George Shearman, 18551927 (aged 72 years)

George /Shearman/
Given names
Birth 1855

Birth of a brotherRobert Shearman
1861 (aged 6 years)

MarriageSarah SkinnerView this family
1882 (aged 27 years)

Death of a sisterSusannah Shearman
1883 (aged 28 years)

Birth of a sonErnest G B Shearman
1886 (aged 31 years)

Birth of a daughterSusannah May Shearman
1887 (aged 32 years)

Birth of a sonHerbert Shearman
1890 (aged 35 years)

Birth of a daughterEthel M Shearman
1892 (aged 37 years)

Birth of a daughterAlma Victoria Shearman
1896 (aged 41 years)

Birth of a daughterSarah I Shearman
1898 (aged 43 years)

Marriage of a childReginald NivenAlma Victoria ShearmanView this family
7 June 1919 (aged 64 years)
Note: Wedding.

Wedding. NIVEN - SHEARMAN. A quiet wedding was celebrated at St. Phillip's Church, Church Hill, Sydney, on June 7, by the Rev. Canon Billinghame, when Alma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Shearman, of Mebul, was married to Reginald, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Niven, of Spring Ridge, Gulgong. The bride, who was given away by Mr. C. M'Govern, was gowned in a cream tricotine costume and hat to tone, and carried an Early Victorian posy of hyacinths and sweet peas. Miss K. Webber, of Burwood, was bridesmaid, and wore a becoming costume of powder blue gabardine and black velvet hat. Lieut. Howard was best man. The reception was afterwards held at the Hotel Carlton. The honeymoon was spent on the South Coast. Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 19 June 1919, p. 15. Niven Shearman Wedding

Note: Weddings

Weddings NIVEN - SHEARMAN A quiet wedding was celebrated at St. Phillip's, Church Hill, Sydney, by the Rev. Canon Bellingham, when Miss Alma Shearman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Shearman, Mebul, was married to Mr. Reginald Niven, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Niven, Spring Ridge, Gulgong. The bride, who was given away by Mr. C. M'Govern, was gowned in a cream tricotine suit with a hat to tone, and carried an early Victorian posy of hyacinths and sweet peas. Miss K. Webber, Burwood, was bridesmaid, and wore a costume of powder-blue gabardine and black velvet hut. Lieut. Howard was best man. The reception was afterwards hold at the Hotel Carlton, and subsequently Mr. and Mrs. Niven left for their honeymoon, which was spent down the South Coast. Sun, Sunday 29 June 1919, p. 15. Niven Shearman Wedding

Marriage of a childWilliam S LettSarah I ShearmanView this family
1919 (aged 64 years)

Death 4 January 1927 (aged 72 years)

In Memoriam 5 January 1928 (1 year after death)

Note: In Memoriam

In Memoriam

SHEARMAN. - In fond memory of my dear uncle, George Shearman, who died on 4th January, 1927. You are not forgotten, uncle dear, Nor will you ever be; As long as life and memory last I will remember thee. (Inserted by his fond niece, Edie Skinner, Goolma).

In Memoriam

SHEARMAN. - In sad but loving memory of my dear ber and my uncle, George Shearman, who passed away at Mudgee, January 4th, 1927. The end was sudden, the shock severe, We little thought his death so near; To God alone his pain was known - He loved him, and He took him home. (Inserted by his loving ber Robert, and niece Nellie Shearman, Goolma).

In Memoriam

SHEARMAN. - In loving memory of my dear husband and our dear father, George Shearman, who departed this life January 4th, 1927, aged 71 years. It's a sad day to remember. But a day we do recall; When we lost our dear husband and father The truest friend of all. (Inserted by his loving wife, S. Shearman, and sons William and Herbert).

In Memoriam

SHEARMAN. - In loving memory of our dear father, George Shearman, called home January 4th, 1927 All who have a father Love him while you may; You never know his value Until he is taken away. (Ever remembered by his loving daughter and son-in-law, Ina and Bill Lett. and grandchildren. - Spring Ridge).

In Memoriam

SHEARMAN - Sacred to the loving memory of our dear father, George Shearman, who entered into rest January 4th, 1927. We often dream we see you father, And kiss your loved brow; But in our aching hearts we know We have no father now. (Sadly missed by his loving daughter and son-in-law, Alma and Charles Niven, and grandchildren - Spring Ridge).

Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 5 January 1928, p. 23. In Memoriam George Shearman

Family with parents
Marriage Marriage
elder sister
3 years
elder sister
12 years
7 years
younger brother
Family with Sarah Skinner
Marriage Marriage1882
5 years
2 years
Birth: 1887 32
Death: 17 August 1976Mudgee District Hospital, Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia
4 years
3 years
Birth: 1892 37
Death: 6 June 1983
5 years
Birth: 1896 41
Death: 26 November 1986
3 years
In Memoriam

In Memoriam

SHEARMAN. - In fond memory of my dear uncle, George Shearman, who died on 4th January, 1927. You are not forgotten, uncle dear, Nor will you ever be; As long as life and memory last I will remember thee. (Inserted by his fond niece, Edie Skinner, Goolma).

In Memoriam

SHEARMAN. - In sad but loving memory of my dear ber and my uncle, George Shearman, who passed away at Mudgee, January 4th, 1927. The end was sudden, the shock severe, We little thought his death so near; To God alone his pain was known - He loved him, and He took him home. (Inserted by his loving ber Robert, and niece Nellie Shearman, Goolma).

In Memoriam

SHEARMAN. - In loving memory of my dear husband and our dear father, George Shearman, who departed this life January 4th, 1927, aged 71 years. It's a sad day to remember. But a day we do recall; When we lost our dear husband and father The truest friend of all. (Inserted by his loving wife, S. Shearman, and sons William and Herbert).

In Memoriam

SHEARMAN. - In loving memory of our dear father, George Shearman, called home January 4th, 1927 All who have a father Love him while you may; You never know his value Until he is taken away. (Ever remembered by his loving daughter and son-in-law, Ina and Bill Lett. and grandchildren. - Spring Ridge).

In Memoriam

SHEARMAN - Sacred to the loving memory of our dear father, George Shearman, who entered into rest January 4th, 1927. We often dream we see you father, And kiss your loved brow; But in our aching hearts we know We have no father now. (Sadly missed by his loving daughter and son-in-law, Alma and Charles Niven, and grandchildren - Spring Ridge).

Mudgee Guardian, Thursday 5 January 1928, p. 23. In Memoriam George Shearman