler and Robert Ormond Butler, the Executors named in the said Will and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All creditors in the Estate of the said deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned, Spring Hill, Hannaford & Craig, Solicitors, 79 Market Street, Mudgee. By their City Agents, Marshall, Marks, Dezarnaulds & Jones, Solicitors, 67 Castlereagh Street, Sydney. Mudgee Guardian, Wednesday 25 February 1970, p. 8. Probate Notice Hubert Lionel Butler