Ellen May Miller, 19001970 (aged 70 years)

Ellen May /Miller/
Given names
Ellen May
Married name
Ellen May /Cornish/
Birth 1900

Birth of a sisterOlive E Miller
1903 (aged 3 years)

Death of a brotherStanley Miller
22 November 1919 (aged 19 years)

Note: Death at Gulgong.

Death at Gulgong. MR. STANLEY MILLER. We regret to report the death of Mr. Stanley Miller at the age of 24 years. The sad event took place on Saturday night last, at the residence of deceased's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Miller. The late Mr. Miller had been a sufferer for the past two years. He was a popular young man, and was held in the highest esteem by the general public, whose sympathy goes out to the bereaved. The interment took place in the Church of England cemetery yesterday morning, Rev. C. J. Allen officiating at the graveside. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. McGowen and Bayliss. The deceased was a member of the local branch of the M.U.I.O.O.F., and the brethren of the Lodge marched at the funeral. Ber H. Hall read the Order's burial service at the graveside. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 27 November 1919, p. 15. Obituary Stanley Miller

Death of a fatherWilliam Miller
22 July 1937 (aged 37 years)

DEATH William Miller, Gulgong The death occurred early this morning of Mr. William Miller, of Medley Street, Gulgong. The deceased had been a resident of Gulgong for nearly 70 years. He was a native of South Australia. He is survived by a widow and the following grown-up family: Messrs. L. (Tos) Miller (Gulgong), George Miller (Lithgow), Mesdames Britt Cornish (Gulgong), George Boss (Sydney), and Miss Olive Miller (Gulgong). Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 22 July 1937, p. 1. Obituary William Miller

Note: Mr. Wm. Miller

Mr. Wm. Miller A truly good man passed away when the death occurred at his residence in Medley street, Gulgong, of Mr. William Miller, aged 79 years. Deceased, who had an interesting career during his residence in this town and district extending over a period of 67 years. He was a native of Adelaide and came to Gulgong at the age of twelve years. His father, the late Mr. William Miller, and his mother were in the employ of the Rouse family at Guntawang over 60 years ago, his mother having nursed quite a number of the family. Deceased, who could recall the time when the first payable gold was discovered in Gulgong, himself took up mining for a time. He and his ber were employed by Mr. Rouse (deceased) at the time when the property ran a good way towards Wellington and it was whilst working on the property that his ber died as the result of a bite from a deathadder. His father, at the time, was manager of the Perseverance owned by Mr. Rouse. Years later, the late Mr. Miller was employed at the old flour mill in White-street, Gulgong, and fell from the top of the building to the floor, landing on his feet and smashing his thigh. He was taken to Sydney Hosiptal, where he was a patient for some months under the care of Doctors McCormack Maitland and Piaschi, the State's most eminent men at the time. That happened about 31 years ago and he had lived a retired life ever since. The late Mr. Miller was esteemed by all sections of the community. He was one who would not do anyone a bad turn. As a husband and father, he was always kindly and loving to a degree, and the loss to the hearts of his loved ones will be great. But the knowledge that their dear one lived such an exemplary life must be an inspiration to them. He had an unselfish nature and it was this, with his straight-forward manliness and fine out-look which endeared him to the entire community. Prior to contracting bronchitis quite recently he had always enjoyed good health. Pleurisy followed and his death took place early on Thursday morning. The funeral took place that afternoon to the Church of England portion of the Gulgong cemetery, the Rev. L. V. Caldwell officiating. Arrangements were carried out by Mr. R. S. Bayliss. A widow and the following family are left to mourn their loss:— Messrs. L. (Tos.) Miller (Gulgong), George Miller (Lithgow), Mesdames George Boss (Sydney), E. Cornish (Gulgong), and Miss Olive Miller (Gulgong). Mrs. H. Buckingham, of Coogee, is a sister. Our sympathy is extended. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 29 July 1937, p. 17. Obituary William Miller

Sister visiting from Sydney 25 March 1948 (aged 48 years)

Note: Mrs. Boss, wife of Mr. G. Boss of the Public Works Department, Sydney, has returned home after stayi…

Mrs. Boss, wife of Mr. G. Boss of the Public Works Department, Sydney, has returned home after staying with her sister, Mrs. Cornish, wife of Mr. Brit. Cornish, of Fitzroy Street. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 25 March 1948, p. 6. Sister visiting Mrs Boss

Death of a husbandBritson Cornish
13 February 1953 (aged 53 years)
Note: Gulgong Poorer for Death of Mr. Brit Cornish

Gulgong Poorer for Death of Mr. Brit Cornish Gulgong is the poorer for the death at his home, Fitzroy Street, on February 13, of Mr. Britson Cornish, who was in business in the town as a tailor for over 50 years. Born at Home Rule, deceased was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cornish. His father was a tailor, but gave up the trade to go in pursuit of the yellow metal when the gold rush broke out at 'the Rule.' After his father's death, some 72 years ago, his mother became licensee of the old Belmore Hotel - delicensed many years ago - disposing of it after a short period to the late Mr. Mat Bennett's father (long since deceased). Brit. attended school in Gulgong, a Mr. Cosgrove being the headmaster. One of Brit's first jobs was as an employee of Mr. Bill Lee in a flour mill on a site near Tuxford's dam in the town; his wages being 2/6 per week. Mr. Frank McNally taught him the tailoring trade, and when the American Fleet visited Australia, Brit went to Sydney to take tailoring lessons. He studied trade magazines and fashion trends, returning to Gulgong to set up business as a tailor. He was very industrious and liked his work - it became and remained part of his life. He took a great pride in every piece of cloth he handled; making evening coats and frocks, suits for the working community as well as high-class articles. His shop was near Mr. J. J. Dowd's offices in Herbert Street prior to his moving to the present premises in Mayne Street he had occupied for so many years. The latter premises were acquired from a jeweller named McDonough. Brit. Cornish was an institution in the town. His genial manner and outstanding characteristics appealed to everyone. Every member of the community has lost a splendid friend. If ever there was a genuine, lovable and highly respected business man it was Brit. Cornish. He will always be remembered as an able local authority on the history of the town and the world in general, and on many other subjects, such as bush nature, the stars, the poets, the parliamentarians and public notables - for he was a well read man. In all the years of his business career, Brit. never made an enemy; on the contrary he attracted to himself a host of friends. Although he did not take a prominent part in public life, he was always willing to assist the various worthy movements and public organisations in the town. Local residents could not fail to have a high regard for one who could in a calm and quiet way discharge his citizenship responsibilities. He was beloved by all. During his illness, the late Mr. Cornish was sadly missed. After a service in St. Luke's Church, the funeral took place to the Church of England portion of the Gulgong cemetery on the Saturday, Rev. S. Carr officiating. Deceased is survived by his wife (nee Miss Ellen Miller, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Miller), a son (John, Gulgong) and a daughter (Nurse Betty Cornish, Sydney). Mrs. J. Cross, snr., of Fitzroy Street, is a sister. Bers, Ben and George, died some years ago. Our sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 26 February 1953, p. 10. Obituary Britson Cornish

Death 5 December 1970 (aged 70 years)

