Mary Ann Lawrence,

Mary Ann /Lawrence/
Given names
Mary Ann
Married name
Mary Ann /Cornish/
MarriageHenry CornishView this family

Birth of a sonBritson Cornish

Birth of a daughterMary Ann F Cornish

Birth of a sonHenry Cornish

Marriage of a childJames CrossMary Ann F CornishView this family

Death of a sonHenry Cornish
25 March 1948

Note: Mr. Henry Cornish

Mr. Henry Cornish The death occurred in the District Hospital on Thursday, March 25, of Mr. Henry ('Ben') Cornish, aged 68 years. Deceased, who was a native of Home Rule, lived in the town practically all his life. He attended the public school, the headmaster being the late Mr. 'Cocky' Lambert, and only recently, displayed a school prize certificate bearing the late Mr. Lambert's signature. Meeting with an accident in his youthful days, deceased was forced to live a retired life. He was, however, a familiar figure about the business section of the town, in which he had many friends. The late Mr. Cornish was an intelligent conversationalist and a widely read man, and highly esteemed and respected. He is survived by a ber, Mr. Brit Cornish, one of the town's best known business men, to whom sincere sympathy is extended. The funeral took place to the Church of England portion of the Gulgong cemetery on Good Friday, Rev. H. W. Ellis officiating. The arrangements were carried out by Mr. D. Whale (Gulgong Motor Funerals). Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 8 April 1948, p. 10. Obituary Henry Cornish


DEATH Our sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved occasioned by the death in the Gulgong District Hospital on Thursday last of Mr. Henry (Ben) Cornish. Burial took place in the Church of England portion of the Gulgong Cemetery on Good Friday. A full report will appear in our next issue. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 1 April 1948, p. 10. Obituary Henry Cornish

Death of a sonBritson Cornish
13 February 1953
Note: Gulgong Poorer for Death of Mr. Brit Cornish

Gulgong Poorer for Death of Mr. Brit Cornish Gulgong is the poorer for the death at his home, Fitzroy Street, on February 13, of Mr. Britson Cornish, who was in business in the town as a tailor for over 50 years. Born at Home Rule, deceased was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cornish. His father was a tailor, but gave up the trade to go in pursuit of the yellow metal when the gold rush broke out at 'the Rule.' After his father's death, some 72 years ago, his mother became licensee of the old Belmore Hotel - delicensed many years ago - disposing of it after a short period to the late Mr. Mat Bennett's father (long since deceased). Brit. attended school in Gulgong, a Mr. Cosgrove being the headmaster. One of Brit's first jobs was as an employee of Mr. Bill Lee in a flour mill on a site near Tuxford's dam in the town; his wages being 2/6 per week. Mr. Frank McNally taught him the tailoring trade, and when the American Fleet visited Australia, Brit went to Sydney to take tailoring lessons. He studied trade magazines and fashion trends, returning to Gulgong to set up business as a tailor. He was very industrious and liked his work - it became and remained part of his life. He took a great pride in every piece of cloth he handled; making evening coats and frocks, suits for the working community as well as high-class articles. His shop was near Mr. J. J. Dowd's offices in Herbert Street prior to his moving to the present premises in Mayne Street he had occupied for so many years. The latter premises were acquired from a jeweller named McDonough. Brit. Cornish was an institution in the town. His genial manner and outstanding characteristics appealed to everyone. Every member of the community has lost a splendid friend. If ever there was a genuine, lovable and highly respected business man it was Brit. Cornish. He will always be remembered as an able local authority on the history of the town and the world in general, and on many other subjects, such as bush nature, the stars, the poets, the parliamentarians and public notables - for he was a well read man. In all the years of his business career, Brit. never made an enemy; on the contrary he attracted to himself a host of friends. Although he did not take a prominent part in public life, he was always willing to assist the various worthy movements and public organisations in the town. Local residents could not fail to have a high regard for one who could in a calm and quiet way discharge his citizenship responsibilities. He was beloved by all. During his illness, the late Mr. Cornish was sadly missed. After a service in St. Luke's Church, the funeral took place to the Church of England portion of the Gulgong cemetery on the Saturday, Rev. S. Carr officiating. Deceased is survived by his wife (nee Miss Ellen Miller, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Miller), a son (John, Gulgong) and a daughter (Nurse Betty Cornish, Sydney). Mrs. J. Cross, snr., of Fitzroy Street, is a sister. Bers, Ben and George, died some years ago. Our sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 26 February 1953, p. 10. Obituary Britson Cornish

Family with Henry Cornish
Marriage Marriage1873
1 year
Birth: 1873
Death: 13 February 1953Fitzroy Street, Gulgong, New South Wales, Australia
4 years
3 years