Sarah Coleman, 1827

Sarah /Coleman/
Given names
Married name
Sarah /Holland/
Birth about 1827

MarriageRobert Charles HollandView this family

Birth of a daughterClara E Holland
about 1848 (aged 21 years)

Birth of a sonHenry James Holland
about 1852 (aged 25 years)

Birth of a sonGeorge Albert Holland
about 1855 (aged 28 years)

Birth of a daughterMary Anne Holland
about 1857 (aged 30 years)

Birth of a sonRobert Charles Holland
about 1860 (aged 33 years)

Marriage of a childHenry James HollandSarah Jane HicksonView this family
1873 (aged 46 years)

Marriage of a childGeorge Albert HollandMary Ann OwenView this family
1880 (aged 53 years)

Death of a sonGeorge Albert Holland
4 April 1899 (aged 72 years)

Note: Rylstone.

Rylstone. Perhaps I am late in adding my testimony to the worth of the late G. A Holland. Time alone can tell the loss the town has sustained, and no one can estimate the loss his family has unstained. Mudgee Guardian, Friday 21 April 1899, p. 17. George Holland Death

Note: Death of Mr. George Holland.

Death of Mr. George Holland. It is with the deepest regret and heartfelt sorrow that we have to chronicle the death of Mr. George Holland, of the Globe Hotel, Rylstone. In Mudgee, where the deceased was popularly known and respected, the news of the sad event received by wire on Wednesday afternoon, gave rise to universal expressions of regret and deep sympathy for the bereaved ones. Mr. Holland's youth was spent in Mudgee, where he served his apprenticeship at the saddlery and harness trade. Removing to Rylstone he followed his business for a number of years, until taking over the original Globe hotel, owned at the time by his father-in-law, the late Mr. T. Owen. Quite a transformation was effected by the new proprietor, the hotel premises being entirely changed, until it was converted into one of the snuggest, most attractive, and probably one of the best conducted properties of the kind in the West. Mr. Holland developed into a keen, active boniface, and it is remarkable in connection with his hotel career, he was never known to taste any intoxicating drink. He enjoyed the best of health, indeed, so careful and guarded was he in his habits of life that to have predicted for him a long and vigorous term would have been quite a reasonable conclusion for any medical man to have made up to within a few months ago, until the first stage of Bright's Disease commenced to assert itself. Later during the past two months alarming evidences of the most serious consequences were manifest. No expense was spared, the best of medical men and specialists in the city were engaged, but all in vain, until the sunset of a model life culminated in death on Wednesday at a private hospital. The community of Rylstone will miss George Holland; in all public movements he has been well to the front, active for the life of the place, in business diligent and trustworthy, and highly appreciated as a smart man of business. In social matter, in politics, and in the sporting world George Holland's part was creditable and honorable. By his energy he had placed himself and family in comfortable circumstances. The bereaved widow and son and daughter must find consolation in the knowledge that the husband and father lived a life that was untarnished, and that his welfare was their welfare. The remains were conveyed to Rylstone for interment, the funeral taking place on Thursday afternoon. Mudgee Guardian, Friday 7 April 1899, p. 14. George Holland Obituary

Burial of a sonGeorge Albert Holland
after 4 April 1899 (aged 72 years)
Note: Headstone reads:

Headstone reads: Sacred to the memory of George Albert Holland Dearly beloved husband of Mary Ann Holland who departed this life 4th April 1899 Aged 45 years

Death of a sonRobert Charles Holland
16 August 1899 (aged 72 years)
Note: Obituary

Obituary Death of Mr. Robert Holland Mrs. G. A. Holland received a telegram yesterday, saying that Mr. Robert Holland, ber of Mr. H. J. Holland, of Cudgegong, and of the late Mr. G. A. Holland, of this town, had died at Rockhampton (Q.) on the previous day, of pneumonia. Details are not yet to hand, but it is surmised that Mr. Holland, whose residence was in Ilfracombe, had gone to Rockhampton on business and was there taken ill. Last Christmas Mr. Holland and his wife were in Rylstone, on a visit to his ber. The deceased had been an hotel keeper in Ilfracombe for some years, and sold out of his business towards the end of last year, after which time he erected much larger premises in the same town. The license for his new hotel had only been granted a few hours, when he received word of his ber’s (George) death. With the death of two bers (both quite unlooked for) within so short a time, and another lying ill in a hospital, the Holland family are indeed experiencing dark days. That the light of brighter days will shortly shine upon them once more will, we are sure, be sincerely wished by all who know them. Rylstone Express, Friday 18 August 1899. Obituary Robert Charles Holland

Death of a sonHenry James Holland
7 February 1900 (aged 73 years)

Note: MR. HARRY HOLLAND. On Wednesday evening, death released a good man from his sufferings, when Harry H…

MR. HARRY HOLLAND. On Wednesday evening, death released a good man from his sufferings, when Harry Holland passed away at his residence in Douro-street. The deceased was well known all through this district, where he had lived since boyhood, having come here from England with his father, who survives him and lives at Coonamble. Harry Holland was a well-known mail contractor, and some twelve months ago he took the Cudgegong Hotel. Almost immediately very bad health seized him, and for a very long time he was an inpatient of the Mudgee Hospital, suffering most terribly from chronic rheumatism. During the last twelve months the hand of death has taken two other brothers of the deceased, Robert, who lived in Queensland, and George Holland, of Rylstone. Harry Holland leaves a widow and family, with whom we have every sympathy in their great sorrow. Mudgee Guardian, Friday 9 February 1900, p. 13. Henry Holland Obituary

Family with Robert Charles Holland
Marriage Marriage
5 years
4 years
Birth: about 1855 26 28
Death: 4 April 1899
3 years
4 years
Birth: about 1860 31 33
Death: 16 August 1899Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia