Lena Constance Byfield, 18951969 (aged 74 years)

Lena Constance /Byfield/
Given names
Lena Constance
Married name
Lena Constance /Cross/
Married name
Lena Constance /Ford/
Birth 1895 38

Birth of a brotherJack Byfield
1897 (aged 2 years)

Marriage of a parentFrederick HutleyEliza Janne DrayView this family
1914 (aged 19 years)

Death of a brotherHarry Hubert Byfield
14 May 1917 (aged 22 years)

Note: Fatal Accident.

Fatal Accident.

We have just been acquainted with the fact that Mr. Harry Byfield, son of Mrs. F. Hutley (nee Byfield), of Borambil, met with a fatal accident with his motor cycle at Stony Pinch, on the Mudgee to Sydney road. He has been country representative for Messrs. Jas. Loneragan, Ltd., of Mudgee, for some time past, and is well and favorably known in this town and district. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 17 May 1917, p. 13. Harry Byfield Death



ON THE RYLSTONE ROAD. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER'S VIOLENT DEATH. A shocking fatality, the victim of which was Mr. Harry Byfield, a commercial traveller employed by James Loneragan, Ltd., of Mudgee, occurred between Mudgee and Rylstone, on Monday afternoon. From such particulars of the accident as are available it appears that Mr. Byfield, whilst coming from Rylstone and Cudgegong, where he had been in the prosecution of his business, on a motor cycle, in some way lost control of the machine as he was coming down Stony Pinch, a notably difficult and dangerous point on the road, between the 16 and 17 mile posts. The machine ran off the road for about 50 yards, and, before it could be righted and placed under control, collided with a telegraph pole. Mr. Byfield was by the force of the impact thrown off the machine and clean over a fence running along the road. The machine itself was so tightly jammed between the fence and the telegraph pole that it has not yet been found possible to extricate it. It is stated that the engine was working for some 20 minutes after the accident, none of the few people present being able to arrest it. Near to the scene of the accident is the homestead of Mr Skinner, Miss Skinner and a Mr. Bert Robbins, who were in the house at the time, heard the crash of the machine against the telegraph pole, and rushed to the scene of the collision. They found the unfortunate cyclist lying beside the machine, unconscious and frightfully injured. The right side of his skull was completely smashed and it is probable that he was even then dead. The news of the accident was conveyed to the Messrs. Loneragan by telephone, and Mr. Edward Loneragran at once communicated with Dr. Lester, who at once proceeded to the scene. He found on his arrival that Mr. Byfield was dead. The body was brought into Mudgee by Mr. J. C. Swords, funeral director. The coroner, Mr. M. J. McMahon, was apprised of the fatality, and has arranged to hold an inquest at 11 o'clock this morning. Mr. Harry Herbert Byfield, the victim of the accident, was the third son of the late Mr. Robert Byfield, of Borambil, Cassilis, and of Mrs. P. Hutley, formerly Byfield, of Cassilis. He was 37 years of age and married, and leaves a wife and two young children. Mrs. Byfield was Miss Minnie Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott, of Merriwa. He had lived in Mudgee since the beginning of the year, and was employed as a commercial traveller by Messrs. James Loneragan, Ltd., merchants of Mudgee, Gulgong and Dunedoo. Immediately prior to coming to Mudgee he represented Edwards and Co., tea merchants, of Sydney, in Muswellbrook and district, and before that was for many years in the employ of Campbell and Co., storekeepers of Muswellbrook and Merriwa. He was a native of the Cassilis district, and was well known and very highly respected throughout the district, and had made many friends in Mudgee during his short residence here. The "Guardian" offers its very sincere sympathy to the wife, children and family who have been so greatly bereaved, under such singularly tragic circumstances. Mr. Byfield was buried on Wednesday afternoon. The funeral left his residence in Market-street, West End, at 2 o'clock. The remains were taken to St. John's Church of England, where the first part of the burial service was read by the Rev. Canon Dunstan, who afterwards officiated at the graveside. The mortuary arrangements were carried out by Mr. J. C. Swords, funeral director, Mudgee. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 17 May 1917, p. 18. Harry Byfield Accident



Harry Byfield, a commercial traveller was found dead on the road about 18 miles from Mudgee. He was riding a motorcycle down a hill and probably lost control of the machine which was found against a telegraph post off the roadway. Byfield had hit the post with his head and sustained injuries which resulted almost in instant death. Muswellbrook Chronicle, Saturday 19 May 1917, p. 1. Harry Byfield Death

Note: Obituary.


