Mary H Carmichael, 1859

Mary H /Carmichael/
Given names
Mary H
Birth 1859

Birth of a brotherWilliam J Carmichael
23 May 1860 (aged 1 year)

Birth of a brotherSamuel Carmichael
1862 (aged 3 years)

Birth of a sisterCatherine Carmichael
1864 (aged 5 years)

Birth of a brotherJohn Carmichael
1867 (aged 8 years)

Birth of a sisterJennette Carmichael
1869 (aged 10 years)

Birth of a brotherJames M Carmichael
1871 (aged 12 years)

Birth of a sisterHelen Ann Carmichael
1875 (aged 16 years)

Birth of a sisterAnn Carmichael
1877 (aged 18 years)

Birth of a sisterEdith Eveline Carmichael
1879 (aged 20 years)

Birth of a sisterBertha M F Carmichael
1882 (aged 23 years)

Death of a fatherJames Carmichael
4 April 1907 (aged 48 years)

Note: The Late Mr. Jas. Carmichael.

The Late Mr. Jas. Carmichael.

Referring to the death of the late Mr. James Carmichael, which took place on last Thursday evening at the residence of his son, Mr. W. Carmichael, a correspondent writes the following, which may prove interesting, not only to his immediate relatives, but to the poor old man's numerous friends: In the first place, Mr. 'Jimmy' Carmichael, as he was familiarly known, had attained the ripe age of 79 years at the time of his decease, and was a native of Perthshire, Scotland, and it is just half a century ago since he landed on Australia's shores, being for almost the whole of that period a resident of Mudgee, where he followed the avocation of a contractor, in which position he always showed to the best advantage. The deceased leaves a wife and family of six daughters and four sons, three of the former and three of the latter being married, prominent among whom is Mr. Will Carmichael, now following in his father's footsteps as a contractor, and, 'like father, like son,' he is executing his duties to the utmost satisfaction of all. The late James Carmichael was buried on Saturday last in the Presbyterian portion of the General Cemetery, the funeral being largely attended. The coffin was covered with beautiful floral wreaths from his friends. The Rev. J. Nairn officiated at the graveside, prior to which a portion of the burial service was read in deceased's son's house. The rev. gentleman made an impressive reference to the peaceful passing away of deceased. Besides being a good, peaceful citizen, the old man was given to the favorite sport of angling, and, together with his son, Will, made many good 'bags' of fish. Well, the veteran will be missed, especially by the relatives with whom he had for so long a time resided; and your correspondent, having known him intimately for a great number of years joins in extending his heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved wife and family of the deceased.''

Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 11 April 1907, p. 12. James Carmichael Obituary

Death of a motherEllen Barry
September 1912 (aged 53 years)

Note: Death in Sydney.

Death in Sydney.

Mrs. Carmichael, a very old resident of Mudgee, who has been lately residing in Sydney, died in the city late last week. The deceased had been severely ill some time prior to her demise, and no hopes of her recovery were entertained. She was the mother of Mr. William Carmichael, member of the well-known firm of Messrs. Collyer and Carmichael, of Mudgee, and this gentleman, who has been taking periodical trips to his mother's bedside, went down on Wednesday night of last week to see the old lady. Deceased was nearly 80 years of age, and the greater portion of that time was spent in this town . Her husband died a few years ago. He worked in Mudgee in the early days, being a builder with a reputation. He helped to erect the Mechanics' Institute, the hospital, and other of the great landmarks of old Mudgee, being employed by the then biggest contractor in the west, viz., Mr. Silas Winter. Deceased is survived by 10 children, 25 grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. The remains were interred in the Sutherland cemetery on Tuesday last, Rev. C. W. Willis, late of Mudgee, now of Rockdale, officiating at the graveside.

Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 26 September 1912, p. 28. Ellen Carmichael Obituary

Death of a brotherSamuel Carmichael
1918 (aged 59 years)

Death of a sisterBertha M F Carmichael
1927 (aged 68 years)

Death of a brotherJohn Carmichael
31 May 1939 (aged 80 years)



John Carmichael WORD reached Mudgee yesterday that John Carmichael, brother of Mr. W. Carmichael, of Church Street, died at Narrabeen yesterday. Deceased was 76 years of age, and had been ailing for some time. Two sons in the police force are left to mourn. Mr. W. Carmichael left yesterday to attend the funeral.

Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 1 June 1939, p. 6. John Carmichael Death

Death of a sisterEdith Eveline Carmichael
1940 (aged 81 years)

Death of a brotherWilliam J Carmichael
28 September 1942 (aged 83 years)



late Wm. Carmichael Everyone's Friend By the death of Mr. William James Carmichael, which occurred at Coogee on Monday evening last, Mudgee, has lost one of its oldest and finest citizens. Deceased, who was 83 years of age, resided in Mudgee for practically a lifetime. Some time after the death of his daughter (Lily), about two years ago, he went to reside with relatives at Coogee, but he paid more than one visit to town during that period. "Billy" Carmichael, as he was familiarly known, will long be remembered as a man of outstanding character. During his long and useful life he played many parts, all of them highly creditable. There were very few public activities with which he did not associate himself, and he never failed to pull his weight. In his earlier days he was prominently connected with the military forces, notably the Australian Light Horse, and he had the reputation of being smart and dependable. Another organisation to which he gave his best efforts was the Mudgee Town Band. For a great many years he probably did more than any other member to keep the flag flying, and even to this day his services are recognised. But, perhaps, he was seen at his best in patriotic and charitable endeavor. During the dark days of the last big war he, in company with the late John Workman and other townsmen, performed wonders in the raising of funds. The battle ended, he threw himself enthusiastically into the work of establishing homes for returned men and dependents, and his efforts in this direction will always be remembered with gratitude by those who were assisted at a time when help was so badly needed. He, with other charitably disposed citizens, also played a noble part when the call went forth to assist the needy, and all the older hands will remember with pride the efforts of the voluntary workers in this town. Comfortable homes were erected to house the unfortunate souls who had lost their bread-winners, and he was always foremost among the toilers. Very few Mudgee citizens have been privileged to do more good for their town and fellowmen than "Billy" Carmichael. With such an active disposition, it was only natural that he should interest himself in the sporting life of the town. In the days when football was played as it should be played, he was a fearless and capable exponent of the Rugby code, and his interest in the game never waned. Rarely did he miss a match of any importance, and he had the satisfaction of seeing his sons perform with distinction on many a hard-fought field. He was known, too, to practically every fishing enthusiast in the district. Before the days of the motor, and when roads were mere tracks, he organised parties to distant fishing grounds, and the good comradeship existing among the trippers was proverbial. Even in later years, when the first fires of youth had departed, "Billy" was in his element among the boys, and rarely missed the opportunity of spending a night on the river with his pupils. In between times he played at bowls, and his thoroughness was again evident. It is on record that he never let his club down. If a player was needed to make a hurried trip to other parts, "Billy" Carmichael could be relied upon to rise to the occasion, and more often than not he was the life and soul of the tourists. Some time ago the Mudgee Club honored him with a richly-deserved life membership. In the political field there were few more tenacious fighters than "Billy" Carmichael, and none who made fewer enemies. While the battle raged he threw his whole heart and soul into the conflict, but underhand tactics he despised. He naturally clashed with many of his fellow-townsmen in these engagements, but there was no rancour on his part when the issue was decided. No political warrior can claim a finer record than he, and his memory will be cherished by friend and foe alike. A great-hearted soul has gone from amongst us, and his place in the community will be extremely difficult to fill. He is survived by two sons, Charles and Percy, and to them will be extended the deepest sympathy of the whole community. The remains were brought to Mudgee on Wednesday morning, and the funeral took place to the Presbyterian portion of the general cemetery in the afternoon, the Rev. A. G. Wood performing the last sad rites at the graveside. Messrs. J. C; Swords and Son conducted the arrangements.

Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 1 October 1942, p. 14. William Carmichael Obituary

Death of a sisterCatherine Carmichael
3 November 1963 (aged 104 years)

Note: Death


Gregg, Catherine. - November 3, Private Hospital, Randwick, beloved wife of late J. W. Gregg, loving mother of Violetta (dec’d), Beauford (dec’d), Reginald, Arthur, Gladys (Mrs. Ryan), Ellen (Mrs. Morrow), Eunice (Mrs. Worling), in her 100th year.

Sydney Morning Herald, Wednesday 6 November 1963, p. 56. Catherine Gregg Death

Family with parents
Marriage Marriage1858
2 years
17 months
younger brother
Birth: 23 May 1860
Death: 28 September 1942
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
5 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
4 years
younger sister