Note: Obituary

Obituary The death of Mrs. Ellen May Cornish, of Fitzroy Street, Gulgong, occurred on December 5. Mrs. Cornish was the wife of the late Mr. Brit Cornish who was widely known as a tailor throughout the district for more than fifty years. Mrs. Cornish was born in Gulgong and lived in that town for the whole of her life of seventy years. She was a gentle and kindly person of pleasant and friendly disposition, a devoted mother and highly esteemed neighbour. She had a number of interesting historic connections with the town of Gulgong. Her father, William Miller, came as a boy from South Australia to Guntawang where his mother acted as nurse and midwife to the Rouse family for many years. (The Rouses were the first settlers in the district.) William Miller could well remember Gulgong before the great gold rush of 1870, and he, himself, mined for gold in those first years of the rush when the search for gold was at its feverish height. Her mother, Emily Whalen, sailed from England as a twelve-year-old girl in the sailing ship “Moravian’ in 1873, with her family. The destination was Gulgong where a relative had found enough gold to pay the family’s passage to Australia. Mrs. Cornish had a detailed knowledge of the history of Gulgong since its inception, knowing of its many colourful personalities, its way of life, its fashions, its institutions and its growth. She is survived by a daughter, Betty, of Sydney, a son, John, of Gulgong, two sisters Olive (Mrs. Perry), of Gulgong, Eva (Mrs. Boss) of Sydney, and a ber, Leslie (Tos Miller) also of Gulgong. Two bers who predeceased her, but who were well known in the town as young men were George Miller and Stanley (“Son”) Miller. The funeral service was conducted by the Reverend D. J. Hinds at St. Luke’s Church of England, Gulgong on December 8, 1970. Mudgee Guardian, Wednesday 27 January 1971, p. 8. Obituary Ellen May Cornish

Burial 8 December 1970 (3 days after death)
Note: Headstone reads:

Headstone reads: In Loving Memory of My Dear Husband And Our Dear Father Britson Cornish Died 13th February 1953, Aged 79 years And Our Beloved Mother Ellen May Cornish Died 5th Dec. 1970 Aged 70 years "Dearly Loved Sadly Missed."

Family with parents
Marriage Marriage1884
3 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
4 years
elder brother
4 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
3 years
elder sister
2 years
Birth: 1900
Death: 5 December 1970
4 years
younger sister
Family with Britson Cornish
Birth: 1873
Death: 13 February 1953Fitzroy Street, Gulgong, New South Wales, Australia
Birth: 1900
Death: 5 December 1970
Sister visiting from Sydney

Mrs. Boss, wife of Mr. G. Boss of the Public Works Department, Sydney, has returned home after staying with her sister, Mrs. Cornish, wife of Mr. Brit. Cornish, of Fitzroy Street. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 25 March 1948, p. 6. Sister visiting Mrs Boss


Obituary The death of Mrs. Ellen May Cornish, of Fitzroy Street, Gulgong, occurred on December 5. Mrs. Cornish was the wife of the late Mr. Brit Cornish who was widely known as a tailor throughout the district for more than fifty years. Mrs. Cornish was born in Gulgong and lived in that town for the whole of her life of seventy years. She was a gentle and kindly person of pleasant and friendly disposition, a devoted mother and highly esteemed neighbour. She had a number of interesting historic connections with the town of Gulgong. Her father, William Miller, came as a boy from South Australia to Guntawang where his mother acted as nurse and midwife to the Rouse family for many years. (The Rouses were the first settlers in the district.) William Miller could well remember Gulgong before the great gold rush of 1870, and he, himself, mined for gold in those first years of the rush when the search for gold was at its feverish height. Her mother, Emily Whalen, sailed from England as a twelve-year-old girl in the sailing ship “Moravian’ in 1873, with her family. The destination was Gulgong where a relative had found enough gold to pay the family’s passage to Australia. Mrs. Cornish had a detailed knowledge of the history of Gulgong since its inception, knowing of its many colourful personalities, its way of life, its fashions, its institutions and its growth. She is survived by a daughter, Betty, of Sydney, a son, John, of Gulgong, two sisters Olive (Mrs. Perry), of Gulgong, Eva (Mrs. Boss) of Sydney, and a ber, Leslie (Tos Miller) also of Gulgong. Two bers who predeceased her, but who were well known in the town as young men were George Miller and Stanley (“Son”) Miller. The funeral service was conducted by the Reverend D. J. Hinds at St. Luke’s Church of England, Gulgong on December 8, 1970. Mudgee Guardian, Wednesday 27 January 1971, p. 8. Obituary Ellen May Cornish


Headstone reads: In Loving Memory of My Dear Husband And Our Dear Father Britson Cornish Died 13th February 1953, Aged 79 years And Our Beloved Mother Ellen May Cornish Died 5th Dec. 1970 Aged 70 years "Dearly Loved Sadly Missed."