General regret was felt in Merriwa when it became known that Mr. H. Byfield had met with a fatal motor accident near Mudgee. Mr. Byfield, until recently, had been representing the firm of Elwards and Co., tea merchants, in this district, and was well known. He leaves a wife and two young children. Mrs. Byfield is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Scott, Merriwa. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 24 May 1917, p. 8. Harry Byfield Obituary

Note: Harry Hubert Byfield; DOB, 1880/12367; DOD, 14 May 1917, 1917/8960; Age, 36; father; acc killed; Son…

Harry Hubert Byfield; DOB, 1880/12367; DOD, 14 May 1917, 1917/8960; Age, 36; father; acc killed; Son of Robert Byfield & Eliza Jane Dray; Spouse, Winifred G Scott, 1907/4975

Trip to Sydney 18 September 1943 (aged 48 years)

Note: Guigong Personal

Guigong Personal Mrs. Cross, wife of Mr. W. R. Cross, accompanied by her daughter Mrs. Ira Nevell and her two children, left for Sydney on Saturday night's train to spend a few days. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 23 September 1943, p. 17. Trip to Sydney

Death of a motherEliza Janne Dray
3 November 1943 (aged 48 years)

Note: Mrs. E. J. Hutley

Mrs. E. J. Hutley

The passing of Mrs. Elizabeth Hutley (known too, as Mrs. Byfield) on Wednesday last was received, with sincere regret, right throughout the Gulgong and Merriwa-Cassilis districts. Aged 86 years, she died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs W. R. Cross, of Herbert Street, Gulgong, after 19 years residence in the town, during which time she was held in the highest regard by all sections of the community. At all times the late Mrs Hutley (married formerly to the late Mr. Byfield) devoted a great deal of attention to her home life, but at the same time found pleasure in performing those kindly acts which so often brought a little more happiness into the lives of others. Her many gracious deeds in years gone by will not easily be forgotten. Prior to interment taking place in the Church of England portion of the Gulgong cemetery on Thursday last, a service was conducted by Revs. R. Douglas (rector) and L. V. Caldwell (late rector, now of Coolah) in St. Luke's Church. The Rev. Mr. Caldwell officiated at the graveside, arrangements being carried out by Mr. D. Whale. The following grown-up family is left to mourn their loss: Messrs Arthur Byfield (Quirindi, late Gulgong), William Byfleld (Merriwa), Jack Byfield ?, ?Roland Byfield (?Merriwa), Mesdames A Aldwell (Merriwa), M. Heard (Gulgong), W. R. Cross (Gulgong). Our sympathy is extended to to bereaved. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 11 November 1943, p. 5. Eliza Hutley Obituary

Death of a sisterLynda Amelia May Byfield
24 August 1944 (aged 49 years)


DEATH Mrs. B. Heard

The sad and sudden death occurred on 24th inst., at her residence in Gulgong, of Mrs. Linda Amelia May Heard, wife of the late Mr. Bert Heard, who predeceased her some 10 years ago, at the age of 58 years. Mrs. Heard will be very much missed as she was noted for the assistance she was always willing to give in the many organisations of which she was a member. She was a devoted member of the Church of England, for which she organised many functions. She leaves four daughters and one son to mourn, viz., Coral (Mrs. Herb Rush, of Two Mile Flat), Lilly (Mrs. Hughes, Lithgow), Laura (Mrs. J. Ritchie, Lithgow), Bob (Lithgow), Bryde (Gulgong). She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byfield, and leaves two sisters, Mrs. A. Aldwell (Ada, Merriwa) and Mrs. W. A. Cross (Connie, Gulgong) and four brothers, Arthur (Quirindi), Will (Merriwa), Rolley (Merriwa) and Jack (Brewarrina). A sad feature of the death of Mrs. Heard was that she had earned a holiday, and was to leave on the Friday night for the city with her daughter, Bryde, who was getting her annual holidays. An impressive service was held in the Church of England, Gulgong, by the Rev. Howard Ellis. The hymn, "Jesus, Lover of my Soul," was sung. The remains were laid to rest in the Church of England portion of the Gulgong Cemetery, Rev. Howard Ellis officiating. There were many nice wreaths from the different organisations of which Mrs. Heard was a member. Funeral arrangements were in the hands of Mr. D. Whale, for Gulgong Motor Funerals. Our sympathy is extended. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 31 August 1944, p. 16. Lynda Heard Obituary

Death of a husbandWalter Rane Cross
18 December 1945 (aged 50 years)


GULGONG DISTRICT NEWS Tragic Death of Mr. Walter R. Cross, Gulgong Business Man A tragedy occurred in Gulgong on Tuesday, December 18, when Mr. Walter R. Cross shot himself dead at the rear of his butchery premises in Herbert Street. It shocked and saddened the whole community, for the late Mr. Cross was very highly respected and was an honest and conscientious business man of many years standing in the town. The grim event was witnessed by his devoted wife and a daughter, Lorna (Mrs. F. Callan), about 4.30 a.m. Deceased had been in ill-health for some time, having been under medical treatment for a nervous condition. It is believed that the troubles and worries of running present-day businesses under the coupon system with restrictions, accentuated his state of nerves and suddenly played on his mind on the tragic morning. The late Mr. Cross was born in Gulgong 58 years ago, and was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. Cross, who, until some years ago, were amongst the best of the older hands of our nearly 80-year-old town. "Watty," as deceased was known to all and sundry, had been in the butchery business for 24 years - first in Herbert Street, then Mayne Street (where he acquired Mr. Gardiner's business), and then again in Herbert Street, where a fine double-storey building (with residence above) was erected to his order. Of a quiet, unassuming nature, "Watty" had friends in all parts of the district. He was highly esteemed, worked hard and, by his honesty of purpose and kindly disposition, upheld the good name of Cross. A home-loving man, he did not take any great interest in public affairs, but gave sympathetic and financial support to a number of organisations and institutions. He was, in the limited time and resources at his disposal, ever ready to do his best for everyone and everything in general. The deepest sympathy is felt for Mrs. Cross, who had been a loving and devoted wife and had assisted him very materially in the conduct of the shop, despite her periodical handicaps of ill-health and the fact that she herself devoted some time to the well-being and care of people in all walks of life. Prior to the long cortege leaving for the Church of England portion of the Gulgong Cemetery, an impressive service was conducted by Rev. Howard Ellis in St. Luke's Church (of which deceased had some years ago been a member of the parochial council). A wealth of floral tributes covered the coffin and packed the interior of the hearse. Arrangements were carried out by Gulgong Motor Funerals (Mr. D. Whale). Deceased is survived by a widow (nee Miss Connie Byfield, of Cassilis) and two daughters, Mesdames Ira (Hilda) Nevell, of Turill; and Fred, (Lorna) Callan, wife of Cpl. Callan, R.A.A.F., Sydney. The Gulgong "Advertiser" joins with relatives and friends in offering deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. Coroner's Inquest. - An inquest was conducted by the District Coroner (Mr. Roy Brigden) on December 22, when he found that deceased met his death by suicide while temporarily insane. Mudgee Guardian, Wednesday 10 January 1945, p. 16. Death, Walter Cross

Burial of a husbandWalter Rane Cross
1945 (aged 50 years)
Death of a brotherArthur Robert Byfield
22 August 1945 (aged 50 years)

Note: Obituary



The death occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Anderson, of Quirindi, of Mr. Arthur Robert Byfield, eldest son of the late Mrs. E. J. Byfield, at the age of 70 years. The late Mr. Byfield was a resident of Gulgong for a few years. He was for a time caretaker of the Gulgong Golf Links, where his services were appreciated. His quiet way and courteous manner, won for him a number of friends, all of whom will learn with regret of his demise. The funeral took place in Merriwa on Friday morning last. His wife pre-deceased him by about five years. He leaves six daughters and one son, viz., Maude (Mrs. Anderson, Quirindi) , Laura (Mrs. Anderson, Quirindi), Gladys (Mrs. R. Wicks, Merriwa), Ruby (Mrs. Miller, Newcastle), Rita (Mrs. Blayden, Quirindi), Doris (Mrs. Lawler, Merriwa), and Arthur (A.I.F.). Mrs. W. R. Cross, Gulgong, and Mrs. A. Aldwell, Merriwa, are sisters, and William and Roland, Merriwa, and Jack, Brewarrina, are brothers. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved.

Death of a brotherWilliam Alfred Byfield
1962 (aged 67 years)

Death of a brotherJack Byfield
18 September 1964 (aged 69 years)

DEATHS MR. J. BYFIELD The death occurred of Mr. Jack Byfield, aged 67, at the Prince Henry Hospital, Sydney last Friday, September 18. Mr. Byfield resided at Bourke Street, Brewarrina. His wife, who survives him, was Miss Mary Haynes, and is well known in the district. Also surviving him are three children, Robert, Noel and Constance. The funeral took place yesterday (Tuesday) after a service at the Church of England, Ulan, for theUlan Cemetery. Messrs. Eastaugh and Carroll, Funeral Directors of Mudgee and Gulgong had charge of funeral arrangements. Mudgee Guardian, Wednesday 23 September 1964, p. 2. Jack Byfield Obituary

Death of a sisterLaura Ada Maud Byfield
1965 (aged 70 years)

Death 14 April 1969 (aged 74 years)


Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Ira Nevell and Mrs. F. Callen on the death of their mother, Mrs. C. Ford, who died in the Mudgee Hospital recently. Mrs. Ford, formerly Mrs. Wally Cross of Gulgong, was very well known in the district. Mudgee Guardian, Friday 25 April 1969, p. 10. Lena Ford Death

Note: Death


FORD, Lena Constance. - April 14, 1969, at Mudgee District Hospital, late of 40 George Street, Mudgee, wife of the late Thomas Henry Ford, of Harbord and Newcastle. Sydney Morning Herald, Monday 28 April 1969, p. 21. Lena Constance Ford Death

Burial 1969 (0 after death)
Note: Former wife of Walter Rane Cross
Family with parents
Marriage Marriage1874
2 years
elder brother
1 year
elder brother
4 years
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
3 years
Birth: 1895 38
Death: 14 April 1969Mudgee District Hospital, Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia
3 years
younger brother
Birth: 1897 40
Death: 18 September 1964Prince Henry Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Mother’s family with Frederick Hutley
Marriage Marriage1914
Family with Walter Rane Cross
Birth: 1887 28 29
Death: 18 December 1945
Birth: 1895 38
Death: 14 April 1969Mudgee District Hospital, Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia
Family with Private
Birth: 1895 38
Death: 14 April 1969Mudgee District Hospital, Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia
Trip to Sydney

Guigong Personal Mrs. Cross, wife of Mr. W. R. Cross, accompanied by her daughter Mrs. Ira Nevell and her two children, left for Sydney on Saturday night's train to spend a few days. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 23 September 1943, p. 17. Trip to Sydney



Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Ira Nevell and Mrs. F. Callen on the death of their mother, Mrs. C. Ford, who died in the Mudgee Hospital recently. Mrs. Ford, formerly Mrs. Wally Cross of Gulgong, was very well known in the district. Mudgee Guardian, Friday 25 April 1969, p. 10. Lena Ford Death



FORD, Lena Constance. - April 14, 1969, at Mudgee District Hospital, late of 40 George Street, Mudgee, wife of the late Thomas Henry Ford, of Harbord and Newcastle. Sydney Morning Herald, Monday 28 April 1969, p. 21. Lena Constance Ford Death


Former wife of Walter Rane Cross